EMI Solutions Flex Filter Insert— Your Go-To-Solution Against Harmful Electromagnetic Interference.
Are you looking for the most timely solution to protect against harmful electromagnetic interference? You have come to the right place.
EMI filters can be very effective in suppressing electromagnetic noise generated through conduction. They are being used in many industries, from? Industrial to telecommunications to military and aerospace.
There are a variety of options in the market for EMI products. But EMI Solutions has been working in this industry with over 25 years of experience in the EMI market.
Our high quality products with proven reliability – over 2 Million flight hours with 0 failures.? EMI solutions produce the highest quality products under their? AS9100/ISO9001 certification.
EMI Solutions Flex Filter:
EMI Solutions provides you with the unique capabilities of using very cost-effective EMI Flex Filter inserts. They are configured in such a way to easily install into the male pins of Mil-Circular and D-subminiature connectors.?
These EMI Solutions’ inserts provide consistently higher performance in stopping noise compared to any competitor inserts. Another great feature of the Flex Filters is that they can be easily configured for custom filtering on a pin-by-pin basis.
The EMI Solutions Flex Filters are designed to the MIL-STD requirements to operate at the highest possible voltages.
You don't have to worry if you want to use these products under severe conditions because they are created with rugged polyamide substances for higher performance under any type of conditions.? These filters have been proven to pass all aerospace environmental performance requirements.
Special Features
EMI Solutions provides the best services and customers can get:
Our Product Offerings:
EMI Solutions is the only company that manufactures both filtered inserts and filtered connectors.
The different products which can be used for your application include:
Our filtered MIL-Circular products are available with several configuration options ranging from chip capacitors to pi tubes and planar arrays.? Transient Voltage Suppression is also available.??
These are unique filters that are offered in both hermetic and non-hermetic options. They come with the press in and solder in options at various capacitances and voltages.
??These are offered in an assortment of layout and filtering options and can be enhanced with TVS protection capabilities.???
You can order the d-sub filter inserts from the Digikey website. Click the link below: https://www.digikey.com/en/supplier-centers/emi-solutions
Don't wait! Contact EMI Solutions for the fastest path to solving your EMI issues.