E=MC2 – The energy of matter and how this energy can be released with interactions between objects
E= MC2 is Albert Einstein’s most famous equation, also called “mass-energy equivalence”. This formula tells us the relationship between mass and energy.
The law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant. The energy can though be transferred to another form. In this article I will explain the release of energy in matter in motion due friction and collision with external matter.
E = energy in matter. In this article we refer to matter as atoms. Huge amounts of energy are concentrated and stored in atoms. The atoms’ quarks are filled with energy. Each type of quark concentrates and store a specific energy. An atom is energies concentrated in quarks and administered by the atom’s operating system.
We know an atom perform several tasks:
-?The attractive force, which creates atom bindings and gravity.
-?The repulsive force, which prevent nuclei from colliding with each other.
-?The strong force, which hold all quarks together in special units, protons and neutrons, and hold the nucleus elements together.
-?Other tasks and energies, like the dielectricity and communication energies. We know through quantum entanglement that atoms/ particles/ groups of atoms can communicate over large distances. Dielectricity seem to be the preferred method of sharing energy between atoms.
Energies are concentrated in matter, but “empty space” also contain energies. Around 70% of the universe is estimated to be dark energy. Space seems to be filled with “free” energy units which is not connected to matter and universal phenomena. In this article we will concentrate us on energies in atoms and how they behave in relationship with E=MC2.
We now use the term M, mass, as atoms.
C is the speed of light. The speed of light is approximately 300?000 km/s/ 186?000 mi/s).
The formula tells us that energy and mass is equal to mass multiplied with the speed of light. The speed of light square, is an extremely large number. This tells us matter consists of extremely amount of energy. It does not link energy to the movement of matter. Matter contains approximately the same energy when moving. The quarks do not loose energy when in transit. Except from when interact with external matter which do not move with the same speed.
“E” here is a combination of relativistic energy and relativistic mass. E also tells us how energy may be released in interaction with moving mass. If a moving mass collides with a mass which is not moving, we will have a release of energy. This energy is released by both masses. Increased speed of the collision gives stronger release of energies. The speed in this formula is related to the speed of light, c.
What happens when two atoms collide? The main concern of atoms is to preserve their structure. If two atoms collide, the collision might crush the nuclei. To prevent this, atoms have a repulsive force. We know atoms communicate with each other. We see this in quantum entanglement. If we assume all atoms communicate with atoms close by, atoms will be aware of their surroundings. If two atoms or clusters of atoms moves towards each other, the atoms will sense this and take precautionary measures to preserve their structure.
To prevent the destruction of the nucleus, the atoms will increase their repulsive force. The increased repulsive force of the atoms, will ensure adequate distance between the nuclei. This will prevent a collision and the destruction of the atom’s core.
This will create a high level of repulsive energy in the surroundings, which creates the repulsive force. This energy will be absorbed by the atoms in the area. The atoms will have abundance of this energy which they now don’t need. They will convert this energy, trough Atomic Phase Displacement, to the most common energy for sharing, dielectricity, which they send out to neighbour atoms. This increased release of energy is perceived as heat by living organisms. In friction we have the same happening: Atoms are forced close to each other and increase their repulsive force to keep the distance between the nuclei.
If the speed of the collision between atoms are too high, the atoms might not be able to produce enough repulsive force to prevent collision between the atoms’ cores. We then will have a collision in which the nuclei also are touching each other. A core collision might knock one or more atom core elements loose from the nucleus. If a neutron or proton is knocked out from the core, the nucleus will try to reproduce the missing element. If the nucleus has enough energy to make new elements, replacing them, the nucleus will still have the same number of atomic core elements, but the general energy level of the nucleus is reduced. If the atom does not have enough energy to replace them, the atom will turn into a new atom with fewer atomic core elements.
The atomic core element which has been knocked loose, is now without central management. It will within a short time not be able to hold together. It will then dissolve into free quarks. If these quarks are not absorbed by other atoms, they will also dissolve and release their energy. This is nuclear fission.
If the collision between nuclei is very hard, the collision can crush the nucleus. Then too many core elements are knocked loose, and the atomic core does not have enough energy to replace the missing elements. Then the whole core dissolves and all elements release their energy. This is atom dissolution, which results in an enormous energy release.
E=MC2 is an interesting formula. It tells us how matter=energy, but it also tells us how energies might be released from matter. Matter is energies concentrated and with a centralized management. Atoms try to preserve their structure and energies, and may release much energy to in preserving the structure.
To preserve their structure atoms prioritise the strong nuclear force which hold the elements together. To protect the nucleus structure and the strong nuclear force, atoms create the repulsive force. These two forces seem to be the most important forces in the preservation of atoms.
Matter is concentrated energy put into a management system. E=MC2 show matter is energy. It also shows us how this energy can be released through collisions and friction. Speed do not increase the energy in matter, but the formula shows us how the energy of matter can be released with speed. Increased speed gives us potential increased energy release in case of friction or a collision.
Bent Rolf Pettersen, 2023.?