Embracing the Liminal Zone as an Entrepreneur
Stepping into the Liminal Zone

Embracing the Liminal Zone as an Entrepreneur

Navigating Entrepreneurship and the Liminal Zone

You know? your old life, your old job, your old way of being is done, dunzo, finito, over…? And you are really clear that there is something else, something more, something better you need to be doing.? You might even have an idea of what that might be - but how to you get from here to there?? This is what navigating entrepreneurship and the liminal zone is all about.

Maybe you’ve hit that phase where everything feels up in the air. It seems like endless potential, yet without a solid foundation! ? This is entrepreneurship and the liminal zone.? It’s that stretch of road between 'what was' and 'what will be.' It's uncharted territory, but it brims with potential.

The liminal zone is not a space of ordinary transition.? It’s richer, it’s more potent, and it can be more frustrating.? There are no clear markers.? It can feel like an emotional rollercoaster packed with uncertainty -? yet ripe for growth.

It may be uncomfortable, but it’s also that space where you will get our greatest insights. Instead of rushing forward (which can feel like moving through molasses during this time), now is the time to go within. Meditation and journaling are powerful tools to help you navigate the liminal zone and turn challenges into stepping stones to success.

Understanding Entrepreneurship and the Liminal Zone in Life Transitions

The liminal zone is like a hallway between two distinct rooms, representing 'what was' and 'what will be.' It's that stretch of uncertainty where you've left the comfort of your old job or relationship but haven't yet stepped into something new.

Examples of Liminal Spaces

Liminality goes beyond simple transition. It represents the in-between, where the old no longer works and the new has not yet formed. This concept goes beyond personal growth or career changes and applies to various aspects of life, representing moments of deep transformation and uncertainty.

Academic Transitions?

The period after graduation but before starting a career, filled with potential yet undefined direction.? Even if you know what job you are moving into, this time can still feel undefined and challenging.??

I remember graduating with my Masters and having absolutely no idea what came next.? I had decided against teaching and didn’t feel I had enough knowledge to start writing yet.? Instead of going inward and searching for internal guidance, I flailed around, moving across the country, taking any job that would pay the bills, and essentially putting off what I later came to understand was my life’s purpose, (writing, coaching, training, catalyzing) for dozens of years!

Cultural Adaptation

Immigrants experience liminality as they navigate the space between their original and new cultures, blending identities and customs.

I personally love this space.? Any time I move to a new country, I love to just BE and absorb the surrounding culture.? I love to experience their foods, their communications, their enjoyment, their lives.??

When we moved to Costa Rica part-time, I was absolutely filled with the energetic buzz of the liminal zone.? I bathed in it.? I love walking on the local beaches with local families, testing out my very limited Spanish, trying new fruits and foods. I learned to revel in the “in-between”.?

Family Transitions

Experiencing the transitional phases of life, like the aftermath of a divorce or the profound solitude that comes after children leave home, presents us with some of the most emotionally demanding moments we can encounter.?

These liminal transitions propel individuals into a space that lies between the known past and an unpredictable future, where old roles and routines no longer hold, but new ones have not yet been defined.?

This in-between state demands a redefinition of identity and purpose, often accompanied by a profound sense of loss and the daunting task of forging a new path alone.

Digital Realms

The virtual environment? - especially AI - can be a liminal space.? I think we are all trying to discover how to use this new technology as it changes everything about our industries and how we have been doing things. Resistance is futile.??

Within the Turbulence

Within this turbulence lies the potential for significant personal growth and self-discovery.?

The support of friends, family, and community becomes a crucial lifeline, offering the strength to navigate this uncharted territory.

Embracing the vulnerability of this transitional phase and actively seeking connections that validate our developing identities, we can emerge from this threshold even more resilient and with a profound understanding of our potential for growth.

Common Triggers for Entering the Borderline Space

Sometimes job transitions can thrust us into this in-between phase without warning. One day we’re part of an office family, then poof. We find our belongings packed up and the locks changed.

Sometimes we keep our jobs, but our whole way of working changes.? Hello Covid and WFH. We find ourselves working from home with no daily face-to-face interactions.

Sometimes we know the change is coming.? We can even prepare for it.? But once we take the leap and leave the nest of our previous job, we find ourselves in free fall with no ideas what to do next.

The common thread? Change is happening, and although our surroundings are familiar, everything feels very different indeed.

The Desire for Stability vs. Embracing Change

We naturally crave stability—it gives us comfort and predictability. But there's also something exhilarating about embracing change because that’s where growth happens.

If change knocks on your door, try opening up to new experiences instead of clinging onto past certainties which may no longer serve their purpose in our lives anymore.

Mindfulness experts suggest that seeing potential in uncertainty can transform anxiety into excitement for future opportunities waiting just around the corner—the key here isn't avoiding risk but learning how to navigate through them strategically while keeping an open mind towards possible outcomes along the way.

Tools for Navigating Uncertainty and Disorientation

To manage these emotions, consider adopting practices that ground you. Meditation can serve as an anchor during turbulent times by bringing your focus back to the present moment.

Meditation and Mindfulness Practices

Meditation offers a quiet space to breathe deeply and center oneself.

A regular mindfulness practice can also clear mental clutter allowing clearer vision toward emerging prospects within transition zones.?

Mindfulness practices, even simple ones incorporated into daily routines, are vital tools during such times.

Mindfulness goes hand-in-hand with meditation. It's about noticing life's current state without judgment—embracing each second for what it is rather than what we expect or fear it might become.

Mindset Shifts

Mindset shift is crucial here: view uncertainty as fertile ground for innovation rather than a void of chaos.

If we lean into the discomfort instead of resisting it, we set the stage for remarkable transformation.

No one said pivoting was easy, but let me tell you: embracing this “blank canvas” period can unlock doors to potentialities beyond our current imagination.

Acknowledge the unease but also recognize its power; dare yourself to explore what could be while standing firmly where things stand undefined today.

Journaling as a Tool for Reflection

Your journal becomes a private canvas reflecting personal evolution throughout transitional phases. Journaling benefits, not just emotionally but cognitively by processing experiences leading towards insights otherwise overlooked when untangled alone inside one's head.

Get the Countess Code Journal at www.getmyjournal.com

My “Countess Code Journal” can serve as a guide during this turbulent time, transforming this introspective practice into actionable steps for your business journey.?

It encourages you to systematically capture your thoughts, set clear goals, and track progress, making it an indispensable tool for anyone ready to embrace change and achieve entrepreneurial success.

If you are an avid journalor, here are some questions to explore during this phase:

  1. What inspired me to leave my career and start a new business? Reflect on the motivations and aspirations that are driving this significant change.
  2. What skills and experiences from my previous career can I bring into my new business? Consider how your past professional life has prepared you for entrepreneurship.
  3. What fears or concerns do I have about this transition? Acknowledge any anxieties or doubts you may have and think about strategies to address them.
  4. What does success look like in my new business? Define what success means to you personally and professionally in this new venture.
  5. What are the first steps I need to take to make my dream business a reality? Break down the initial actions required to move closer to launching your business.
  6. Who can support me during this transition? Identify mentors, peers, or communities that can offer guidance and encouragement.
  7. What are the core values that will guide my new business? Articulate the principles that will underpin your business practices and culture.
  8. How do I envision my daily life as an entrepreneur? Visualize your routines, work environment, and how you'll balance personal and professional responsibilities.
  9. What obstacles might I face, and how can I overcome them? Anticipate challenges and consider solutions or resources to navigate them.
  10. What can I do to maintain my well-being during this period of change? Reflect on activities, habits, or support systems that will keep you grounded and healthy.
  11. How will I measure the progress of my transition and business growth? Think about benchmarks, milestones, or indicators that will show you're moving in the right direction.
  12. What legacy do I want my new business to create? Look beyond immediate goals to the broader impact you wish to have through your work.

The Role of Coaches and Mentors

Seek guidance from experienced individuals who've navigated their own ?spaces successfully. Coaches or mentors don't just offer advice, they provide support systems understanding unique challenges faced while transitioning ensuring no stone remains unturned en route forging new beginnings.

Books, Books and More Books

Oftentimes books can be our best mentors.? And they don’t talk back.

Here are a few books on liminal zones and transitions that investigate the complexities of change, identity, and the thresholds between different life stages or states of being:

  1. "Liminal Thinking: Create the Change You Want by Changing the Way You Think" by Dave Gray - Gray introduces the concept of liminal thinking - the art of finding, creating, and using thresholds to initiate change. It's a practical guide to changing how you perceive and understand the world around you.
  2. "Crossing the Unknown Sea: Work as a Pilgrimage of Identity" by David Whyte - Whyte uses the metaphor of a sea voyage to discuss life's transitions, particularly focusing on work and career as significant parts of our identity journey.
  3. "When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times" by Pema Ch?dr?n - Ch?dr?n's book is a spiritual guide through the most challenging phases of life, teaching the power of embracing change and the liminal spaces that come with it.
  4. "The Middle Passage: From Misery to Meaning in Midlife" by James Hollis - Hollis examines the midlife crisis as a liminal phase, offering insights into how this period of life can be a gateway to personal growth and finding deeper meaning.
  5. And of course, my book: “101 Ways to Rock Change” ?Bite sized steps you can take to rock the liminal zone and your new life!

Get 101 Ways to Rock Change at www.get101book.com

The Value of Unexpected Opportunities

Sometimes the best chances are those we never saw coming. They push us out of our complacency, urging us toward innovation and creativity. That's how legacies are built—not on certainty but on the willingness to venture into uncharted territories with an open heart and mind. Embrace these surprises; they could lead to your biggest breakthroughs yet.

Deep Dive into the Liminal Experience

The emotional landscape of liminality is complex. It's characterized by a mix of loss, hope, disorientation, and anticipation. For entrepreneurs, this space is both daunting and exhilarating, demanding a balance between mourning what is left behind and embracing the unknown future.

Navigating the Threshold

  • Emotional Resilience: Building emotional resilience is crucial. Acknowledging feelings of uncertainty and vulnerability as natural responses to change allows individuals to move through liminal spaces with greater ease.
  • Community and Connection: Seeking out communities of like-minded individuals or those going through similar transitions can provide support and validation, reminding us that we are not alone in our experiences.
  • Creative Exploration: Liminal periods offer a unique opportunity for creative exploration. Without the constraints of a defined role or identity, individuals can experiment with new ideas, hobbies, or career paths that may have previously seemed out of reach.

The Entrepreneurial Journey Through Liminality

Entrepreneurship embodies the essence of liminality. It involves stepping away from the known and venturing into an uncertain future. This journey is not linear; it's filled with setbacks and breakthroughs, each serving as a catalyst for growth and self-discovery.

Leveraging Liminality for Growth

  • Strategic Patience: Understanding that liminality is a process that cannot be rushed is vital. Strategic patience allows entrepreneurs to remain open to learning and growth opportunities that arise from uncertainty.
  • Adaptive Mindset: Cultivating an adaptive mindset enables individuals to respond to challenges with flexibility, turning potential obstacles into stepping stones for innovation.
  • Visionary Thinking: In the liminal zone, visionary thinking becomes a powerful tool. It involves holding onto the vision of what could be, even when the path is not clear, guiding actions and decisions towards the realization of that vision.

Key Takeaways for Embracing Liminality

  • The liminal zone, with its inherent challenges and opportunities, is a powerful space for transformation.?
  • It demands courage, curiosity, and resilience but rewards those who navigate it with growth, self-discovery, and innovation.?
  • By embracing the uncertainty, seeking support, and maintaining a focus on the potential for new beginnings, individuals can turn the liminal zone into a launching pad for their most ambitious dreams.
  • Embrace the entrepreneurship and the liminal zone as a space brimming with potential. It's where your old job doesn't fit and your new venture awaits.
  • To navigate change, find balance through daily practices that keep you in the present while preparing for what's next.
  • Change can be scary but it unlocks unexpected opportunities—reach out and grab them.
  • Meditation creates calm amid chaos, helping you see new prospects clearly during transitions.
  • Journaling is a powerful tool for reflecting on personal growth and untangling thoughts during times of change.
  • Leverage wisdom from coaches or mentors who understand the unique challenges of transitioning to ensure thorough preparation for your next chapter.
  • Your comfort zone may feel safe, but it's not where growth happens.
  • New opportunities often come disguised as challenges, daring you to step up and learn more about yourself than ever before.
  • Embracing them helps you evolve into the entrepreneur who'll lead their legacy with wisdom and courage.

Cultivating Curiosity as Your Compass

Curiosity didn't just kill the cat; it made entrepreneurs out of many. Forbes suggests curiosity fuels progress, encouraging questions that reveal gaps in markets—a perfect playground for launching unique ventures.


Liminality is not merely a phase to endure but a space to embrace.?

It is in this threshold of uncertainty that the most significant opportunities for growth and transformation lie.?

As we go through these transitions, we not only discover our resilience and potential, but also the importance of embracing the unknown with an open heart and a visionary mind.?

The journey through the liminal zone, while challenging, is rich with the promise of new beginnings and uncharted territories waiting to be explored.

If you want to learn more about me or our Beyond the Dream Board coaching programs, please reach out to us here: https://www.beyondthedreamboard.com/about-post-executive-coaching

I'm always happy to connect on LinkedIn: ?www.dhirubhai.net/in/VivekavonRosen

Molly Stovold

You deserve to live by the beach, make hella money, help a tonne of people, and be free. I help with that.

8 个月

Loving the focus on liminal spaces, couldn't be more timely, Viveka von Rosen ????

Kresnier Jeffrey Perez

Performance Marketing | Analytics | E-commerce Expert

8 个月

Congratulations on the new edition! Excited to dive in and explore the depths of liminal zones. ??

Dr. Paul Toote

Emergency Physician, Top Communication Voice, and Leadership Expert. I help organizations develop high-performing teams through effective communication strategies and leadership skills. Connect now. Let’s work together.

8 个月

Looking forward to exploring the depths of liminal zones with you! ??

Tom Triumph

Business, Innovation, Technology & Product Development Leadership. Consultant, Speaker & Author

8 个月

This is absolutely a wonderfully written and generous article by Viveka, and one that is full of insight and advice for what we all have likely (and will again) experience - the liminal zone encountered during transitions. As the article explains, it can be a disorienting and uncomfortable period. Yet a necessary part of moving forward and one everyone will experience (perhaps several times).


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