Embracing Neurodiversity Through eLearning: A Path to Inclusive and Accelerated Skill Development
CoSo Cloud, LLC
The Highest Reliability & Security for High Consequence Virtual Training & Web Conferencing.
For many years, organizations have worked to understand and capture the value of diversity. Historically, diversity was mainly thought of in terms of race, gender, national origin, differences in life experience, and so on. Recently, a more subtle kind of diversity has been identified as valuable in how people think and perceive the world.
While “neurodiversity” has become a hot topic of discussion, the underlying concept is old. For anyone with experience in the corporate world, it’s clear that, for example, people who excel in engineering or accounting often have brains that work differently from people who excel in sales or marketing.
The concept of Neurodiversity brings to the discussion the idea that the different ways our brains work can cause a disability—But a better-designed environment can often ameliorate that disability. When training considers different ways of thinking, perceiving, processing information, and communicating with others, the overall value of the training strategy can be increased. While most people can adapt to how training is designed, the best training can offer each learner a path of least resistance to skill and knowledge acquisition, accelerating their learning.
In the eLearning context, many of the principles discussed below are beginning to be integrated into off-the-shelf platforms. If, however, a firm is building a custom eLearning environment, it’s an excellent opportunity to include features that reflect the particular makeup of the organization, allowing every employee to get the most out of training.
When creating the strategy and execution for an eLearning environment, organizations should consider the following:
As we continue to learn how diversity manifests itself in the workforce, we find that cultivating it is the right thing to do and good for business and healthy organizations. Neurodiversity offers us a new way to think about diverse workforces and the opportunity to build e-learning environments that further accelerate skills and knowledge acquisition for all learners.