Emerging Wellness Trends

Emerging Wellness Trends

Excerpt from Article - 17 Emerging trends making wellness travel even more interesting

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1. Nature Immersion Gateways: Nature trails, hiking, walking along creeks and forest bathing are more demanded in wellness travel. You not only get a fresh dose of Vitamin D but also detox your mind and body.

2. Prevantative Wellness: Preventative wellness retreats assess the health risk factors to maintain a well-balanced life nullifying the effect of stimulant-induced environment.

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3. Active Lifestyle retreats: The most interesting wellness travel trend helping people to come out of the sedentary lifestyle. The retreats seem to be shouting wellness changing the perspective of people normally have towards travel.

4. Painmoons: Recovering from personal loss, grief or break up needs special space and place. Painmoons give that environment where it considers your feelings and allows your emotions to flow naturally without any social taboo.

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5. Divorce retreats: Getting over from separation is not easy. One door has closed and you should try to open another. Calming down the rage, fury, bitterness and all negative emotional flows need a suitable environment too. 

6. Tough and transformative wellness: Feeling lazy or losing drive and motivation? Tough and transformative wellness experience may give you the required push. Indulge yourself in activities like kayaking, paragliding, mountain trekking etc.

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7. Wellness mumcations: Modern mums need to realize that taking a wellness break leavings kiddies and family responsibilities at home is good for them and their families.

8. Menopause retreats: Women prefer taking a wellness break in menopause retreats away from home to find a fruitful solution to mood swings, emotional surges, hot flushes and other physical issues with wellness experts.

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9. Sugar Detox: Is the sugar only in brown and white? What about its camouflaged form in a number of foods that we consume daily? Sugar detox is the next in thing in many 

high-end wellness spas. They make you savvy to spot the hidden sugar in food items that regularly feature in our kitchen shelves.

10. Sleep performance trips: People takes sleep performance trips in special wellness retreats to enhance the quality and duration of sleep.These retreats offer a holistic approach to improve sleep by tweaking lifestyle and providing effective sleep tips to help in maintaining sleep quality.

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11. Tech Detox: Another emerging trend in wellness travel is to get completely detached from tech devices. No calls, no push notifications, no email or message pings. Life can be absolutely peaceful. 

12. The New Middle-Aged Gerationen: The middle aged generation in the age group of 50-70 is stepping out more for wellness travel. The generation is eager to invest more in wellness and health. While aging cannot be reversed, the pace can be reduced.

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13. Fertility trips: Fertility trip is the in thing in wellness travel. Maintaining physical and emotional health is conducive to conception. Partners planning to have a baby are taking up wellness travel to enhance their fertility factor that would help in conception.

14. Silence retreats: Silence retreats where absolute silence prevails are being chosen by wellness travelers. All service person and staff maintain absolute silence and guests are guided to follow a wellness schedule amidst it.

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15. Healthier flights to occupy airspace: Passengers of long haul flights would finally receive a range of wellness treatments. Many reputed airlines are arranging for guided meditation session with Headspace, reduce flying phobia finally allowing you a peaceful sleep aboard.

16. Wellness-centric hotels: Many hotels are providing follow up wellness services even after they head towards home after vacation. Hotels are partnering with different service providers to teach special culinary skills to the travelers which they can continue at home as well.

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17. Budgeting apps to fulfill the wellness travel dreams: Wellness is permeating to people of all categories. Lack of smart financial planning often restricts commoners to pursue their wellness travel dreams. More travelers than ever before are using digital banking tools to save for their wellness vacations.There is a growth in the use of apps like Mint, Acorns, Qapital etc. that help in easy tracking of travel fund.

Please read complete article here - 17 Emerging trends making wellness travel even more interesting


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