Emotion Analysis with Artificial Intelligence: A New Era in Recruitment Processes
Recruitment processes are some of the most critical decision-making moments for companies. However, traditional recruitment methods often rely on subjective evaluations, and it can be difficult to accurately analyze candidates’ emotional intelligence or behavioral traits. This is where artificial intelligence (AI) and emotion analysis technologies come into play. AI-driven emotion analysis offers significant opportunities for companies to make recruitment processes more efficient, objective, and accurate. So, how is this technology transforming recruitment processes, and how is it impacting examples from both Turkey and around the world?
Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence and Emotion Analysis
Artificial intelligence plays a revolutionary role in understanding human behavior due to its ability to analyze large datasets and recognize patterns. Emotion analysis, on the other hand, is a technology designed to extract individuals’ emotional states from written or spoken expressions. This technology uses language, facial expressions, tone of voice, and text analysis to assess someone’s current mood, stress levels, confidence, or motivation. In recruitment processes, emotion analysis can be applied to candidates’ video interviews, phone interviews, or written applications, enabling an assessment of their emotional intelligence and suitability for the job.
The Role of AI-driven Emotion Analysis in the Recruitment Process
In traditional recruitment processes, interviews often focus solely on technical knowledge and experience. However, measuring candidates’ suitability based only on technical knowledge may not be sufficient to predict their long-term success. Emotional intelligence, stress management skills, teamwork ability, and empathy levels are also critical for success in the workplace.
AI-supported emotion analysis is becoming an important tool in measuring these factors. During video interviews, candidates’ facial expressions, tone of voice, and overall behavior can be analyzed to gather information about their stress levels or sense of confidence. This enables recruitment experts to make a more comprehensive decision by evaluating not only the candidate’s technical skills but also their personal traits.
Companies Conducting AI-driven Interviews
With the rapid advancement of technology, recruitment processes are undergoing a significant transformation. AI-powered interviews are revolutionizing the workforce by enabling candidates to be evaluated more objectively and quickly. This article will provide an in-depth perspective on companies using AI-driven interviews, the technologies they employ, and how candidates can prepare for these interviews. Examples from major Turkish companies such as Türk Telekom and Turkcell will also be provided.
AI Interviews
AI interviews are a digital version of traditional interviews. In these interviews, AI analyzes what candidates say, their facial expressions, tone of voice, and overall behavior. AI-supported interviews evaluate these factors to assess candidates more objectively. These interviews are typically conducted in video or written interview formats. The use of AI technology in recruitment processes is particularly useful for human resources management. AI analyzes candidates’ responses to offer a more objective evaluation process, minimizing human biases, whether conscious or unconscious (Alrakhawi et al., 2024; Suen et al., 2020).
In AI-driven interviews, the following factors are analyzed (Behn et al., 2024; Güler & ?olak, 2021):
Global and Local Companies Using AI Interviews
How Candidates Should Prepare for AI Interviews
AI-driven interviews require candidates to prepare differently from traditional interviews. Below are some important tips for candidates to prepare for such interviews (Roemmich et al., 2023; Mer, 2023):
Global Examples
There are some notable examples from around the world that have transformed recruitment processes using AI and emotion analysis. In 2020, Chinese tech company ByteDance began using an AI-based emotion analysis system in its recruitment processes. This system analyzed candidates’ video interviews and assessed their suitability for the job more objectively. The analysis focused on facial expressions, tone of voice, and word choice, measuring candidates’ stress levels and interest in the job (Sun et al., 2020). Another example is the video interview platform developed by HireVue, a U.S.-based company. HireVue uses AI and natural language processing technologies to analyze candidates’ video interviews. This system performs emotion analysis based on candidates’ tone of voice, word choices, and facial expressions, supporting recruiters’ decisions. According to HireVue’s research, this technology can make recruitment processes 25% faster and enable more accurate evaluations (HireVue, 2021).
Another example is the platform developed by Pymetrics, based in the UK. This platform uses AI-supported games to analyze candidates’ psychological profiles and emotional intelligence. While playing these games, candidates’ emotional and cognitive responses are analyzed by AI to provide data that can predict their performance in the workplace.
The Situation in Turkey
In Turkey, AI-supported recruitment processes are becoming increasingly widespread. Especially large tech companies and global brands are starting to optimize their recruitment processes by using AI and emotion analysis. Beneva is one of the leading companies in Turkey providing AI and emotional intelligence-based recruitment solutions. Beneva aims to accurately measure candidates’ emotional intelligence and personal traits by conducting AI-supported analyses during video interviews (Beneva, 2022). Moreover, small and medium-sized enterprises in Turkey are also starting to adopt such innovative solutions. Human resources firms are using these technologies to assess not only candidates’ technical skills but also their organizational fit. For instance, Kariyer.net is one of the leading platforms in Turkey for AI-supported recruitment processes. Kariyer.net uses an algorithm that takes into account candidates’ emotional intelligence by analyzing facial expressions and tone of voice. This system accelerates the recruitment process by analyzing candidates’ workplace fit and stress management skills.
The Future of AI-driven Emotion Analysis
AI and emotion analysis technologies are expected to increasingly permeate the workforce, bringing about significant changes in recruitment processes. In the coming years, these technologies are expected to become more widely adopted. These systems will not only analyze candidates’ emotional intelligence but also help companies select employees that fit their corporate culture. Additionally, AI-supported emotion analysis systems will enable HR experts to work more efficiently and reduce biases. This will lead to more accurate and fair recruitment decisions, considering not just technical qualifications but also human factors.
AI-driven interviews ensure that candidates are evaluated objectively and make recruitment processes more efficient. This technology allows HR departments to review applications faster while also minimizing biases in recruitment decisions. Major Turkish companies like Türk Telekom and Turkcell are benefiting from adopting such technologies, speeding up recruitment processes and gaining significant advantages in selecting the right candidates. Candidates preparing for such interviews should not only present their experience and qualifications correctly but also pay attention to technological infrastructure. In video-based interviews,
AI examines emotional intelligence and behavioral traits, so candidates need to be authentic and emotionally intelligent while responding. The future of recruitment is shaped by AI and emotion analysis technologies, bringing both efficiency and objectivity to the recruitment world.
Author: Do?. Dr. Mesut ?ZTIRAK ?
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