Is the Emotion Roadmap emotional?
Charles Wolfe
CEO at Charles J. Wolfe Associates, LLC Results Driven Firm based on an Emotionally Intelligent Approach to Leadership
If you are interested in learning more about the Emotion Roadmap please join me for the online live webinar scheduled in September or you can join me in beautiful southeastern Connecticut during the height of the leaves changing color.!current-workshops-and-events/igs05
As the creator of the Emotion Roadmap I have been struck by how often people who learn about it and talk about it with me refer to it as the "Emotional" Roadmap. I believe this happens because people often think that anything to do with emotions is "emotional."
Recently I had a conversation with someone that had listened to a webinar I just did for HCI (Human Capital Institute) and she thanked me graciously for paving the Emotional Roadmap. She is interested in attending the MSCEIT and Emotion Roadmap certification program I am running with John Pellitteri. The compliment was lovely. However I saw in her note that she had said emotional roadmap. I wrote back to her, thanked her for her kind words about how much she enjoyed the webinar and also to let her know that it was The Emotion Roadmap, not Emotional. When she replied she wrote that she appreciated the feedback and she added "Though I think that the roadmap can be emotional too...:)"
My response to her led to this blog post.
And to further our discussion - a person using the Roadmap is emotional while the roadmap is just a map :). Continuing the metaphor of a roadmap - when I use google maps for driving and I see a lot of red on the map on my journey, the map looks emotional but it is simply reporting the data that tells me there is a lot of traffic on my route. I don’t think the map feels anything. But when I see the red on the map I certainly feel some emotion. I know that it is going to be hard to get where I want to go because of the traffic. Lots of traffic represents challenging obstacles.
I believe that is true about the Emotion Roadmap as well. Sometimes, even though we know how we are feeling and how we want to change our feelings to something more ideal, we realize there is a lot of “traffic” or “obstacles” in our path, and so our journey will be possible, but difficult. Other times the map looks quite green and we have somewhat smooth sailing to get to our destination. So the map may not be emotional but looking at it we certainly are!
I hope you get to experience the value being added to others people's lives as they learn about their own individual emotional intelligence abilities and how to use the Emotion Roadmap to navigate the whitewater of all the challenges surrounding each of us in today's environment!