Joseph Uwimana
Supply Chain & Logistics/ Planning/ Operational Efficiency / Leadership
Do you have a favorite superhero? Imagine your favorite superhero as the leader of all the superheroes from comics, books, movies, and other sci-fi. Isn't that great? Would any other superhero be greater than them? Before you answer, let me share a superhero I believe is one of the greatest ever.
How many times have you heard a parent narrating the famous story titled "When We Used to Go to School"? The character portrayed in this story is what I call the greatest superhero to have ever lived on our planet.
When parents tell their children about their struggles to go to school, the narratives are incredibly impractical. They sound as if they used to stand on top of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania and jump, just to land in the Netherlands for primary two school. At other times, it seems like when the parent was merely 7 years old, they used to navigate through thick jungles and bushes, heroically fighting and defeating a pride of lions before arriving at school everyday. On some occasions, it sounds like the parents always had to attend school by walking barefoot on the lava of an erupting volcano—a journey that could last years, and they claim to have never been late to school. Have you heard one of these stories?
Oops, my bad! Life can be a bit unpredictable, and it might be possible that you have been navigating through a game of life where the odds were stacked against you. I understand that challenges like illiteracy, wars, and conflicts might have overshadowed your parents' childhood stories but shaped your resilience like a superhero. If you are reading this tucked away in rural Africa, or perhaps you have attended those remote rural schools in Africa, it is more likely you have got some interesting school day tales to share with the kids in the future.
But let us keep it real, my friend. No need to spin tales about dodging lions or conquering Kilimanjaro just to attend algebra class. We all remember those days of queuing up for morning instructions, singing anthems like rockstars, and eagerly awaiting announcements – time really flies, right? And don't even think about pretending you stood at the back of the queue to avoid the juiciest stories just because you want to explain how serious you were those days – we all know you were among the short pals up front. 'Back then, we formed a queue – shorties up front, skyscrapers in the back.' Yep, that was the vibe!
Now, when we talk about differences in height and all other aspects of body types and size, we are just exploring the various physical characteristics that make each of us unique. In our previous conversation, we touched on the importance of understanding these individual differences in the workplace, right? Today, let us dive into the details of embracing our physical uniqueness and using it to supercharge productivity.
Back in those old days at school, our teachers and school leaders better understood the importance of non-verbal communication cues. They wanted to ensure that not only every child in the line could hear what was being communicated, but also that they could understand and interpret the message correctly by observing the non-verbal cues from the senders. To enhance this visibility, pupils queued according to their height – the shortest kid in front, and the tallest at the back of the queue. Deploying this strategy made eye contact clear.
In the workplace, a synergy of diverse physical attributes forms the bedrock for a highly productive team within a healthy environment. Recognizing and valuing individual physical aspects strategically enhances productivity by creating a comfortable and ergonomic workspace. This involves accommodating diverse needs such as desk space, accessibility, and environmental factors like lighting and temperature preferences. When employees feel physically comfortable, distractions are minimized, allowing them to focus more on their tasks.
Addressing mobility requirements is another key element in maximizing productivity. Ensuring the workplace is accessible to all team members promotes seamless collaboration and communication. An inclusive environment that considers sensory needs contributes to a less stressful atmosphere, enhancing concentration and overall well-being. This emphasis on inclusivity not only supports the diverse physical attributes of team members but also cultivates a positive work culture that directly impacts job satisfaction and engagement.
Moreover, tailoring the workplace to accommodate these various physical attributes goes beyond comfort; it reflects a commitment to employee welfare. This commitment fosters a positive work culture, creating an environment where employees feel supported and valued. As a result, team members are more likely to invest their time and energy into their work, translating into higher levels of satisfaction, engagement, and overall productivity. In essence, recognizing and respecting the physical aspects of individuality is a multifaceted approach that not only creates a comfortable and inclusive environment but also directly contributes to the holistic well-being and success of the team.
Age is also another crucial factor in considering physical attributes in the workplace, and it is essential to approach this without falling into the trap of ageism. Instead, the focus should be on creating a cohesive and interdependent group of professionals where each individual's unique qualities contribute to collective success.
In this context, the wisdom that naturally comes with age is not only acknowledged but also deeply valued. To illustrate this further, let's reflect on a profound line from the song "Let Her Go" by Passenger. Understanding these three short words, "Let her go," prompts us to envision the productivity of a team with limited skills and experience. Flipping the lyrics, a team equipped with both experience and skills not only excels in daily job assignments but also fosters curiosity in the workplace, unlocking various potentials. With age, there exists a mold of skills and experience that only requires guidance through continuous learning and exploration to ensure that everyone, regardless of age, remains engaged and invested in their professional growth.
In my home country, there is a proverb that translates to "The words of a wise person may unfold slowly, but they are always genuine." Another proverb translates to "A young person who has experienced it can provide a detailed account of it." Therefore, understanding physical uniqueness like age in our workplace can serve as a tool to ensure a healthy sharing of skills and directions between older and younger team members. Older team members can offer insights drawn from extensive experience, while younger counterparts bring fresh perspectives and technological acumen. This dynamic exchange not only enriches the skill set of each individual but also contributes to the overall innovation and adaptability of the team.
In essence, a workplace that values age as individual uniqueness thrives by striking a balance and fostering learning when the wisdom of experience meets the enthusiasm of the younger generation, resulting in innovative outcomes. It transforms into an environment where the rich knowledge of seasoned professionals seamlessly combines with the fresh perspectives of younger talents to generate creative solutions. This collaborative atmosphere not only nurtures mutual respect but also equips the team to tackle challenges with a diverse and comprehensive toolkit. In this context, age becomes a distinctive asset, playing a crucial role in shaping a dynamic and flourishing professional community that leverages the diversity of individual attributes to attain shared goals and appreciates the presence of each team member.
In the next article, we will explore in detail the benefits of a cognitively complementary workplace. Stay tuned for more insights and information.