Embracing Your Inner Child: The Path to Authenticity and Healing

Embracing Your Inner Child: The Path to Authenticity and Healing

One of the most prominent features of our lives as adults is the tendency to neglect one of the facets of our characters, namely the kid within us. This part of us, which is established in the period of childhood, contains the answers to who we really are, how we can be creative and how we are capable of feeling joy in its simplest form. Coming back to the child in you can create another beautiful world and help in a complete healing process.

The main significance of the inner child is that it is a key model through which people conceptualize themselves and their experience, and it is a model that has significant impact for them.The notion of the inner child therefore derives from the premise that each one of us retains within them core issues associated with childhood. In fact, we are talking not only about some perverted memory stored in our subconscious, but the real live element of our character – inner child.

When we do not take care of our inner child, we feel as if we are not in touch with the real self which results in forty, depression, and an overall sense of dissatisfaction in our lives. This is a call to come back to that intrinsic part of one’s human essence so that one is healed, reawakened to the passion one once had, and made alive again.

Ways in Which You Can Attempt to Reconnect with Your Child Within

The first process of moving back to the childhood self is the recognition of its existence. This implies acknowledging the feelings and experiences from childhood that are likely to affect one’s life. Instead, such thoughts should be considered and valued because they represent vital signs of the human body.

2. Reflect on Your Childhood

Spend some time now recalling some of the things that you underwent when you were still young. What were you doing, do you think you enjoyed most? What gave you the feeling of security and being cherished? What were you most afraid of? Knowing these aspects will enable you understand and relate with the inner child that is in you.

3. Engage in Playful Activities

Functional people should adopt the habits that bring joy and happiness in childhood as it is very healing. Who is entertained when they draw, play a football, go for a walk outside or watch an airplane in the sky?

4. Practice Self-Compassion

Speak to the inner child in the way that you would speak to any little kid and with the same encouragement. Kind to yourself with various issues, whether it is a memory from the past that has caused the pain or any feeling that bothers you. This self-compassion is so important when it comes to the process of healing and change.

5. Seek Help

If you find that this is becoming unmanageable and that exercises are becoming stressful to you, then it would be helpful to seek professional help.

In some cases, it becomes almost impossible to treat the traumas originated in childhood without professional help. It is advised to get help from a therapist or a counselor to help one manage through such thoughts.

Reconnecting with your inner child can lead to numerous benefits, both personally and professionally :

  1. Enhanced Creativity: Your inner child is perhaps the wellspring of your creativity as a human being. The acceptance of this side of you may result in increased creativity and methods for solving issues.
  2. Improved Emotional Health: Self healing can give difficult solutions for anxiety, depression and other sensations, which can improve the condition of the person.
  3. Authentic Relationships: Self identity helps in understanding oneself and therefore; have a natural feeling towards other people with similar feeling towards one.
  4. Greater Fulfillment: Fulfillment and happiness are experienced when one is in a position to do what he or she feels is right.


To be exact, in our race to the top, or in pursuing success and achievement and in the process, the child within … disappears. But it is crucial to accept this aspect in order to live sincerely and move on from the past. This argument simply states that finding our childhood spirit brings about mastery of the self, happiness, and a good life.

Just always bear in mind that you have come out of the worse already. Love more, wait for the body to heal on its own, and spread love and joy or guidelines. It is time to stop hiding behind the grown-up mask and inch by inch gain the skills needed for a happier life. ????


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