Emerging: Bionic Leaves And Harvesting Water From Thin Air
Chunka Mui
Futurist and Innovation Advisor @ Future Histories Group | Keynote Speaker and Award-winning Author
If you’re looking for a healthy dose of optimism, make sure to pick up the December issue of Scientific American. Tucked into the venerable magazine’s pages is a special report on the Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2017.
Arthur C. Clarke wrote that “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” The Scientific American report is filled with seemingly magical technological capabilities emerging in a wide range of disciplines including agriculture, biology, chemistry, computing, genomics and medicine. From a business standpoint, these emerging capabilities will drive innovation, comparative advantage, and wealth creation across a wide range of industries.
Two advances leaped out at me for their potential to help address pressing needs for more abundant, cleaner and cheaper water and energy.
Bill Gates has observed that “If you could change the price of one thing to really lift up the lives of the poorest people everywhere, it would be the price of energy.” That’s because energy underpins so much of modern civilization: housing, food, lighting, transportation, commerce, jobs, etc., all depend on affordable energy. Some estimate that worldwide energy needs will double by 2050. But, to address the dangers of climate change, that energy must not only be more abundant and affordable, it must be free of CO2 emissions.
For that reason, the advances in artificial photosynthesis highlighted by Scientific American is thrilling. Artificial photosynthesis, mimicking natural photosynthesis, is the process of making fuels using only CO2, sunlight and water.
Daniel Nocera, Pamela Silver and their colleagues at Harvard have demonstrated a new, carbon neutral approach that operates at significantly higher efficiency than previous approaches. What’s more, their solution is 10 times more efficient than natural photosynthesis.
Here’s a short video of Daniel Nocera describing his work.
Sunlight is also the energy source driving the other big idea: addressing the water scarcity problem that affects billions of people by harvesting water from the air.
The Scientific American report highlights work by Omar Yaghi and Evelyn Wang and their teams at UC Berkeley and MIT, respectively. They’ve developed a system that uses super-absorbent materials to extract moisture from the air. The trapped water is then released in response to just the heat of natural sunlight.
Here’s a short video of Omar Yaghi describing his work.
Scientific American is not the first to report on either of these advances. And, luckily, these are just a few of the researchers working in these important fields. A Google search will quickly yield a number of high quality journal papers, articles and videos.
The noteworthiness of the recognition by Scientific American’s expert panel (in conjunction with the World Economic Forum) is that it affirms the real possibility of scalable approaches to turning inexhaustible sunlight into bountiful fuel and water with zero CO2 emissions. That offers hope for helping lift billions out of poverty, lowering the geopolitical tensions that arise from struggles over water and oil, and averting the worst case scenarios of climate change.
That’s cause for optimism.
Chunka Mui writes, speaks and advises on the digital future. He is a best-selling author of four books on technology and innovation. This article is updated from one originally published at Forbes.