Today we’re on the leading edge, looking ahead to the BIG changes that emerging Web3 technology might bring to the human experience.? My guest, Christa Mariah, has a true gift for seeing and synthesizing the interplay of emerging innovations;? In addition, her unique background (including hippie childhood and corporate leadership) informs her wide-angle view of the future and where we are collectively headed.

Christa, what caused you to go from the established corporate landscape into the “pioneering” space of Web3 and the Metaverse??

“Working in the corporate world with CIOs and CISOs (who are officers with responsibility over the IT and cybersecurity decisions of a company) I discovered my passion for learning about emerging tech and understanding how companies and people make decisions.?

“I've always found joy in working with smart, forward-thinking, and positively focused visionaries.”?

What delights you about the Web3 space?

“I love the creativity, the community, and this pure potentiality.

“Web3 gives humanity the ability and the sovereignty to become our own banks, companies, and organizations. We’re building the infrastructure to be able to create beyond any ways that we’ve been able to in the past.”


What are some of the things you see in emerging tech that feel super significant to you?? [Note: these are just bullet point teasers – You can hear Christa unpack each of these concepts (and more!) in the full episode.)???

  • The feminine/yin energy aspects of Web3:? creativity and chaos
  • Quantum: in satellites, internet and computers?
  • Virtual Reality as a way to build strong relationships?
  • The conscious use of human technology in synergy with AI technology
  • How RGB (the computer language of color) could help us all communicate in human language with more nuance and compassion.


This is super exciting to me, but I think it’s also important to acknowledge that not everyone shares that excitement.? Do you have someone you care about who gets anxious about the prospect of humanity’s? intersection with Web3???

If so, please make a special effort to share this newsletter with them. ? Because what I REALLY love about my conversation with Christa is how she envisions the way people can thrive within the new paradigms that are being created. ? ? I’ll close with what she shared when I asked her:? What's one more thing that you want everyone reading this to know?

“Know that you are a super bionic computer. Your body is your avatar. It is amazingly intelligent and connected. Every single human being on this planet, no matter what gender, race, color, or where you were born, we are all innovators. Our role as human beings is to be that connection between the heavens and the Earth, the space, and the ground. Every one of us is important. If we can see that and see these puzzle pieces, then we can come together in a global game. We can solve global problems by playing together.”

To read or listen to the full conversation, just click here:




