Nathalie Croz
Nature : Humain, équivalent aux 8 milliards d’autres humains sur Terre - Mission : Amener l’Unité et la Paix - Je suis qui je suis
From today onwards, let's be efficient, time is running out.
On the heights of Mont Royal – a good omen there too! – in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, is the St Joseph's Oratory where you can admire the sculptures of the 12 apostles by the famous French painter and sculptor Henri Charlier.
Saint Matthias is surrounded by the two apostles who are generally represented together: Saint Jude and Saint Simon.
St Jude Thaddeus is described as courageous, a man of heart, of great tenderness, he is full of humility. He is generally represented with the club which was the weapon of his martyr.
Here he holds his head, thoughtful.
St Simon the Zealot, or Simon the Canaanite, a term which translates as “zealous”, “full of ardour”, or “jealous”. He is generally represented with a saw, which was the weapon of his martyr.
Here he holds a hand over his heart.
St Mathias is the apostle who succeeds Judas to be a “witness of the resurrection”. Mathias or Matthias is Zacchaeus, which means “the Righteous One” in Aramaic. He receives the Holy Spirit, with the others, on the day of Pentecost.
He folds his hands in prayer.
May the doctors of the Church please correct me if I am wrong!
It seems to me that in this representation, the 3 saints describe the Trinity:
? The head: the Father,
? The heart: the Son,
? Prayer in Faith: The Holy Spirit.
It is often reported that St Matthias received additional teaching from Jesus.
I like to imagine that it is about compassion towards Judas, whose place he takes.
Each of us is fallible. Our will flows from Our Creator, and from Him alone.
Thus, Judas betrayed to allow us to witness the Resurrection.
The role of Judas is therefore essential in our journey.
Didn't Jesus say:
“Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone!” ??
With the Ice Saints ending yesterday, we have an indication on the calendar, since it is a question of 40 days, which end precisely for the summer solstice, the full Moon being reached at 3:10 a.m., Saturday June 22.
St Matthias told us this:
“We must resist our flesh, attributing no value to it, and conceding nothing to flatter it, but rather strengthening the elevation of our soul by means of faith and knowledge.”
You understand that the season of Lent was a brief introduction to what awaits us with the summer heat.
Let's see what we can face.
It is said that culture is what remains when we have forgotten everything.
To be honest, like many, I have never had the chance to attend a Shakespeare play.
However, there are cult phrases that we remember amidst everything else.
There is the famous:
“To be or not to be, that is the question. ?
Which we attribute without worry to Hamlet.
It also exists:
" Horse! Horse! My kingdom for a horse! ?
Ignoring this part of British History and remembering the adventurous description of the playwright in “Shakespeare in Love”, I assumed that King Richard III would want to give his entire Kingdom for a Lady.
You will see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_III_(play)
Richard III has all the makings of a toxic manager.
Worse than that: Richard III wants a horse to go and kill his enemy…
Is there a single woman who would squander her livelihood – her Kingdom – to do battle with another man? Of course not!
A woman, in her candid side, could give her Kingdom for love.
This is what is represented by Lady Ann, who serves as a means for Richard III to access the Throne.
That, ladies, it is better to know to fulfil their desires, certain gentlemen are capable of all the manipulation stratagems.
We have some recent examples that we will not mention…
Richard III also intends to manipulate Lady Ann before throwing her away like an old sock, once his goal is achieved!
If luckily, we could confiscate all cell phones upon entering our schools, the younger generation could “vibrate” by playing THEMSELVES, these extremely intense characters.
There is no doubt, after that, that she would be able to recognize an individual with toxic behaviour from the first moment!
And what could be better than a slightly offbeat, slightly fanciful, and also very philosophical professor like the late Robin Williams in “Dead Poets Society”?
Brief! It’s time for our teachers to let loose!
It is desire, curiosity, wonder that must guide the steps of our future generations!
Besides, perhaps it would be time to hunt for our teachers on the market among those who already have experience?
All this brings me to make the transition to the much-missed Queen Elizabeth II who shows us the steps to follow for the education of future generations.
You'll see!
Most of you; at least for the French, I imagine them quite reluctant to the idea of having a Queen.
I wouldn't be able to deny the 10-foot-long face I made when I looked at my pay slip in Belfast...
Go pay my taxes to the Queen!!! Sacrilege…
Well, impossible is not French, obviously! We've seen it, that's what happens anyway.
In this part, we will see the posture of Elizabeth II, and how the study of her reign will allow a certain amount of progress in our country.
1/Her accession to the Throne
Born in 1926, she was not yet 26 when she acceded to the Throne, after the death of her father, King George VI. This is the first filmed coronation in history. It necessarily happens in black and white. It was February 6, 1952.
From memory, it seems to me that a report by Stéphane Bern mentioned the fact that she had felt the power and the weight of responsibilities coming to her gradually upon her accession to the Throne.
According to this great enthusiast of Royalty, she would have been sufficiently shocked and disappointed by the abdication of her uncle, when she was only a child, to develop the Royal posture that we know from her. This made her an essential figure of Royalty during her 70 years of reign – the 2nd longest reign in History after that of Louis XIV (more than 72 years).
She participated in the war effort by enlisting in the Auxiliary Territorial Service as she approached her 18th birthday. Already at the age of 14, she broadcast a radio message of encouragement to the Kingdom.
As strange as it is for a Frenchman after 2 centuries of brainwashing, the Queen is a popular figure.
She was only 13 when she said she fell in love with her future husband, Philip Mountbatten, the prince of Greece and Denmark. The King's advisors and his mother condemn their engagement. He is a prince without a house or a kingdom. However, she married him 8 years later.
The 13 years corresponding to a natural rhythm of emancipation recognized since ancient times, it would be interesting to adapt the learning rhythms of adolescents according to the different crises of life.
2/ Hold the bar
Due to the abdication of her uncle, she was keen to maintain appearances as much as possible throughout the length of her reign.
She still knew, like her father before her, how to modify the rules when it was necessary to relax them, particularly for her 4 children.
There is not an event that she did not face during her life and her reign. She considered the year 1992 an annus horribilis, as it was so difficult in her eyes: separation and divorce of 3 of her children. In her generation, few excuses were valid for divorce, which explains the little name she gave to this year.
Lord Mountbatten cheated on her in their old age. Despite this, she chose appearances.
Not every woman would do it.
Precisely, if we want to gain harmony, it is time to relax the rules.
Many misfortunes occur simply because of a union that is impossible to undo. Some couples wait years before gathering the money necessary for divorce costs, which amplifies their respective discomfort leading to an accumulation of problems:
? Family violence and emotional dependence, leading to great social withdrawal.
? No independent income for women (for the moment, the RSA is correlated to a spouse whereas this is no longer the case for disabled people). Moreover, the amount of the RSA is insufficient to live independently.
? Imposition too favourable to be maintaining the status quo in wealthy families, who also suffer from the same social flaws, male domination.
? Certain divorces lead to great insecurity for single-parent families, the majority of whom are women, who receive almost no assistance and who struggle to find a job. Already, as a couple, they assume a large majority of the hourly parenting load….
? Men find their right to parenthood challenged because of ancestral customs. Divorces often last for years and women take the opportunity to complain, for fear of no longer having the same standard of living.
? Many grandparents never see their descendants again, which deprives them of miraculous healings, like the grandfather of Elizabeth II, who came back to life each time they met her.
? Internationally, cases are almost all lost in advance to the detriment of parents of French nationality.
All these reasons confirm the conclusions of generations of economists wishing to establish a Guaranteed Minimum Income, which would also limit administrative interactions.
Considered far too often intrusive, they bring nothing to former spouses.
It would be much more useful for them to finance therapy and have free time than to fill out the same Cerfa form 3 times.
3/ A Grandmother behind the Queen
Guarantor of the family cement, Queen Elizabeth II, represented the lioness of the British royal family. She would never have tolerated the establishment of differences within her family.
In many ways, she reminded me of my grandmother, who was from an astrological point of view. A real rock, my grandmother. One of these women like our time is rarely found.
Yesterday, I was reading this post about Winston Churchill which made me think of the time of my grandparents, and the educational brilliance they benefited from.
One of the most essential things is the intergenerational bond.
Without a maternal grandmother, children find it difficult to plan.
This is all the truer in France as teachers ask for essays about their experiences, and not about what they imagine doing. They are deprived of continuity.
Of course, grandfathers are also a source of lessons: fishing, cultivating the garden, telling old stories.
It is essential that our country regains its former links if we wish to achieve a mutual education that allows evolutionary convergence.
As customs have followed the American model of relocation, it is appropriate to recreate the link from this perspective.
Beyond the three subjects discussed today, it seems important to me to raise the fact that the masculine character tends towards selfishness, where the feminine tends towards excessive sharing.
However, this selfishness seems more and more devastating for our planet.
There is only one man who could imagine that environmental protection or access to food for his children could be improved, thanks to a QR code or a line of code!
Our great cultural and manual wealth should, in addition to a Guaranteed Minimum Income, allow everyone to develop their best talents. All predispositions combined.
Of course, the machine can help and support many activities.
However, there are so many tasks that are extremely rewarding and useful to other members of our society that everyone could find something suitable for them.
Considering our life changes with serenity would be possible by considering financial and banking relationships from a feminine point of view.
I am obliged to point out the poor level of financial education of our former Presidents.
Men… and French ones at that!
On the one hand, the fact that they are men pushes them to use finances to dominate, where a woman would prefer to invest in the community and improving ties.
On the other hand, being French gives us the reputation of being “good pears”.
Here are the current residents most capable of opening businesses:
? Immigrants or children of immigrants who have no choice but to get by. We should allow them access to French as a Foreign Language.
? Those who naturally know how to sell. In this sense, it would be good to add training, free of course, in all areas linked to an increase in the capabilities of the business manager: coaching, sales, management, etc.
? The Americans who instinctively know how to manage with money (Protestantism) as well as the Chinese with whom it is essential to take your time to get to know them better instead of rushing visits. This last attitude could suggest that we would like to liquidate grandmother's house. QED!
That’s NIET!!! We keep the family jewels!
Thank you for reading.
Now, I don't have any other articles planned.
I'll make sure to list my items for you shortly before I get busy with other tasks.