The Emotion of Creating the Future

The Emotion of Creating the Future

Imagine holding a new book, ready to dive into its pages filled with ideas and stories.

As you walk through the pages, you are being guided. Books and movies, for example, are guides for our senses. During your favorite movie, the director constantly tries to stir your emotions.

In a book, the first thing that catches your attention is the cover, with intriguing art and a title in an elegant and legible font.

This design choice is already beginning to arouse your curiosity and anticipation for what is to come. Isn’t it?

Upon opening the book, you are greeted by a well-organized layout, with generous spacing between lines and ample margins, creating a feeling of lightness and clarity.

The experience needs to be as comfortable as possible, so you don’t get distracted or wish for other things.

The fonts chosen are easy to read, with an appropriate size that doesn’t require effort to decipher the words and understand the message.

These design decisions, from aesthetics to strategy, not only facilitate the understanding of the text but also make the reading experience more enjoyable and inviting.

As you dive into the words, you notice the care and intention behind the writing.

The author skillfully combines ideas and concepts in a fluid and engaging manner, guiding you through a constant ‘I want more of this’ journey.

The choice of words, the rhythm of the narrative, and the structure of the text are all design elements that work together to captivate your attention and stimulate your imagination.

The richer and more engaging this combination, the more powerful the sensory trap that holds our attention.

Furthermore, the visual design of the book is complemented by evocative images and carefully selected colors, which further enrich the sensory experience.

Every element — from the choice of photographs to the color scheme of the page — was thought out to amplify the message of the text and evoke specific emotions in you.

As you progress in reading, you realize how every aspect of the design — from layout to writing style — is contributing to shaping your experience and influencing your emotions.

You feel engaged, inspired, and above all, comfortable in the company of this book.

And it is this comfort, this feeling of being completely immersed in the reading experience, that makes you want to repeat this experience again and again.

When applied with care and consideration, design can transform a simple page of text into an unforgettable journey of discovery and learning.

This is the power of design — not just to create something beautiful to look at, but rather something that generates positive sensations and invites us to make new and better choices.

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” — Maya Angelou

Design, when applied wisely, has the extraordinary power to connect us with reality in ways that transcend our conventional perceptions.

By creating layers of meaning and experience, design allows us to explore and understand the world around us in deeply enriching ways.

These layers of perception not only expand our senses but also awaken in us a new desire to seek richer and more meaningful experiences.

When we engage with a well-crafted design, we are taken on a sensory and cognitive journey that invites us to explore beyond the boundaries of the known.

Every meticulously considered detail, every carefully designed interaction, leads us to discover new facets of reality and to understand the underlying complexities that often go unnoticed.

It’s like reconfiguring the senses to see beyond the obvious, revealing nuances and subtleties that were once hidden from our perception.

This amplification not only provides us with a greater understanding of the world around us but also offers us opportunities for learning and personal growth.

By engaging with designs that challenge our assumptions and expand our horizons, we are encouraged to question, explore, and experience life in new ways.

This leads us to new discoveries, insights, and perspectives that enrich our lives and empower us to face challenges with greater clarity and understanding.

However, it is crucial to recognize that the power of design also comes with great responsibility.

As we become more aware of the impact design can have on our lives, it is imperative that we use it with caution and discernment.

Superficial and empty design, which prioritizes aesthetics over substance, risks alienating, manipulating, or even harming those who experience it.

Therefore, when designing futures, we must be aware of the delicate balance between creativity and responsibility, ensuring that our efforts contribute to the building of a fairer, more inclusive, and sustainable world.

Throughout the day, you interact with a variety of devices and technologies, from your smartphone to artificial intelligence applications that help you manage your tasks.

In each case, you realize how design influences the experience and affects your ability to engage with the world around you. Devices and interfaces that are designed with attention to the user are easier to use, more enjoyable to interact with, and more likely to improve your quality of life.

This illustrates the importance of design in creating futures centered on the human figure, even in a scenario where artificial intelligence plays an increasingly prominent role.

By paying attention to design at every stage of the creation process, we can ensure that the technologies of the future are accessible, inclusive, and transformative for all.

By doing so, we can build a world where technology not only serves us but also emancipates us and empowers us to reach our full potential as human beings.

In a world that is transforming without asking for permission, the responsibility to generate knowledge transcends the boundaries of schools, companies, and families.

It is a responsibility shared by society as a whole, which requires a collective commitment to education, innovation, and human development.

Within schools, it is essential to cultivate an environment that stimulates curiosity, critical thinking, and collaboration.

Curricula should be designed not only to convey information but also to teach essential skills, such as problem-solving, effective communication, and creative thinking, including emotional competencies.

Educators have the delicate and crucial role of inspiring students to question, explore, and discover, preparing them for the challenges and opportunities that the future always holds.

In companies, collaboration to generate sensitive knowledge is fundamental to driving innovation and progress.

Business leaders must cultivate an organizational climate that values continuous learning and the exchange of ideas, encouraging employees to contribute, safely, with their diversity of experiences and unique perspectives.

By promoting collaborative and inclusive environments, companies can leverage a unique potential to create innovative solutions that generate prosperity for the business and society where it is planted.

Within families, the role of parents and caregivers is fundamental in shaping character and building fundamental values.

It is important to cultivate an environment where open dialogue and expression of ideas are encouraged, allowing children to develop a sense of identity and autonomy, to grow without harmful prejudices.

By teaching and stimulating critical thinking and empathy skills, parents can empower their children to become responsible and conscious citizens.

In all these contexts, it is fundamental to recognize the central role of the human element in creating sustainable and integrated futures.

In an increasingly technology-driven world, it is important to remember that it is human minds, both biological and artificial, that shape the course of events.

Therefore, we must collaborate to build bridges between different perspectives and experiences, harnessing the power of technology to broaden our understanding of ourselves, the world around us, and, most importantly, the future we can build together.

Thus, integral and sustainable happiness will be possible, based on ideas built in collaborative and inclusive environments.

Only through the union of all minds, biological and artificial, can we achieve the full potential of humanity and create a future truly worth living.

If the future were a book or a movie, how could we edit it?

Most of us don’t pay much attention, but at the end of movies and books, there are credits in an immense list with the names of the people who were part of the construction of that work.

Each one, in many ways, contributed, no matter how small, and that made all the difference to the final result.

The quality of any human creation depends on the diversity of its sources of inspiration.

When we talk about ‘designing futures’, in the midst of the digital revolution, we are faced with the challenge of scripting the ideas that will shape each of the emotions we will feel in a time that has not yet arrived.

In the end, we are only what we experience and feel. Is that so?

The human being is what he feels, and that is what drives us to continue living new and better emotions.

That’s why human creativity is so valuable, like a passport that takes us through time, recording everything that ‘catches our eye’, to serve as seasoning in the next creative adventure.

The term thaumazein (from the Greek θαυμ?ζειν) means admiration, perplexity, and wonder that the world can cause. It is that initial impulse of philosophy, an invitation to savor the knowledge that everyone can access, through the questions that always change our journey to the future.

Those who know me know that I don’t believe in the future.

For me, as I’ve said many times, the present is the eternal friction between the past and the future, and the sparks generated we can use or not to illuminate the path.

The present is every moment that these sparks ignite.

But, it depends on how in awe, perplexed, and amazed we are with the world. Our emotions always give name and meaning to each of these sparks.

#Let’sCreateFutures, TODAY!

Wouldn’t it be exciting?


There are many more insights on Creative Innovation, Leadership and Technology, Entrepreneurship, and the future of Education and Work on my article shelf; Don't forget to check out my books on Amazon; and if you want to hire my coLAB's (Collaborative Innovation Labs) or lectures, just get in touch.



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