Emergency Business Funding: A Look At Your Options
Joseph IngrassiaForbes Councils Member - Nov 11, 2020,08:00am EST

Emergency Business Funding: A Look At Your Options

So far, 2020 has been challenging to say the least. Millions of small and midsized businesses have faced restrictions on their operations because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Many business owners have had to work with fewer customers on the premises and fewer employees in house, and some have also faced distribution problems. Others have yet to fully resume their operations. All these factors can lead to a need for additional capital.

The Impact Of Covid-19 On Business Owners

In 2019, there were approximately 30.7 million small businesses in the United States. Many of these businesses were required to shut down, to schedule employees to work from home or, in some cases, to work with a seriously modified production line to maintain distance between employees. These sudden changes caused immediate financial issues.


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The CARES Act provided the Paycheck Protection Program, designed to help businesses remain viable during the lockdowns that occurred during the pandemic, but some business owners found they were unable to access these funds. Additional funding became available under the Economic Injury Disaster Loans program. While these programs were a welcome relief to many business owners, others may have missed the opportunity to apply for this relief requiring them to seek additional funding to handle their cash flow needs and to help keep their business viable.

What Are The Options?

While most businesses have since been given the green light to reopen, challenges remain, such as inventory in short supply, needing additional protective equipment for employees and customers, and filling orders. To meet these financial demands, often with a smaller staff on hand, businesses need cash. There are some common options businesses can consider including:


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? Bank loans. Business owners may be able to apply for a loan at their local bank. The advantages of this method include low interest rates, minimal reporting requirements and amortizing loan payment schedules. However, applying for a new loan requires significant paperwork, and in some instances, these loans might not be approved quickly enough to meet a business’s needs. This option also might be harder to achieve than others because many businesses will have shown a significant downturn in revenue in recent months.

? Terms with vendors. Another option is to ask your vendors for longer periods of time to pay, which can give you a little more breathing room. This can be a good fit for expenses related to materials used in the performance or production of goods. Sometimes vendors will wait to get paid and collect when the customer pays. It’s important to note, though, that they are facing the same hurdles other businesses and, in some cases, might not be able to extend terms. This option also will not help pay overhead, such as payroll needs.

? Invoice factoring. This method allows owners of small and midsized businesses to draw funds immediately on invoices for which they might otherwise would have to wait 60 to 90 days for payment. Businesses that wish to maintain a healthy balance sheet may also prefer this method since it does not mean taking on more debt. But it’s important to keep in mind that factors tend to only advance against accounts they deem creditworthy, and the client may have a personal relationship with the account debtor that a factor would not recognize in its underwriting. Each new advance may be dependent on the performance of the last advance made by the factor.

Avoid Creating New Financial Problems

The road to full financial recovery following the pandemic is going to be a long and bumpy one. To fully recover, businesses will have to continue to grow but still remain cautious. In some cases, business recovery will be tied to how quickly they can fill orders and still maintain strong safety protocols, both of which could require additional funding.

However, when you need emergency funding, there are still some methods that are best avoided:

? Credit card advances. This is a very costly way to secure capital. Not only might you pay a fee for the advance, but you will also be paying an exceedingly high interest rate on those funds. Unless you intend to pay the full balance off, these advances are often paid only after the regular balance on your card is paid, which means you pay a higher interest rate for a longer period of time.

? Predatory lenders. There is a danger in reaching out to unscrupulous lenders. Often, these lenders make themselves available to businesses under the guise of “no credit check” or other enticing statements but will have onerous fees attached to their loans and services. Working with such lenders can ruin a business’s financial status because of high interest rates and associated fees. To avoid working with a predatory lender, always read the fine print of any offer.

? Merchant cash advances. There are hundreds of businesses that offer merchant advances. The problem with this type of funding is you are paying money toward the cash you get with every transaction you process. Many of these advances also come with steep fees to get started.

Shop carefully.

As business owners start looking toward the “new normal,” their cash flow will need to continue being as innovative and flexible as their business operations. Maintaining a healthy cash flow while avoiding taking on unnecessary debt can help you quickly adapt while still maintaining a good payment record with vendors and making sure your monthly obligations are being fulfilled.

First and foremost, business owners must make sure they know the methods to avoid so they are not subjecting their business to onerous terms and conditions. Any time you seek funding, you should ensure you are getting the best possible terms with as few restrictions placed on the funds as possible. We will get through this difficult period eventually, but until we do, shop smart for your emergency business funding.


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