Emotion Leads To Actions
Video Creators
Next Level YouTube Strategy for Your Next Million Subscribers. Guaranteed.
We've all seen the romantic movies where the movie climaxes when the main character is overcome by emotion and leaves in the middle of a big business deal to go stand in the rain and pledge his love to the unlikely love of his life (or something along those lines). But basically Hollywood has taught us that the bigger the emotion, the bigger the reaction, right?
Well, that's true for YouTube too! If you want your viewers to take action because of the content they watch from you, it will only happen because you elicit an emotion from your viewer. The bigger and deeper the emotion, the bigger action they’ll take.
A few months ago I heard Tamsen Webster speak at a conference about this topic and thought, “I need to get her on a podcast episode to talk more about this!” And today that's exactly what we did.
The Logic of Emotion
We often assume that logic and emotion are in opposition. But it turns out that emotion is the result of logic. You just aren't consciously aware that it is happening. So how can you use this to help you on your channel?
Most creators think "Subscribe to my channel because I'm a channel about ________." But the thing is, there's about 8 trillion channels about _______ out there. Why should they subscribe to yours?
Tamsen doesn't believe the saying, "People don't buy what you do. They buy why you do it." Instead she believes that, "They buy why you do, what you do, the way that you do it." And we totally agree. So let's start here.
So you can't just say, "I'm a channel about _____." You need a "minimal viable message." This is 140 characters or less talking about something your audience wants via a means they don't expect. This will spark curiosity, the first level of emotion. Let's break it down.
What you Do
So what does your audience want? Videos about ______, of course. But what is the question that your audience is constantly asking that your channel is answering? Figure this out.
The Way you Do It
The next step is to spark that curiosity. So most people on YouTube or in life approach your topic like this or think about it from this aspect. But you are going to approach it like this or focus on this instead. What is that?
Why you do it that way
Now why? Why are you focusing on this instead? What is the truth behind this being the better way. This will bring the "ah ha moment." Which is another, deeper emotion.
Now, you won't get everyone to agree with you all along this way and that's ok. Because you are going to get those people who do agree to buy in completely.
Ok but....
Now, some of you may thinking: Ok, but I just make videos about taxes or spreadsheets. There's nothing intriguing in here. I just want to teach my viewers something simple. Our question to you would be, "So why did you start making videos?" There are probably other videos out there of people explaining spreadsheets. What compelled you to make more? What did they not do that you are doing?
You do it the way that you do it for a reason. What you do might not be unique, but the way that you do it might be. And even if it isn't, the reason that you do it or the story behind why you do it that way is! Every person is coming from their own unique background and situation and you need to tap into that.
How to Use it
You don't have to go through your whole creation story in every single video, but people need to hear at the bare minimum the reason behind your why when you are explaining your how. This minimal viable message needs to feel like an underlying message in everything you do. It will set you apart and elicit that emotion.
Story Structure
Your video is logical but the story structor or the order that you share your information creates emotion. It can create curiosity, discomfort, hope, joy, surprise, intrigue and resolution. If you think through this ahead of time, you will be able to elicit more of those emotions and therefore make deeper connections and get the reactions you desire. (- Maybe not a proposal in the rain, but a subscriber will suffice.)
Finding Your People
I know, I know. All of this feels like a lot of work in the begin, but once you figure it out everything else starts to make sense. There is a shift. You aren't trying to project what you wish you were, but instead you are settling into who you really are. It takes self-awareness and vulnerability. It's scarier, but the other way is not sustainable.
Just remember, you are focusing on making it easier for the right people, your people, to find you. That doesn't come from being who you wish you were. It comes from being who you really are.