Embracing the power of 1%

Embracing the power of 1%

As I tuned in to witness our local hero, Lichfield’s very own Sophie Capewell, and her team bagging gold in Paris during the 2024 Olympics, I couldn’t help but reflect on the British Olympic cycling team and their ultimate example of marginal gains in action. While other teams were on the hunt for the next big innovation, the British cycling team focused on something simple: tiny, 1% improvements. Yet, those small changes quite literally propelled them to become the leading track cycling team in the world.

This idea of marginal gains isn't just limited to sports. I’ve recently been reading Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg, where he also touches on how small changes can lead to significant improvements over time. It reminds me of how Dave Brailsford, the Performance Director who was hired by the Great British cycling team, implemented this exact approach to improve performance.

We are often obsessed with big, bold moves, and it’s easy to overlook the power of these tiny tweaks—it’s just human nature. But maybe the key to staying ahead isn’t always found in massive, disruptive ideas. Sometimes, it’s in those 1% improvements, the marginal gains that, when added up, lead to extraordinary results.

I remember a time here at Douglas Jackson when we decided to embrace this mindset. A shift in our approach led us to think about marginal gains, and this way of thinking has had a tremendous impact on our business—and will continue to do so as we keep improving the 1’s and 2’s. For me personally, it was a powerful lesson in how, sometimes, it’s not the grand gestures but the small, thoughtful changes that make the biggest impact.

Just look at the insurance industry, where the market is in full innovation mode and more competitive than ever. Reflecting on these marginal gains could very well be the difference between staying ahead of the competition or falling behind. Whether it’s refining your claims process, enhancing customer interactions, introducing self-serve options, implementing AI, or tightening up operational efficiencies—what are the 1% changes you could make? It all adds up.

I’m talking about micro-improvements. Those tiny adjustments that, on their own, might seem insignificant, but when compounded, create a tidal wave of change. It’s about looking at every aspect of your operation and asking, “What’s the 1% change I can make today?” You might be surprised by the results.

The beauty of marginal gains is that they’re accessible to everyone. You don’t need to overhaul your entire operation or chase the latest trend. Instead, focus on what you already do well and make it just a bit better. These small, incremental steps might seem modest, but in reality, they are the true game-changers. And if we continue to push for these subtle yet significant improvements, we might just ensure that we’re not just keeping pace—we’re setting it.

As always I am keen to hear your thoughts, opinions and experiences. Have you focused on marginal gains in your business or personal life and if you have what results have you seen??



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