Emerging Risks: Ask This;

Emerging Risks: Ask This;

Emerging Risks: Ask This;

TLDR: Ask This;

1. What processes does management have in place to identify emerging risks affecting objectives and the related changes in risk prioritization in a rapidly changing environment?

2. Does the board have access to the information needed to evaluate risks emerging from ESG trends?

3. Is there a process in place to identify emerging risks and to incorporate into your organizations risk management plan?

4. Do you have regular access to the information needed to evaluate risks emerging from environmental and social trends?

5. How are the risks related to emerging markets addressed within your risk management program?

6. What processes are in place to identify emerging risks affecting objectives and the related changes in risk prioritization?

7. Does your organization monitor hazards, share information on potential risks and have an emergency plan of action?

8. Do you have a good understanding of emerging technologies and business trends that are vital for the management of IT risks in a fast changing environment?

9. Are the current risk management systems effective at capturing emerging environmental and social risks and opportunities?

10. Which risk management techniques does your organization use to assess/ model emerging risks?

11. What sources of information do you rely on to understand the potential impacts that an emerging risk may have on your organization?

12. Do all facilities subject to the risk management program regulations have to develop an emergency response program?

13. How can emerging technologies as AI and blockchain improve operational risk management, and how can departments mitigate the risks associated with using technologies?

14. How have you addressed emerging physical and cyber threats into your risk management strategies?

15. Do the risk assessments identify current risks and controls as well as new and emerging risks?

16. Does your team have access to the skills needed to provide emerging risk and control advice?

17. What risks associated with the use of the emerging technology have management considered?

18. Does your organization use or plan to use any emerging technologies in the risk management function?

19. Is the risk register updated throughout the year to reflect changes in risks and emerging risks?

20. What are the emerging issues with a risk dimension which regulators will have to confront?

21. How often do you conduct risk assessments and how are emerging threats or risks taken into account?

22. How can ai be leveraged to improve risk management, as by flagging emerging risks and identifying relevant trends?

23. Have you evaluated and addressed emerging cybersecurity related risks in your risk assessment?

24. How are risk managers responding to emerging risks, and in what ways do emerging risks reshape the risk managers role?

25. Are climate related risks or other emerging risks likely to have a material impact in your organizations specific circumstances?

26. What risks have emerged that need to be addressed and what protocols are in place to report and analyse emerging risks as the situation evolves?

27. How do you use the data that already exists internal and external to your organization to better identify and predict emerging changes in the risk environment?

28. Does your organizations IT strategy include an incident response plan that is evaluated regularly to ensure it addresses new and emerging types of security and privacy risks and breaches?

29. How much tolerance do investors have to adapting that model for emerging markets – how much risk is too much?

30. Does your current risk and compliance function have the appropriate expertise to interpret output from emerging technologies?

31. Has your organization developed a long term climate change management strategy which is resilient to transition and physical risks and emerging opportunities?

32. How does your organization balance the need to take risks to respond to an emergency call for service?

33. Does assurance providers have the skill set and trust to deal with the increased complexity presented by emerging risks and new realities?

34. How robust is your organizations dashboard reporting system in helping management monitor emerging risk conditions?

35. Does the facility develop and implement best management procedures that address risk assessments, action plans, housekeeping, recordkeeping, emergency response and training?

36. Does your organization have a staff well versed in key content and records management areas, including development, best practices, support and emerging technologies?

37. How often does your organization refresh the risks profile including emerging risks identified?

38. How robust and resilient does a given system need to be for the combined and cumulative impact of emerging risks to be contained within the acceptable level of tolerance?

39. How do you sharpen the value and differentiation of your business by using developments in risk analytics to help clients manage the impact of emerging risk trends?

40. Does your organization have a mechanism for adjusting customer authentication, layered security and other controls in response to emerging cyber risks?

41. Is there a process in place to analyze new growth strategies in emerging markets and assess potential international trade risks prior to business decisions being made?

42. What barriers inhibit your organizations ability to understand the impact of emerging risks on business strategy and decisions?

43. How is emerging risk information incorporated into strategic and operational business processes?

44. What is the level of risk your organization is willing to accept in light of the inherent volatility emerging markets present?

45. What barriers inhibit your organizations ability to understand the impact of emerging risks on business strategies and decisions?

46. When asked, how at risk is your organization of disruption by emerging technologies and companies?

47. Have you identified and considered potential emerging risks in your organization that could affect it in the future?

48. Is there an arrangement for risk communication and reporting to ensure that your board is sufficiently engaged on emerging risk issues?



Are the emerging technologies designed to meet current and projected regulatory requirements and support strategic organizational decisions?

Make sure the team engages with management and staff to develop an aggregated and objective view of first line risk exposures, advises business areas on control issues and mitigation decisions, provides a first line review and quality assurance function, and promotes effective information dissemination and transparency of existing and emerging material risks and control issues.?

Should employers test workers who arrive between the emergency order announcement and implementation?

Stay abreast of emerging issues related to Risk Management including third party, business continuity, disaster recovery and other relevant disciplines and incorporate new learning into work processes.?

What are the greatest risks, inherent and emerging, that could keep your organization from achieving its strategic objectives?

Interface so that your group directs staff and initiatives that support business continuity programs, to include incident management and crisis response; business continuity risk identification and analysis; development and oversight of business continuity strategies and plans; exercise and test development and implementation and governance.?

Have you involved emergency response organizations in contingency planning and training for your facility?

Make headway so that your team anticipates the emerging trends in the industry that may affect operations, investment, trading, compliance and risks and work with the management team to formulate strategy and plan to address these trends.?

Are workers aware of the recommended emergency response for the hazardous material being used?

Ensure you work with process owners to identify emerging risks in the internal and external environment and highlight risks to management and recommend effective, efficient risk based solutions.?

Do you monitor reports across functional areas, business units and locations to watch for emerging hot spots and high risk areas?

Make headway so that your company is developing level of business acumen in the areas of business operations, risk management, industry practices and emerging trends.?

Which process is responsible for frequently occurring changes where risk and cost are low?

Be a member of the Commercial Change Management Delivery team, this Support Consultant is responsible for the Change Management operational risk program and for partnering with the relevant stakeholders to identify, assess, manage and mitigate current and emerging risk exposures associated with change activities and operations.?

Are there ways in which existing products and services can be sold via new or emerging channels which might boost sales?

Embed a continuous risk sensing process that uses external and internal sources of data to evaluate and identify revisions and enhancements to the risk management processes to better protect the organization, from emerging risks.?

What should the consequences be if the assessment indicates a high risk of human rights impact?

Be a strategic partner to the leadership team on the management of the portfolio and financials, with deep industry, external internal, enterprise knowledge, recognizing and anticipating emerging trends and identifying operational efficiencies and opportunities with other business management enterprise areas.?

Do plans/substitute tools provide a good basis for timely, clear and organized action – including when and who will perform action during an emergency or disaster?

Provide financial expertise and business decision support in evaluating and identifying the key issues and gaps in business performance and emerging business needs, deliver analyses that provide a foundation for management understanding and action.?


Can the conventional and emerging platforms inter operate based on the same data formats?

Make sure the Head of IT Compliance is responsible for building and maintaining the enterprises capabilities regarding IT compliance, information security policies and risk management, and for ensuring that IT environments across the enterprise are operated in line with those policies, (internal) client contract commitments and in a manner which protects the business from existing and emerging technology risks.?

Is there a process in place to identify emerging risks and to incorporate into your organizations risk management plan?

Analyze ICAM trends and latest requirements, assesses the impact of emerging security threats on the enterprise risk level, recommends technology direction and/or adjustments to incorporate in overarching Agency strategy, solutions, and business plans.?

How can organizations in emerging markets adapt to B2B buying practices in developed countries?

Identify and manage existing and emerging risks and integrate risk management strategies and educate risk owners across the enterprise on information security requirements and best practices.?

What is the level of risk your organization is willing to accept in light of the inherent volatility emerging markets present?

Research emerging risk and threats to establish a cohesive strategy to present information to IT Security leadership and key business stakeholders.?

How do you illustrate the appropriate consideration of customer and associated conduct risk when deploying technology to respond to risks associated with hybrid working?

Conduct research into emerging threats, trends in the security industry and advances in technology or risk management methodology in support of your (internal) client work and operations.?

How do you improve your response to the emerging customer needs and is your organization equipped well enough to achieve that?

Promote a culture of cyber risk awareness by leveraging information on current threats to focus Business Security Managers and Digital Core teams attention on emerging risk themes and issues.?

How do you communicate about risk during an emergency?

Certify your staff analyzes business impact and exposure based on emerging security threats, vulnerabilities, and risks and contributes to the development and maintenance of information security architecture.?

When asked, how at risk is your organization of disruption by emerging technologies and companies?

Secure that your team has involvement evaluating technology and information security industry trends and applying them to solve emerging business problems.?

How do you identify emerging risks?

Analyze business impact and exposure based on emerging security threats, vulnerabilities, and risks and operationalize the development and maintenance of information security strategy and architecture.?

Is climate addressed reactively by emergency management teams, or is a local jurisdiction taking steps to proactively understand its risk and build resilience?

Be sure your process aligns Companys risk management strategy and builds out information security specific elements, collaborating with appropriate business management heads and committees to understand and address risks associated with key business applications, to obtain leadership buy-in and build momentum for information security projects.?


What are the emerging issues with a risk dimension which regulators will have to confront?

Check that your operation is responsible for business continuity program goals, inclusive of the development and reporting against metrics and key risk and performance indicators, meant to provide early warnings of potential existing and emerging operational risks and supports continuous program improvement.?

How do you critically evaluate and work with management to provide feedback, perspective, and take advantage of what can be the biggest opportunity to add value within your organization?

Manage marketing campaigns with a metrics driven approach including providing periodic updates to leadership and business development on progress, and partnering to refine plans, update strategies to align with emerging business needs Manage the organizations websites including supporting SEO.?

Have the appropriate security protocols been established to minimize the risk of data breaches?

Lead in the development, implementation, testing, and monitoring of business continuity and disaster recovery plans to minimize disruption to business operations in the event of emergency situations, breach, or data loss.?

Why are other organizations overlooking the significant risks associated with emerging technology?

Safeguard that your personnel is staying ahead of risk issues and leading special projects that address emerging risks, market developments, and/or internal needs.?

Has an evaluation on community awareness and preparedness for risks and emergencies been conducted in recent times?

Conduct research on emerging risks, trends and standards in support of resiliency and contingency planning and development efforts.?

Can the rate / program be operated to support demand response / emergency management objectives?

Conduct research on emerging products, services, protocols and standards in support of systems software procurement and development efforts.?

Do you leverage data to identify recurring incidents and predict emerging risks and trends across the system and proactively review?

Be confident that your company develops relationships with key development and manufacturing (internal) clients to identify emerging needs.?

Are executive staff and emergency specialists required to review the annual risk assessment?

Make sure your workforce oversees a team serving as the primary point of contact for the enterprise related to the development and execution of the annual Business Continuity Plan review.?

How can the risk and compliance functions dynamically respond to emerging risks, as well as increasingly complex regulations and regulatory enforcement actions?

Provide engineering expertise and make recommendations to the emerging capability assessment and development, engaging in requirements analysis, operational needs determinations, technical systems application evaluations, and science and technology planning and critiques.?

How can emerging technologies enable the training system to provide more realistic, relevant, and responsive training on demand?

Manage the development and distribution of reporting on emerging regulation to various stakeholders across your organization including the Chief Executive Officer and the Board of Directors.?


How do you ensure that the transformation goals and objectives support your business strategy?

Engage multiple roles and stakeholders in critical discussion and communicate effectively Identify emerging technology trends and understand their impacts to the intelligence community Conduct research on problem sets, analyze data trends, assess value impacts, understand risk and risk mitigation strategies, and recommend areas of change and methods to action Be a resource to the team members and support the success of the mission.?

Is there a plan or service in place for back up and recovery of PHI in the event of an emergency or disaster?

Warrant that your staff monitors and remains current with industry trends, emerging risks and issues in support of both business partner and IT Audit plans and objectives; identifies and implements appropriate opportunities.?

Is consideration of emerging risks built into strategic planning and major investment decisions sufficiently early and sufficiently well?

Create and implement business resilience controls, procedures and tools to ensure business resilience against current and emerging security threats/risks.?

Which factors should you be especially aware of when making investments in emerging markets?

Make headway so that your staff conducts research to remain up to date and knowledgeable regarding industry trends and emerging technologies in anticipation of new business processes and system alterations.?

Does the facility develop and implement best management procedures that address risk assessments, action plans, housekeeping, recordkeeping, emergency response and training?

Make sure your team is involved in recommending (internal) customer excellence and involvement strategies for reducing gaps and risks in customer-centric programs and developing policies for the evaluation of emerging trends to improve current customer-centric operations and/or develop future programs.?

Is the large increase of emerging market debt, much of which is denominated in dollars, the biggest risk in the financial system?

Make sure your organization monitors technological advancements to ensure that solutions are continuously improved, supported, and aligned with industry and organization standards as well as emerging business requirements.?

Are changes required within the hazmat emergency preparedness community to meet changing risks?

Assure your organization takes opportunities for continuous improvement and stays current in new BI technologies and platforms identifying emerging solutions, driving innovation and creative solutions to meet business challenges.?

Are significant changes in risk posture or the emergence of new risks being adequately identified across all projects and program management activities being actively managed and tracked?

Make headway so that your team partners with business leaders across your organization and remains in alignment with strategic priorities and emerging business changes.?

Is there a process for monitoring and reporting critical enterprise risks and emerging risks to the board?

Make headway so that your company is establishing organization wide processes for identifying and analyzing emerging and inherent risks facing your organization; establishing a process for reporting on risks to the Executive Committee.?

Is your smart organization vision and strategy focused on technology or the people it intends to support?

Leverage emerging technologies and automation to improve business efficiencies, enhance speed to market of solution delivery, and support business and enterprise transformation and optimization.?


Are the costs and benefits of the emerging technology evenly, or unevenly, distributed in society?

Monitor, support, and analyze organizational business impact analysis completion and updates to the Business Continuity Plan in order to assure compliance with program maintenance requirements and advises Risk Operations Manager of emerging issues.?

Which emerging markets and developing economies face corporate balance sheet vulnerabilities?

Guarantee your company has involvement with risk evaluation and control, business impact analysis, business continuity strategy development, emergency response and operations, developing and implementing business continuity plans, developing technology and business process recovery strategies.?

Has the emergency response plan actually been accessible to all expected to use and implement it?

Ensure your design establishes policies, standards, practices, and security measures to ensure effective and consistent information processing operations and to safeguard information resources, including a Business Continuity Plan and a Disaster Recovery Plan.?

How do you get started with minimal resources and risk?

Assure your staff oversees the review of business continuity requirements to include analysis of business impact and operational risk assessments for enacted state and overarching laws and regulations and recommends company actions to ensure regulatory compliance.?

Which emerging technologies or capabilities is your organization considering, trialling or has already implemented?

Confirm that your strategy collaborates across the organization to design and implement business continuity and disaster recovery strategy and plans to ensure the availability, security, and integrity of organization data, databases, information systems, and technology.?

How does your organization determine which authorities to notify in the event of an emergency?

Utilize IT risk assessment and Business Impact Analysis to support functional requirements for IT Business Continuity Planning and determine gaps and existing IT risks to the enterprise.?

What was the process for developing a specific plan for risk communication and for clearing and delivering public/media communication during the emergency?

Make sure the business continuity program includes the crisis management team plan, the crisis communications plan, the life safety and emergency response plan, the pandemic plan, and the emergency notification system.?

What ongoing action do you take to measure and review your identified risks and any new emerging risks?

Ensure IT data security, risk management, disaster recovery and business continuity planning processes are in place and receive regular review for currency and adequacy.?

Have you involved emergency response organizations in contingency planning and training for your facility?

Establish that your design is involved in risk evaluation and control, business impact analysis, business continuity strategy development, and implementing business continuity plans.?

Do decision making processes consider the impact of a decision on your organizations risk profile?

Make headway so that your personnel address (internal) client inquiries regarding your organizations information security and business continuity capabilities.?


What risks need to be mitigated for the emerging strategies to be implemented effectively?

Collaborate internally with your organizations personnel to identify and provide ongoing risk assessment of existing and emerging business practices for potential areas of compliance vulnerability and develop and implement preventative action plans to help maintain compliance and mitigate risk.?

How does your organization ensure conduct training remains relevant to your organizations business model and emerging conduct risks?

Design, coordinate, and execute the day-to-day activities related to risk, control, compliance and internal audit (internal) client engagements in the following areas: IT strategy and governance, IT operations, business continuity and disaster recovery, network and infrastructure security, cybersecurity, cloud and third parties, data management and analytics, emerging technology and digital solutions, automation (robotics, cognitive, etc.?

Are non executive directors providing appropriate levels of support, scrutiny and challenge to your organization as it responds to the current environment and new risks?

Make headway so that your organization prepares complex, comprehensive, risk based reviews of existing and emerging regulatory requirements and provides prompt, focused feedback to business management on concerning issues and control gaps.?

Does your organization have standardized review thresholds for rates of variable annuity exchanges?

Oversee that your design includes identifying emerging risks and partnering with business lines to facilitate ongoing development, planning, and review of the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Program.?

How do you use technology to gain operational leverage?

Guarantee your group assesses and mitigates enterprise and business exposures through the identification of key and emerging risks and evaluates alignment with risk strategy and corporate/(internal) client appetite.?

Do you have the strategic relationships and skillsets readily available to manage and secure the emerging technologies?

Make headway so that your operation monitors the organizations compliance with the non-financial risk management framework by identifying and contributing to strategies to mitigate risks, identifying emerging issues, contributing to the development of processes and controls to manage risks.?

What is the extent, if any, of operational or support functional difficulties resulting from the emergency situation?

Be sure your operation is reporting in existing and emerging areas of risk, implications for operational risk appetite, and the ability of the risk management and control infrastructure to support business activities.?

How should an emerging manager program be structured relative to the plans overall portfolio?

Collaborate with the Enterprise Risk Management team in identifying and implementing approaches to mitigate emerging business line risks.?

How are processes/controls adjusted to reflect new or changing risks or operational deficiencies?

Develop and continuously monitor business partner risk profiles and develop key risk indicators and other metrics to ensure timely identification, escalation, mitigation and management of new, emerging or changing Operational Risks.?

How are the various risk elements assessed and the relative emphasis placed on each element?

Drive identification of emerging data privacy risks and implementation of appropriate controls, including conducting Privacy Impact Assessments, for all new and changed products, processes, projects and partnerships and ensure implementation of mitigating controls in partnership with business team leads.?


How do you monitor the marketplace for developments that could pose opportunities or risks for your business?

Develop and coordinate an organization-wide privacy risk management and compliance framework and governance structure by undertaking a comprehensive review of your organizations data and privacy process and procedures for each applicable business function to ensure that they are consistent with relevant laws and regulations and your organizations privacy and data security goals and policies.?

Do you provide training or resources to staff to keep abreast of emerging sustainability issues?

Build processes and tools to maintain high data availability, quality and maintainability operationalize the EDP strategies and roadmap development to meet business objectives with existing or emerging technologies.?

How do you keep up to date on current issues, escalating risks, new emerging risks?

Guarantee your company is involved in planning, coordinating and solution delivery of a unified data and analytics ecosystem that drives improved business decisions supported by transformative emerging technology capabilities.?

Do you need to rethink your supply chain and the use of subcontractors in light of emerging risks?

Ensure you work closely with leading venture-backed startup and emerging growth companies in a variety of fields, including technology, software, life sciences, media and consumer products, and the data privacy team counsels on data privacy and security matters in all aspects of their business.?

What are the benefits of financial integration for developing and emerging market economies?

Check that your design produces large quantities of data to support comprehensive, risk based reviews of existing and emerging regulatory requirements.?

How do you measure instances in which enforcement tempers or delays an emerging market?

Oversee that your operation is responsible for briefing department heads or other employees on current or emerging information security threats, help create security policies, enforce and verify for databases.?

Who is responsible for tracking new trends, emerging applications and potential competitors in the social media space?

Interface so that your strategy designs and implements strategies to monitor the effectiveness of data management and governance programs and identify, manage and mitigate current and emerging risks.?

What techniques are you using to ensure different stakeholders feel ownership of the issues?

Ensure you are able to understand and communicate the potential impact of emerging technologies and data privacy regulations on organizations and individuals and can analyze the risks of using or not using such technologies.?

Does your audit department have a mechanism in place to capture and reflect emerging IT risks in your audit plan?

Be sure your design is involved in establishing repeatable processes related to the creation and production of governance reports and data artifacts, as well as establishing processes for due diligence and gap analysis for new or emerging regulations.?

What would be the biggest drawbacks of an initiative to standardise and automate financial processes?

Leverage emerging technologies and tools to improve frameworks and work with Technology to improve data integrity, streamline and automate processes as feasible.?


Have emergency escape procedures and routes been developed and communicated to all employees?

Provide support in the development of a organization agencies emergency management and business recovery plans; perform functions pertaining to the agencies business risk assessments; review and develop business recovery strategies; draft procedures for identifying failures and invoking contingency plans; create response procedures and identifying communications channels; communicate with various response teams during testing and actual execution of recovery procedures.?

Are there sufficient data and tools available to perform an integrated analysis of relevant and emerging industrial risks?

Develop and perform server and security audits, system backup procedures, and other recovery processes in accordance with your organizations disaster recovery and business continuity strategies.?

Are there clearly defined processes for escalating and resolving issues and managing performance?

Make sure the Disaster Recovery specialization works closely with Information Technology leadership, business leaders and functional teams to ensure Disaster Recovery capabilities meet the Recovery Time and Recovery Point objectives as defined by Business Impact Analyses and business requirements.?

How do you minimize risk of data loss and inappropriate use?

Update and maintain the IT disaster recovery plan to enable the organization to respond to a disaster, or other emergency that affects information systems, and minimize the effect on business operations.?

Does the business area have adequate contingency planning arrangements in place in the event of an emergency?

Secure that your company develops and implements an emergency preparation plan providing response, recovery, and tactical plans to resume business operations following your organization interruption or disaster.?

Can it audit meet established service levels and maximize audit efficiency with new and emerging technology?

Provide enterprise architecture reviews and recommendations on disaster recovery design to ensure IT solutions can meet the business recovery objectives.?

Do users think that system is maintained or improved during emergency and other abnormal incidents?

Make sure your strategy ensures the call center operations have your organization continuity/disaster recovery plan in place to maintain operations and ensure minimal (internal) customer impact in the event of an emergency situation.?

What aspects of environmental liability could be creating the greatest exposures for risk managers?

Ensure consistency and compliance as team conducts Business Impact Analyses (BIAs), documents recovery strategies and procedures, and delivers exercises along with necessary training and awareness activities.?

Which are you likely to implement in order to create more resilience within your supply chains?

Make sure the Disaster Recovery specialization is responsible for developing and managing plans and testing for Disaster Recovery and works in conjunction with Technology team members, data center partners, and other stakeholders to create recovery strategies and plans.?

Have you been able to identify any need for required changes to the hazard and risk register?

Invest in the implementation of risk mitigation procedures for disaster recovery, ensuring that all technical components of Recovery Plans are tested as defined in playbooks, or whenever significant changes are made to those components.?


Do community members carry out actions to protect vulnerable persons in your community during situations of emergencies?

Secure that your design balances understanding and need for business priorities with emerging threats, incident handling best practices, and effective use of risk mitigation strategies to appropriately protect company information assets.?

Do you have a reporting mechanism that encourages your staff to raise concerns of money laundering?

Develop attack detection and response playbooks and counter-measure definition and strategies to mitigate emerging threats; prepare and report risk analysis and threat findings to appropriate stakeholders.?

Does the strategic security plan and solution design reflect standards and best practices for dealing with current and emerging threats?

Provide actionable intelligence for enterprise risk reduction and remediation by partnering with key groups in identifying and driving risk remediation approaches to current and emerging threats.?

Are significant changes in risk posture or the emergence of new risks being adequately identified by projects, managed and tracked?

Develop solutions and recommendations for IAM issues caused by process challenges, emerging threats and technology changes, including cloud environments.?

Is the atmosphere conducive to different stakeholders proactively raising issues for consideration?

Drive actionable tactics to detect emerging threats and stop them proactively, in collaboration with product and risk engineering teams.?

Who is ultimately responsible for identifying new or emerging key risk areas that should be covered by your organizations governance process?

Be confident that your strategy provides proactive monitoring and/or response to known or emerging threats against the KP network.?

What strategies and approaches you should consider to take advantage of capabilities and industry investment, while mitigating your risk and exposure to emerging and continuing threats?

Verify that your process creates advanced content to detect emerging threats utilizing threat intelligence sources and disciplines.?

How do you maximize the benefits of cloud computing while minimizing the risk of non compliance?

Coordinate risk, vulnerability, and threat reporting from across the organization to create a common operating picture for company assets, thus reducing your organizations attack surface or risk exposure and minimizing damage and recovery time.?

Is there an established criteria for assessing legal risk faced by market intermediaries?

Monitor the industry and external environment for emerging threats and advises relevant stakeholders on appropriate courses of action.?

Are there key findings emerging from supervisory work that could have a significant impact?

Help to plan, execute, and report on penetration testing of emerging (internal) client solutions through focused threat based methodologies.?


What processes are in place to identify emerging risks affecting objectives and the related changes in risk prioritization?

Develop experience managing (internal) customer related information technology (IT) activities; facilitating and translating business needs into business requirements; monitoring (internal) client risks and issues; providing advisory services to (internal) clients on the service catalog, solutions, and emerging technologies; and acting as a liaison with stakeholders at all levels to ensure IT needs are met.?

Are there any new issues emerging which may shape risk perception about the food safety risk?

Ensure your organization is using technical and business alignment, determines and documents organization risk related to new and emerging technology requests.?

Has the management of emerging risks had a positive effect in your organization/industry?

Work directly with related teams to identify emerging threats and vulnerabilities, and the potential impact on your organizations technology and business operations.?

How do you track and maximize the value produced by your major technology investments?

Provide support in the appropriate research into current and emerging technology trends to determine how these may add value to the business and provide appropriate briefings to technical and non-technical audiences.?

Have you identified and considered potential emerging risks in your organization that could affect it in the future?

Identify emerging technology risks and lead the dialog among partners to ensure that such risks are considered for entry into the IT risk register.?

How do you convince the line of the value of risk management and drive change?

Be certain that your process conducts research, runs experiments and at times executes POCs of emerging technologies to validate that the technology and architecture can help drive business value.?

How do you evolve your technology ecosystem to enable more digital capabilities?

Identify emerging and best in class information systems technology tools/structures in order to continually improve business efficiency and enable competitive advantages.?

Are climate related risks or other emerging risks likely to have a material impact in your organizations specific circumstances?

Secure that your organization keeps informed regarding new and emerging information technology trends including IAM solutions, endpoint protection technologies, web application firewalls and intrusion prevention, encryption, access control methodologies, IDS/IPS systems, SIEM tools and network scanners.?

How do you use new and emerging technologies to better manage existing environmental liabilities?

Research industry and emerging trends in technology as it relates to the business domains and recommend appropriate use cases and considerations for advancement.?

How do you evaluate the going concern/solvency risk associated with emerging managers?

Establish that your team is developing IT policies and plans and to assess impact of changed policy and emerging technology on your organizations current IT plans and programs.

Porendra Pratap

Bachelor of Commerce - BCom from Nizam College at Hyderabad Public School

2 年




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