Emergency Response Mechanisms, the dissolution of the Soviet Union, and Regulations on the Management of Lunar Samples

Emergency Response Mechanisms, the dissolution of the Soviet Union, and Regulations on the Management of Lunar Samples

Term to note from today’s PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs press conference:

  • 别有用心 / hidden agenda; ulterior motives?

Today’s quote:

- 这种对中国核战略的臆测和曲解,要么是缺乏常识,要么是别有用心。?

Such speculation and misrepresentation of China’s nuclear strategy [greater nuclear cooperation between China and Russia] is either a result of lacking common knowledge or driven by hidden agenda.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 事实一再证明,所谓“中国债务陷阱”实质上是一些别有用心者编造的用于干扰、破坏中国同发展中国家互利合作的“话语陷阱”。?

Facts have proven time and again that the so-called “China’s debt trap” is nothing but a narrative trap designed with ill intentions to disrupt and undermine China’s mutually beneficial cooperation with other developing countries.?

- 在赞债务处置进程中,部分别有用心的媒体习惯于断章取义、挑拨离间中赞、中非关系,既经不起事实推敲,更无助于解决问题,赞比亚和国际社会对此看得很清楚,不禁要对这些媒体的公信力打一个大大的问号。?

Regarding Zambia’s debt treatment, certain media with a hidden agenda often take things out of context and sow discord between China and Zambia or the wider Africa. But what they do cannot stand the test of facts, still less help solve any problems. This is clear to Zambia and the international community, which naturally puts those outlets’ credibility in doubt.?

- 有关说法完全违背事实,违背科学,纯属别有用心的抹黑之辞。?

This type of rhetoric [Western media allegations that China’s COVID policy adjustment shows that China has changed its COVID response philosophy and no longer values people’s lives] completely misses the facts and scientific truth. Such rhetoric is ill-intentioned and aimed at discrediting China.?

- 一段时间以来,日方借台湾问题等涉华议题刻意炒作,粗暴干涉中国内政,渲染所谓“中国军事威胁”,这是别有用心和不负责任的。?

For some time, the Japanese side has deliberately hyped up China-related issues like the Taiwan question. These actions grossly interfered in China's internal affairs and the so-called “China military threat”. They are out of ulterior motives and irresponsible.?

  • 撤离 / evacuate; evacuation?

Today’s quote:

- 我们注意到,中国驻苏丹使馆发布了关于统计在苏丹中国公民撤离意愿的通知。也有消息称,苏丹武装部队确认中国、美国、英国将从苏丹首都喀土穆撤离该国公民。?

We noted that the Chinese Embassy in Sudan issued a notice to ask Chinese nationals there about whether they wanted to be evacuated. It is also reported that the Sudanese Armed Forces confirmed that China, the US and the UK will evacuate their citizens from the Sudanese capital Khartoum.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 苏丹局势突变以来,党中央十分牵挂在苏中国公民安全。外交部第一时间启动领事保护应急机制,会同各部门、地方政府以及驻苏丹和周边国家使领馆与各方密切沟通协调,全力维护在苏同胞安全,并制订撤离转移方案。?

Since abrupt changes took place in the situation in Sudan, the safety of our overseas compatriots have been in the thoughts of the CPC Central Committee. The Chinese Foreign Ministry immediately activated the consular emergency response mechanism and has been in close communication and coordination with other government departments, local governments and Chinese embassies and consulates in Sudan and its neighboring countries. We are doing our utmost to protect the safety of our compatriots in Sudan and come up with a plan for evacuation and transfer.?

- 人道主义行动必须遵守中立、公正原则,防止将人道问题政治化。切实保护平民安全,为平民撤离交战区建立人道主义走廊。?

Humanitarian operations should follow the principles of neutrality and impartiality, and humanitarian issues should not be politicized. The safety of civilians must be effectively protected, and humanitarian corridors should be set up for the evacuation of civilians from conflict zones.?

- 关于政治解决乌克兰危机的中国立场 _2023_02_24?鉴于阿富汗当前的安全形势,外交部再次提醒在阿中国公民和机构尽快自阿转移撤离,向驻阿使馆报备本人身份信息,同时加强安全防范和应急准备,遇突发事件第一时间与驻阿使馆联系。?

Given the current security situation in Afghanistan, the foreign ministry once again reminds our fellow citizens and institutions in Afghanistan to leave and evacuate the country as soon as possible, report their identity information to the Embassy, and at the same time take extra safety precautions and enhance emergency preparedness. In case of an emergency, please contact our Embassy immediately.?

- 我可以告诉你的是,经过各方共同努力,在乌克兰的绝大多数中国公民已经安全撤离至周边邻国,并在中国驻当地使馆精心安排下得到妥善安置。考虑到大部分同胞甫经战乱、希望尽快回国的强烈愿望,国内各部门、各地方密切协调,迅速派出多架包机,从欧洲陆续接回离乌公民。截至目前,已有九架接返自乌克兰撤离中国公民临时航班安全抵达中国。?

I can tell you that with the concerted efforts of all parties, the vast majority of Chinese citizens in Ukraine have been safely evacuated to neighboring countries and taken care of with the thoughtful arrangements of the Chinese embassies there. Taking into account the strong desire of most of our compatriots to return home as soon as possible after experiencing the war, various departments and localities in China coordinated closely and promptly sent a number of temporary flights to bring back from Europe Chinese citizens who have evacuated from Ukraine. So far, nine temporary flights carrying Chinese nationals evacuated from Ukraine have safely arrived in China.?

  • 好好补补 / supplement; add more; learn more?

Today’s quote:

- 世界上只有一个中国,台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分。英国外交大臣显然应该好好补补历史课了。台湾回归中国是二战后国际秩序的重要组成部分,《开罗宣言》白纸黑字写着,《波茨坦公告》清清楚楚印着。一个中国原则是国际社会普遍共识和国际关系基本准则,为第26届联合国大会通过的第2758号决议所确认。?

The British foreign secretary clearly needs to dust off his history books. There is only one China in the world and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory. Taiwan’s return to China is an important component of the post-WWII international order, as is stated in black and white in the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation. The one-China principle is a prevailing consensus among the international community and a basic norm in international relations affirmed in Resolution 2758 of the 26th session of the UN General Assembly.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 美方应该好好补补课,“安全不可分割”并非俄罗斯一家之言,而是包括美国在内的北约成员国、广大欧洲国家以及国际社会普遍认可和接受的一项重要原则。?

The US should know that the indivisibility of security is not Russia’s own assertion, but an important principle widely recognized and adopted by the US and other NATO members, European countries and the international community.?

  • 解体 / dissolve; dissolution?

Today’s quote:

- 关于领土主权问题,中方的立场是一贯的、清晰的,中方尊重各国主权、独立和领土完整,维护联合国宪章宗旨和原则。苏联解体后,中国是最早同有关国家建立外交关系的国家之一。建交以来,中方始终秉持相互尊重、平等相待原则发展双边友好合作关系。中方尊重苏联解体后各加盟共和国主权国家地位。?

As to issues related to territorial sovereignty, China’s position is consistent and clear. China respects all countries’ sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity and upholds the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. After the Soviet Union dissolved, China was one of the first countries that established diplomatic ties with the?countries concerned. Since the establishment of diplomatic ties with these countries, China has followed the principles of mutual respect and equality in developing friendly and cooperative bilateral relations with them. China respects the status of the former Soviet republics as sovereign countries after the Soviet Union’s dissolution.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 前苏联是联邦制国家,对外作为一个整体具有国际法主体地位。这不否认苏联解体后各加盟共和国具有主权国家地位。?

The Soviet Union was a federal state and as a whole was one subject of international law in international relations. This does not negate the republics’ status as sovereign countries after the Soviet Union’s dissolution.?

- 北约作为冷战的产物,本应在苏联解体时成为历史。?

As a product the the Cold War, NATO should have been disbanded after the collapse of the former Soviet Union.?

  • 科技霸凌 / sci-tech bullying

Today’s quote:

- 中方已多次就美国对华芯片出口管制表明立场。美国为维护自身霸权私利,强推“脱钩断链”,不惜胁迫盟友配合美国对华遏制,严重违反市场经济原则和国际经贸规则,扰乱全球产供链稳定,损害包括中国在内各国企业的利益,是典型的科技霸凌和贸易保护主义做法,这种自私自利行径不得人心,中方坚决反对。?

China has repeatedly made clear its position on US chip export controls targeting China. To maintain its hegemony and seek selfish interest, the US has pushed for decoupling and severing supply chains and even coerced its allies to join the campaign to contain China. This is a serious violation of market economy principles and international trade rules. It destabilizes the global industrial and supply chains and harms the interests of businesses of all countries, including China. This is typical bullying in the field of technology and trade protectionism. Such self-serving practice will not be well-received. China firmly opposes it.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 我们将继续与国际社会一道,共同反对经济胁迫和科技霸凌行径,共同维护世界经济体制、规则和基础的稳定和全球产业链供应链安全。?

We will continue to work with the international community to jointly oppose economic coercion and sci-tech bullying, and keep the institutions, rules and foundation of the world economy stable and the global industrial and supply chains safe and secure.?

- 我们将同国际社会一道反对单边保护主义和科技霸凌行径,坚持开放、公平、非歧视的原则,共同维护世界经济体制、规则、基础的稳定,推动世界经济复苏发展。?

We will work with the international community to oppose unilateralism, protectionism and bullying practices in sci-tech, uphold the principle of openness, fairness and non-discrimination, jointly safeguard the stability of the system, rules and foundation of the world economy, and promote the steady recovery of the world economy.?

  • 联邦制国家 / federal state?

- 前苏联是联邦制国家,对外作为一个整体具有国际法主体地位。这不否认苏联解体后各加盟共和国具有主权国家地位。?

The Soviet Union was a federal state and as a whole was one subject of international law in international relations. This does not negate the republics’ status as sovereign countries after the Soviet Union’s dissolution.?

  • 轮军长级会谈 / Corps Commander Level Meeting (between China and India)?

Today’s quote:

- 4月23日,中印两军举行了第十八轮军长级会谈。双方按照两国领导人重要共识,就加快解决有关问题深入交换意见。具体情况建议你向中方主管部门了解?

On April 23 [2023], the Chinese and Indian militaries held the 18th Round of China-India Corps Commander Level Meeting. According to the important common understanding of the leaders of both countries, the two sides held in-depth exchange of views on expediting the resolution of relevant issues. I refer you to the competent authorities for more details.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 根据中印第十六轮军长级会谈达成的共识,双方位加南达坂一线部队近期同步有计划组织脱离接触。这是双方通过外交军事各层级磋商谈判解决有关边境事态取得的成果,有利于促进边境地区和平安宁。?

According to the consensus reached in the 16th Round of China-India Corps Commander Level Meeting, the frontline troops of the two militaries in the area of Jianan Daban recently staged disengagement simultaneously. This is an outcome achieved by the two sides in resolving border issues through diplomatic and military consultations and negotiations at different levels, which is conducive to promoting peace and tranquility in the border areas.?

- 根据中印第十六轮军长级会谈达成的共识,双方一线部队9月8日在加南达坂地区开始脱离接触。这是一个时期以来两国外交军事各层级多轮会谈取得的成果,有利于促进中印边境地区和平安宁。至于你想了解更多细节,中印第十六轮军长级会谈结束之后,中国国防部发布了消息,可以查阅。对于尽早解决剩余问题,双方在第十六轮军长级会谈中坦诚深入地交换了意见。双方都重申,解决剩余问题有助于恢复中印边界西段实控线地区的和平安宁,推动双边关系发展。?

According to the consensus reached in the 16th Round of China-India Corps Commander Level Meeting, the Chinese and Indian troops in the area of Jianan Daban began to disengage on September 8 [2022]. This is the outcome of multiple rounds of talks over a period of time between the two sides’ diplomatic and military establishments at various levels. It is conducive to peace and tranquility in the border areas. If you would like to know more details, let me refer you to the readout released by China’s Ministry of National Defense after the 16th Round of China-India Corps Commander Level Meeting.?As to the early resolution of the remaining issues at the earliest, the two sides had a candid and in-depth exchange of views at the 16th round of meeting. Both sides reiterated that resolving the remaining issues will help restore peace and tranquility along the LAC in the Western Sector and promote the development of bilateral relations.?

- 当前,中印边境地区局势总体保持稳定,双方军事和外交渠道的沟通从未间断。在本轮军长级会谈中,双方以建设性和前瞻性的方式进行了探讨,达成以下四点共识:一是坚持政治引领,切实落实两国领导人重要共识;二是着眼把握大局,推动两国关系保持恢复势头;三是有效管控分歧,在问题解决前要切实维护边境地区的安全稳定;四是保持沟通对话,尽快达成双方都能接受的解决方案。?

At present, the situation in the border areas between China and India is generally stable, and the communication through the military and diplomatic channels between the two sides remain open. In the 16th round of China-India Corps Commander-Level Meeting, the two sides discussed issues in a constructive and forward-looking way, and reached a four-point consensus: first, following the political guidance and implementing the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries; second, focusing on the overall situation and maintaining the momentum in improving bilateral relations; third, effectively managing and controlling differences, and safeguarding the security and stability in border areas until the issue is solved; fourth, maintaining communication and dialogue, and reaching a mutually acceptable solution as soon as possible.?

- 1月12日,中印两军在坦诚友好的气氛中举行第十四轮军长级会谈。会谈结束后,双方发布了联合新闻稿,稿中可以总结出四个“双方同意”:一是双方同意遵照两国领导人指引,尽快解决剩余问题。二是双方同意持续巩固已有成果,采取有效措施,保持包括冬季在内各时段西段地区局势安全稳定。三是双方同意继续保持军事和外交渠道沟通,通过对话协商尽快达成双方都能接受的解决方案。四是双方同意尽快举行下一轮军长级会谈。中方认为,此轮会谈成果是积极和建设性的。?

The 14th round of the China-India Corps Commander Level Meeting was held in a candid and friendly mood on January 12 [2022]. The joint press release after the meeting enumerated the agreements in four points reached by the two sides. First, the two sides agreed that they should follow the guidance of the leaders of the two countries and work for the resolution of the remaining issues at the earliest. Second, the two sides agreed to consolidate the previous outcomes and take effective efforts to maintain the security and stability on the ground in the Western Sector including in winter. Third, they agreed to stay in communication via military and diplomatic channels and work out a mutually acceptable resolution through dialogue and consultation at the earliest. Fourth, they agreed that the next round of the Corps Commander Level Meeting should be held at the earliest. The Chinese side believed that this round of talk was positive and constructive.

  • 应急机制 / emergency response mechanism?

Today’s quote:

- 苏丹局势突变以来,党中央十分牵挂在苏中国公民安全。外交部第一时间启动领事保护应急机制,会同各部门、地方政府以及驻苏丹和周边国家使领馆与各方密切沟通协调,全力维护在苏同胞安全,并制订撤离转移方案。?

Since abrupt changes took place in the situation in Sudan, the safety of our overseas compatriots have been in the thoughts of the CPC Central Committee. The Chinese Foreign Ministry immediately activated the consular emergency response mechanism and has been in close communication and coordination with other government departments, local governments and Chinese embassies and consulates in Sudan and its neighboring countries. We are doing our utmost to protect the safety of our compatriots in Sudan and come up with a plan for evacuation and transfer.?

Previous PRC histoy of the term:

- 地震发生后,海外同胞的安危时刻牵动着我们的心。外交部领事保护中心立即启动应急机制。中国驻土耳其、叙利亚两国大使馆迅速向当地政府了解核实情况,与当地侨团、中资机构、留学生保持密切联系,及时为遇到困难的同胞提供协助。?

The safety of our overseas compatriots have been in our thoughts since the earthquakes happened. The Centre for Consular Assistance and Protection of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately activated the emergency response mechanism. Chinese embassies in Türkiye and Syria contacted local governments at the earliest opportunity for more information and have kept in close touch with local Chinese communities, institutions and students, providing timely help to our compatriots in difficulty.?

- 外交部第一时间启动领保应急机制,实施紧急撤侨行动,在战火纷飞中安全转移5200多名中国公民。?

China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has activated its consular emergency response mechanism at the first instance and carried out emergency evacuation, ensuring the safe transfer of over 5,200 Chinese nationals amid the on-going warfare.?

- 各国政府应禁止使用违背法律法规、伦理道德和标准规范的人工智能技术及相关应用,强化对已使用的人工智能产品与服务的质量监测和使用评估,研究制定应急机制和损失补偿措施。?

Governments should prohibit using AI technologies and relevant applications which run counter to laws, regulations, ethics and standards, strengthen quality monitoring and evaluations on the use of AI products and services, and formulate emergency mechanisms and compensation measures.?

- 人民至上,生命至上。中国政府始终高度重视海外中国公民和机构安全。袭击事件发生后,中国外交部和驻巴使领馆按照王毅国务委员兼外长要求,第一时间启动应急机制,派员赶赴现场处置。中国外交部负责人和驻巴使领馆负责人多渠道要求巴方全力做好救治和善后工作,立即彻查此事,缉拿凶手并依法严惩。?

The people and their lives always come first. The Chinese government always attaches great importance to the safety of Chinese citizens and institutions overseas. As required by State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, the Chinese Foreign Ministry and diplomatic missions in Pakistan activated the emergency response mechanism and sent officials to the site immediately after the incident. Diplomats at the Chinese Foreign Ministry and diplomatic missions in Pakistan asked the Pakistani side, through multiple channels, to take all-out measures to treat the injured and handle the follow-up matters of the victims, immediately make thorough investigation of the incident, and apprehend and punish the perpetrators to the full extent of the law.?

  • 月球样品管理办法 / Regulations on the Management of Lunar Samples (issued December 2020)?

- 中国始终坚持在平等互利、合作共赢的基础上,开展航天国际交流合作,我们已经发布《月球样品管理办法》,鼓励开展月球样品研究,促进科学成果共享。迄今为止,澳大利亚、俄罗斯、法国、美国、英国及瑞典等国的科学家参与了中国月球样品的科学研究。?

China is committed to international space cooperation and exchanges on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and win-win cooperation. We have issued the Regulations on the Management of Lunar Samples, which encourages research on lunar samples and promotes the sharing of scientific findings. Scientists from countries including Australia, Russia, France, the US, the UK and Sweden have participated in the scientific study of China’s lunar samples.?

  • 中国航天日 / China's Space Day (April 24)?

Today’s quote:

- 今天,我们从国家航天局2023年“中国航天日”主场活动上了解到,中国分别向俄罗斯、法国赠送了月球样品。?

According to what we learned from an event in celebration of the Space Day of China hosted by the China National Space Administration (CNSA) today [April 24, 2023], China has given lunar samples to Russia and France respectively.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 昨天是中国航天日,据报道,中国国家航天局表示,中国将组建近地小天体防御系统。?

Yesterday [April 24] marks Space Day of China. It is reported that the China National Space Administration said that China will build a defense system against small near-Earth objects.?

- 继续组织开展“中国航天日”系列活动,充分利用“世界空间周”“全国科技活动周”以及“天宫课堂”等平台,加强航天科普教育,普及航天知识,传播航天文化,传承弘扬“两弹一星”精神和载人航天精神、探月精神、新时代北斗精神,激发全民尤其是青少年崇尚科学、探索未知、敢于创新的热情,提高全民科学文化素养。?

China will continue to hold events to celebrate its Space Day, promote education on space knowledge and culture during World Space Week and National Science and Technology Week, and through Tiangong Classroom and other platforms, and promote the culture and spirit embodied in the development of the atomic and hydrogen bombs, missiles, man-made satellites, manned spaceflight, lunar probes and the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System in the new era. The goal is to inspire the nation, especially the young people, to develop an interest in science, to create and explore the unknown, and to increase scientific knowledge among the general public.?

- 为传承航天精神、激发创新热情,中国政府决定,自2016年起,将每年4月24日设立为“中国航天日”。?

To carry forward this spirit and stimulate enthusiasm for innovation, the Chinese government set April 24 as China's Space Day in 2016.?

Read in parallel: https://tinyurl.com/3c4rzy9j


