Emerging from Covid 19 coronavirus lockdown
Steven Havers
I help businesses evidence the positive impact of their D,E,I, Accessibility & CSR work on people and community, to help shift perspectives whilst promoting the company culture & core values. I live with severe Tinnitus.
Like a dormant bear, having hibernated for the whole winter, the country, businesses and people are starting to emerge from lockdown in England. The wheels of industry and commerce are beginning to turn again, slowly at first, but with ever increasing speed with a view to getting up to full speed as soon as possible.
How are you communicating this to your customers, clients and target market?
This is the time to ramp up your engagement, to communicate how you will now be doing business because it is going to be different!
More of your people will be working from home, that has proved to be a huge benefit of lockdown, people can work from home and be just as, if not more productive and hours of their day is not wasted on commuting.
People have had more time at home with their dogs and those going back to a physical place of work are going to be missing their dogs, they have developed a deeper relationship with their dogs because they have been able to spend more time with them and they are going to miss them.
People probably love dogs now more than ever, they appreciate dogs more than ever and they are probably more willing to engage with images of dogs more than ever.
Would you like to feature a series of photographs of your dog in your company blog? Would you like your dog’s photograph to feature in your company newsletter?
How many people in your company have dogs? How many of these people would love to somehow include their dog in their work, to show how much they love their dog and what a great company they work for who wants to show their staff as warm and caring people?
As marketers, we need to be telling stories. As we come out of lockdown, how many great stories do we have about our dogs that can help build and enhance your brand image?
It is time for the dogs, it is time for your dog to be seen and to help show the world what a great person you are.
Sound like a good idea? Want to have a chat to see how we could make it happen? 0800 644 1007 please.