Emerging Markets Digest - Apr 11

Emerging Markets Digest - Apr 11

Here are the EM posts that caught my attention today and are worth checking out:

Israel: Senior ruling Likud loses big in poll, Netanyahu no longer most preferred for PM - EmergingMarketWatch

Ukraine Watch: March CPI Slows Down Sharply, Surprising Positively Once Again - Raiffeisen Research

Philippines in the cross hairs of US-China friction - Tellimer

ASEAN is reluctant to join to US-led decoupling/de-risking strategy for China - Japan Research Institute

Russia's financial conditions are looser now than on the eve of the invasion. That's surely not what Putin deserves. Blame for this goes to the West's decision to carve out Russian energy exports from sanctions. That decision has helped Russia keep growing and keep waging war... - Robin Brooks on Twitter

Ahead of critical election, Turkish economy is in bleak state ? Growth is low and current-account deficit keeps widening ? Lira keeps dropping to record-lows, further fuelling inflation (it officially stood at 72.4% last year) - Agathe Demarais on Twitter

In March China experienced its second month of monthly deflation (-0.3%) as CPI prices rose 0.7% year on year. Annual CPI inflation peaked at 2.1% in January and has been declining pretty steadily since then. - Twitter Thread by Michael Pettis

IMF/WB spring meetings in one chart. China stopped being a source of net financing to the developing world in 2019. Many debt restructurings ahead. Zambia is stuck in the middle. - Teal on Twitter

Good story on Ghana's debt restructuring process. But I think it is missing a key bit of context. Ghana (per reporting by Bloomberg) is planning to treat its external government (bilateral) creditors generously, which made agreement much easier. - Brad Setser on Twitter


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