Embracing Self-Actualization
Beatrice Redi
Empowering Driven Executives with the Mindset and Tools to Transform and Flourish. Positive Leadership & Mental Fitness Coach | Embracing Neurodiversity & DE&I | #IAmRemarkable facilitator | PCC/ICF, CHO?, PQ? |
A Journey Beyond Achievement
When pursuing self-actualization, we often encounter misconceptions that hinder our progress. As a leadership coach, I've delved deeply into this concept, seeking to clarify and enlighten paths to achievement and genuine personal growth and fulfilment.
What Is Self-Actualization?
The term "self-actualization" might conjure various images and definitions, influenced heavily by our internal saboteurs—those inner voices that dictate a rigid path often marked by societal standards or superficial success metrics. However, Abraham Maslow, a pioneer in humanistic psychology, offered a refreshingly distinct perspective. He defined self-actualization as the "desire to become more and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming."This definition beautifully emphasizes the journey of becoming rather than the finality of having arrived.
The Saboteurs of Self-Actualization
Saboteurs frequently obstruct our journey towards self-actualization. These internal critics promote a singular achievement as the pinnacle of success, such as reaching a specific career goal or acquiring certain status symbols. These saboteurs mislead us with incorrect targets and skew the process, making us believe self-actualization is a destination rather than a continuous journey. For instance, if the 'Hyper-Achiever' saboteur drives you, you might relentlessly chase goals that may not align with your true self, missing out on the journey and the small joys along the way. Or, if the 'Pleaser' takes the reins, you might end up prioritizing others' needs and desires over your genuine aspirations, leading to a life of regret and unfulfilled potential.
The Sage's Path to Self-Actualization
The alternative to following these saboteurs is to embrace the guidance of your 'Sage.' The Sage within us encourages navigating life through a lens of wisdom and insight, focusing on growth and alignment with our core selves. This part of us possesses the 'Navigate' power, helping us discern which steps will lead us closer to our true potential, illuminated step by step.
Visualizing the Journey
One powerful method to connect with our Sage and redefine our approach to self-actualization is through visualization exercises. These are not merely exercises in fantasy but profound engagements with our deeper selves, exploring potential futures through the eyes of our wiser, older selves. Imagine this: In a visualization session, you walk through a gallery of life's potentials, each canvas depicting a different aspect of your life fully realized—be it relationships, career, or personal wellness. Each scene offers a vision and clarity on what truly matters.
Why This Matters
Engaging with these concepts on platforms like LinkedIn allows us to share not just knowledge but also transformative perspectives that challenge the normative tracks laid down by societal expectations. It encourages a dialogue centered on growth, authenticity, and self-reflection, essential for true leadership and personal fulfillment.
As you continue to explore the facets of self-actualization, remember that it's not about the accolades you gather but the depth you reach within yourself and how you enrich the lives around you.
If you would like a free discovery call to learn more about how I can help you on your journey to self-actualization here's the link https://go.oncehub.com/BeatriceRedi