Emerging Markets Digest - Mar 20

Emerging Markets Digest - Mar 20

Here are the EM posts that caught my attention today and are worth checking out:

Kazakhstan: Amanat wins election, five other parties gain representation - exit polls - EmergingMarketWatch

DM risks and EM spillovers - > EM IG looks super-resilient across the board (corp + sov) > EM HY – corporates are doing much better MTD than lower-rated sovereigns - Natalia Gurushina on Twitter

US bank failures have ripple effects worldwide: Moody’s analysts discuss recent developments in the US and European banking systems, the implications for monetary policy and potential spillovers to emerging markets across the globe. - Emerging Markets Decoded Podcast

Central bankers in East Africa expect growth in the region to remain robust - ETM Analytics

The emerging markets most exposed to the banking sector - Tellimer

What’s Happening in Emerging Markets this week? Watching resilience in EM assets Brazil central bank to hold Selic Philippine bank to slow tightening China LPRs Argentina Chile growth - Shery Ahn on Twitter

Trade flows between Russia and China are more or less balanced - but financial positions are very asymmetric The total stock of Chinese FDI's in Russia is only around $3 bn as of early 2022, while Russia's international reserves in CNY are ~$130bn - Alex Isakov on Twitter

Saudi National Bank has lost about $1 billion in its Credit Suisse's investment Last week, its chairman said “absolutely not” when asked if it would be open to further investments in Credit Suisse The Swiss bank’s stock plunged following his comments - Ziad Daoud on Twitter


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