Embracing the Olympic Spirit at Work
Embracing the Olympic Spirit at Work
The Olympics have always been one of my favorite things. The incredible athletes, their inspiring stories, the camaraderie of the teams, and the thrilling unexpected victories all combine to create an exhilarating two weeks every two years.
As an HR professional, fostering a vibrant company culture is my priority. My favorite day at the office is our annual TradePMR Gameday, and this year was particularly special as it coincided with the Olympics. Naturally, we embraced an Olympic theme!
Our Gameday features team-based activities, although each game is played individually. This setup allows employees to participate as their schedules permit. Individual scores from each event are tallied to determine the team’s total score. Teams are also encouraged to come up with creative names, adding an extra layer of fun.
Here’s a rundown of this year’s events and the rules:
100 Meters: Players choose a windup toy from a selection, have five seconds to wind it up, and then release it on a table to see how far it travels. Points are awarded based on distance markers placed every five inches. Pro tip: Don’t let players test the toys in advance—the unpredictability adds to the fun!
Backstroke: A small trashcan is taped to a table, with a throwing line set seven feet away. Players stand with their backs to the trashcan and toss ping pong balls behind their backs, earning a point for each ball that lands in the can. Pro tip: Ensure players chest faces away from the trashcan while throwing.
Bad Mitten: Five small cones are arranged like the dots on a dice, with three cones labeled B, A, and D. Players wear oven mitts and toss rings towards the cones, scoring points for each ring that lands on a cone and bonus points if they spell "BAD." Pro tip: Secure the cones to the floor with Velcro and clean the mitts between players.
Boxing: A variety of different sized boxes and chopsticks are provided on a table. Players have one minute to stack as many boxes as possible, earning points for each level in their stack. Pro tip: Using uneven boxes with bows adds a fun challenge.
Fencing: Two concentric rings are set up on the floor. Players stand six feet away and throw six balls, aiming to bounce them into the rings. Points are awarded based on where the balls land. Pro tip: Use Velcro to keep the rings in place.
Saleing: This luck-based game involves picking ducks from a container of water, with points awarded for ducks marked with "SALE" on the bottom. Pro tip: Increase the number of marked ducks to enhance the game.
Once again, Gameday was a huge success. One key lesson is to always test the games beforehand. We had to pivot from our original plans for Bad Mitten and Saleing, but Plan B worked out wonderfully.
The games are silly, sometimes challenging, but always fun. Our employees have a blast, and while the setup and planning take time, the end result is always a fantastic day at the office.