Emo the Emotional Elf a Royal special update
Mrs Faye Farmer
Caregiver employed by families. Author of Emo the Emotional Elf out in 2018
HI all today`s update is the elve`s role playing the royal wedding,
to commemorate something beautiful full of love, and acceptance for all, country`s entwined through love, being a spectator to something that will go down in the history book`s for many generations to come. a couple who gave so much of their special day to the public to charity`s, the marriage of two who advocate for disabilities and mental health and so much more.The bride wore a very graceful gown elegant classy and understated it was perfect for her and enhanced her beauty. Their clear love and devotion to each other shone in their eyes and the tiny little looks from the groom to the bride a gentle squeeze of a hand the music the ceromany was young hip and very regal.
the emotions that Megan must of felt in the run up to the wedding no one can probably really understand not having their family surround them unless they have been there.
today our country was one we waved our British flags with pride and no one said we shouldn`t maybe thats because politicians weren`t invited race was no longer an issue for the few short hours, that is what made us a great country before and i hope a great country again.
This is what my books about inclusion for all.
Emo and the farmer family loved that their were people with disabilities included as well. so congratulations to the people and children`s prince and princess welcome Megan to our British family.
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many thanks
and all my love Faye xxx
The guests
The kiss
The dress
The bride and Groom the Duke and Duchess of Sussex
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