Holotomography Application - 3D Embryo Assessment

Holotomography Application - 3D Embryo Assessment

Explore a revolutionary application of Holotomography in embryogenesis research, highlighting its ability to provide detailed, noninvasive 3D imaging for enhanced assessment and prediction of embryo development in IVF.

Label-free 3D Morpho-Kinetic Profiling for Embryo Quality Prediction

In a recent study, researchers developed a groundbreaking noninvasive technique combining 3D imaging and machine learning to enhance the prediction of embryo quality and blastocyst formation in in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Key findings:

  • Low-coherence Holotomography provided detailed, noninvasive 3D visualization of the embryo development from the 2-cell stage to the blastocyst over a span of 72 hours.
  • Key 3D morpho-kinetic parameters serves as novel, noninvasive markers for evaluating embryo quality at different developmental stages.
  • Multi-nucleation, blastomere evenness, cytoplasmic homogeneity, and fragmentation rate efficiently predict blastocyst formation potential at the cleavage stage.
  • A decision tree ensemble model utilizing Holotomography 3D morphological parameters can predict developmental potential with up to 95% accuracy.

Figure: Schematic representing the volumetric segmentation of nuclei in embryos (left) and representative HT images of Grade A and Grade C embryos (right) at t = 36 h.

Holotomography Platform for Developmental Biology


  • Long working distance for high-resolution imaging of thick embryo specimens
  • Low-intensity illumination for safe observation without compromising image quality
  • Build-in incubator for long-term monitoring of embryogenesis process

[Video] High-resolution 3D Visualization of Mouse Embryo Development



