Embracing Leak Prevention Innovation for Industrial Efficiency and Environmental Responsibility

Embracing Leak Prevention Innovation for Industrial Efficiency and Environmental Responsibility

There's no doubt that sustainability plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of the energy industry. After all, it's the organizations that are best able to embrace innovative sustainable practices that will be uniquely positioned to become industry leaders in the race toward net zero.

One of the areas that is most ripe for innovation is leak prevention. Leaks in energy infrastructure, whether in pipelines, storage facilities, or industrial equipment, result in significant losses of valuable resources. Further, they pose a significant threat to nearby workers and communities. By adopting advanced leak detection technologies, the energy industry can minimize such losses, enhance operational efficiency, and optimize resource utilization...it's a win-win-win scenario.

In this week’s episode of Work Done Right, we are joined by Bureau Veritas’ Andrea Di Lillo, who joins to discuss the importance of preventing leaks among industrial facilities. With years of sustainability experience, Andrea sheds light on the short, medium, and long-term impacts of leak prevention and detection, and how they can save time, money, and valuable resources for clients.?

Andrea also dives into the profound concept of sustainability and its relevance for the Oil & Gas Industry, a pivotal player in addressing climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The conversation also touches on the identification of high-risk emission areas within operations and the potential for improved efficiency and overall performance by embracing innovation and rethinking traditional practices. Don’t miss this thought-provoking discussion on Opex and sustainability, and the importance of emission management for safety, environmental compliance, and cost-saving measures.?

Listen to the full episode here.

About Andrea Di Lillo?

Andrea Di Lillo serves as the Global Business Development Director for OPEX in Oil and Gas for Bureau Veritas, a world leader in audit and certification services, as well as in helping companies to be more methodical and more trustworthy in their journey towards sustainability.?

Prior to his time with Bureau Veritas, Andrea held a diverse set of roles in his nearly 20 years in the Energy Industry, including Maintenance Engineer, Business Development Manager, Project Manager, and Operations Manager. Andrea holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Università degli Studi dell’Aquila in L’Aquila, Italy.

Top 3 Episode Takeaways?

  1. Leak Detection and Emission Management:?Andrea Di Lillo discusses the significance of detecting and repairing volatile organic compound (VOC) leaks and other greenhouse gases. Bureau Veritas has been involved in emission control for decades, contributing to safety, environmental protection, and compliance. They stress the importance of considering the short, medium, and long-term impacts of leak detection campaigns, as they can save time, money, and valuable resources for the clients.?
  2. Defining sustainability and its relevance for the Oil & Gas Industry:?Sustainability is about meeting the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations. Oil and gas companies have a crucial role in improving sustainability, particularly in addressing climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Improving sustainability can lead to both financial and ESG performance benefits, contributing to the company’s value and helping protect the environment.?
  3. Identifying high-risk areas and improving efficiency:?Industrial businesses can benefit from identifying and addressing high-risk emission areas within their operations. By using reliable data and implementing mitigation plans, they can reduce emissions, increase operational productivity, and improve their overall performance and transparency. Embracing innovation and rethinking traditional practices can lead to significant improvements in both environmental and financial aspects.?

Episode Transcript?

Wes Edmiston:??

Andrea, welcome to the show.??


Andrea Di Lillo:??

Thank you very much, Wes, and great introduction. It is really a pleasure to be here.??


And maybe now will become famous, maybe globally. So thanks. Thanks for that. Hopefully we can put it on the map.??


Wes Edmiston:??

Yeah, no doubts. Yeah, perfect. Well, hey, again, thank you for joining us here today.??

You have quite an extensive background and you’ve covered a lot of different domains. I was wondering if you could tell me a bit more about your background, maybe how you got into the industry and what it is more now that you do with bureau veritas.??



Andrea Di Lillo:?

Okay, so we will start with a very good question. So thank you for that. What we know is that that the background already gives some insight about what a person is and then we will start imaging what the next might be.??


So in terms of my personal experience says, and this is also for people that maybe are starting today, maybe a new career that you can stay in the same market space and get opportunity to change the angle of your view in orderly to, let’s say, keep your curiosity on going and continuously discover some new perspective.??


And of course we are here to learning more. Now, you said 20 years, so I’m starting to be a bit old. So let me start from something that I tell only to few friends. So I graduated in mechanical engineering in Italy.??


The five years master degree course was unfortunately taking a bit more than five years, but was eight, nine years. But if you want, we will discuss this in another episode maybe. And at that time I was lucky enough to meet the right mates.??


And this is another important thing that if you learn it immediately, this will accelerate your development in the future. So working together and being a strong team. We help each other and we support each other until, let’s say, the conclusion of the master’s degree, that it was less than eight to nine years.??


So it was a good start. And entering the business, let’s say on time, I would say this was an opportunity to be selected by an energy player that was operating in the oil and gas market. And that I want to share just one small thing because this might happen to any new guys or ladies that will enter in the market.??


And I was fighting on this motto initially that was we keep doing it this way because we have always done it this way. This makes me crazy initially, but now that I’m, let’s say becoming a bit older.??


So I have to say that things are more clear, are more clear. And I have to quote now Isaac Newton maybe because there is an interesting imaging that he was building and he said if I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.??


And it is very clear that during every single day of my career, I added the proof that we can innovate, really as we leverage the experience that has been built until yesterday and then climb the shoulders of giants to look forward so we have more clarity and we can push them full stream to move forward to the new destination.??


So in this 20 years I had the opportunity, I was mentioning the different perspective, the different angles and I would like to summarize it in three different perspective because initially I was. Let’s say in a customer position and investing, let’s say a few years in every single day.??


Because when you are in the plant, it’s every single day that matters. In different refineries in Italy and starting from what we call the inspection and maintenance engineering to then be responsible for the all maintenance of two main is a bit technical terminology, but they call it integrated operating structure within the refinery.??


It’s very common into the downstream where operation and maintenance collaborate. And after this great experience that made my life, I would say I moved overseas. So from Italy overseas to Middle East in order to have another perspective, in order to see the other side of the business, joining an EPC contractor that was having also the ambition to manage operational maintenance.??


So full chain and I was initially in charge for the project management and then increasing my responsibility as coordinator of project manager and finally disrupting my career completely with a step in the commercial space.??


So living operation in order to join the commercial space. And in 2016, finally I joined bureaus that knocked it on my door and this was at the end of my cycling Midwest. So really ready for a new adventure that I accepted enthusiastically.??


And that was a new challenge, in fact, because the company was going through a new strategic direction to ensure if go back with the memory in 2015. So the fluctuation for oil and gas was crazy. Not that this day was much better, no, I don’t want to say anyway, in 2015 it was really strange, but we were not yet at 2020.??


Anyway, it was to ensure better resilience into the oil and gas market where. There was a need to integrate for Bureau Vedas from Bureau Verdes, an indisputable strong market position into what we call the Capex space, where there is new investment with a better visibility and stronger position into the Opex space.??


Wes Edmiston:??

Wow. So I actually worked for Bureau Veritas for a few years in the past whenever I was doing inspection work. And I will say that I was very much impressed and surprised by what how professional the organization is, to be honest.??


They really are thorough and pretty dang outstanding whenever it comes to really inspection testing and certification. But to what you’re touching on, very surprised at the fact that they’re in just about everywhere.??


They’re in all the different industries. And really, again, I didn’t know that 30 30 heat difference tests through for my smartphone go through Bureau Veritas. But yeah, it’s it’s not surprising at all.??


They they really do a phenomenal job and they really, like you said, just touch on every single industry. It’s pretty astounding. I’d like to talk a little bit more about your role, what you’re doing now.??


One of the things that you are doing and that your team is doing is going through facilities and performing assessments on site sustainability. Could you define sustainability for me and maybe explain why a company might be interested in improving their sustainability???


Andrea Di Lillo:?

Let’s start from something that is more simple. So what I’m doing so in my current role that you presented at the beginning so I am in charge at global level for the business development of Opex oil and gas.??


We have to harmonize the strategy implementation. While keeping the balance between local requirements in terms of regulation, applicable standards and of course international best practice. And when we speak about Opex, what we refer is to activities that are in the space of operation and maintenance and thus are related to running assets that are driven and this is very important by production objective and performance.??


Production objective and performance indicator. This is where we have to confront with the client. And in Bureau Veritas, the Opex has three major levels of contribution. I have to try to simplify that in the sense that there is a first level that it is what we could call conventional Opex and it entails field inspection and undestructive testing activities with a focus on regulated market with of course the opportunity to expand into the voluntary space.??


And the most of the people I discussed with have clear this in mind. What we have add on top of the conventional is the second level that it is what we call the advanced Opex that integrates the conventional with inspection and maintenance engineering expertise that will come very close to what we did also together in the past.??


Where we have expertise, we have methodologies, we have technologies and this increase the added value in the direction of what digital data management because we start from the field focus on the asset and then from the physical asset to digital asset from the asset management to the digital asset management.??


And the third level is what we call the sustainable Opex. And based on your question. Go a bit deeper on this and allow me to connect the field experience and the asset integrity management expertise with ESG and today makes more focus on the e of the ESG, the environmental, because this is the priority and when it enters in the field of the environmental, the emission management get some high level priority.??


So maybe someone will say okay, fine. Now we know that emission management is part of the Veravera’s Opex portfolio but maybe you want to know if this is something new for BB. No, not really. So in fact, I have to tell you a piece of the story and again back to the giant and then to have clarity and to look, let’s say further and to innovate.??


We have started delivering emission services back in 1990 when the main focus was I’m not saying that is not but today we are very focused on ESG and sustainability. The real attention. It is still on HSE.??


And before this, HSE was really main on the table as combination of health, safety and environmental. And in particular, let’s say the focus was it is still, I’m trying to say, telling the story, but confirming also what we have today.??


The BOC, the volatile organic compounds like alkane aromatic, cetylane oil, gas associated to equipment that have ceiling devices and can emit fugitive emission and. And when it comes to fugitive emission, at least I used to say that I immediately think to flanges and this is your business, I would say valves fittings, so leakage and so on.??


So we know that the main causes of this type of emission is sometimes the deterioration of ceiling devices, often due to the age but also operating condition and sometimes also use of chemical products that are generating core corrosion.??


But as we know, also incorrect installation and of typing. So no doubt, right? So the VOC have some characteristics. First of all are flammable and explosive products. So when VOC leaks can create definitely an atmosphere that is explosive.??


And what we were transferring as a message was if you detect and repair your VOC leaks, you will increase your safety of your employees and subcontractors and protect your plants. But together with that significant part of VOC stream are also CMR compounds.??


Now, today it’s a chronic base, so let me say it’s more carcinogenic mutagenic and reprotoxic CMR compounds where we can image that can generate toxic atmosphere in the workplace. And what we were saying, and we are still saying to the client if you detect and repair your VOC leaks, you will protect ALP of your employees and subcontractor so flammable CMR.??


But also there is another component and in us, in Europe, but in different countries, let’s say, we have to recognize that Fusity emission control was and is still regulated, no? So there is a strong contribution in terms also of compliance and maybe.??


You know also that there is an influence of sunlight. So through UV that let’s say generate through the BOC tropospheric ozone and in this case BOC have been found to be major contributor or contributing factor let’s say to ozone which is a major pollute.??


So in this case if we detect or clients detect and repair VOC leaks, we reduce the environmental impact. So we complete the picture now. So this is what we used to say for VOC but it is let’s say similar in terms of approach with different gradients also than for greenhouse gases and similar with different grades of characteristic.??


But when we offer a best practice to our customer that is called leak detection repair, this is definitely applicable also to the greenhouse gas. And what we are saying in a general approach is that we have to consider always the short, the medium and long term impact.??


And this is important as a concept because what in the short term we can get focusing on main transaction on the leaking source will save time and money in the short term. But in the medium term, having a campaign with the leak detection repair, for example, will provide to customer really a complete folder, let’s say, that is dedicated to each leak.??


And we can so for people that are in maintenance, understand clearly that we have enough information to prepare the maintenance action during the shutdown and turnaround. And whatever is prepared, it is again cost saved.??


Finally, in the long term there is also a possibility to use a dedicated database let’s say that allows the customer to adapt the maintenance strategy and choose technologies which are the most appropriate for their activities.??


So customer have recognized I have to say that today it’s clear that leaking sources represent a production loss as well and each product has also high cost and therefore each leaking sources are financial loss.??


So during the last 30 years we learned that a regular monitoring allow customer to save tons tons of your CD product while reducing emission and therefore this approach it’s allowing customers to really improve production efficiency and save money.??


Now, this is another important concept that most probably during today discussion we will touch base again that is a connection between emission and performance. Emission and performance are not, let’s say two separate rail are on the same direction and this emission experience represent for bureau veritas one of the most successful way.??


We started positioning our company to the sustainability space even before the sustainability became a priority. I mean, a million.??


Wes Edmiston:?

I think it is very important to define sustainability for everybody especially with the way that you just phrased really the last part of that which a lot of people will think about sustainability really only around, we’ll say, this ESG kind of corporate social responsibility aspect but there’s so much more that goes into it.??


There’s so much more that comes out of it. But before we can really dive too deep into that would you mind defining sustainability for us???


Andrea Di Lillo:??

The example is this that even my son asked me papa, so daddy, what is sustainability ???


And I said, Can I explain? So I said, let me do it in a very simple way. So saying that sustainability is meeting what people like mommy and daddy wants, let’s say today, without compromising are, let’s say what people like you and your friend will want tomorrow.??


So again, the balance between our own needs and future generation needs. But the challenge came a bit later because the question, of course was okay, understood, but how can you do that? Okay. So with children you have to be at the point you cannot circling around.??


I have also a key value in my life that says don’t do, let’s say, others. What you don’t want, others do to you. That is my golden rule. Just one rule is enough. And I have discovered that also sustainability as golden rules, no.??


So I have answered to my son in a way that is you can do three action. So one is reduce, reuse and recycle. Now, it’s maybe a bit of simplification, in fact, while answering in my mind but for an eight years old child it’s okay, I think.??


But in my mind I was also recognizing that those three golden rules are interacting with other levels of complexity that are, let’s call it interdependent factors like maybe collaboration, like control, communication and commitment.??


I would say so in the sense that this can happen through a collaborative approach. It can happen if we can. Really measure, control the progress. It can happen if we are able to also transparently communicate what is going on well, what can be done differently, how to really improve it and of course, commitment.??


So we have to commit to achieve. So, in summary, I would say that sustainability can be defined as a collaborative opportunity to commit and take actions to ensure that we meet the needs of today and tomorrow.??


But now the most challenging part of your question was to explain why a company might be interested in improving their sustainability. And so we, you know, the market maybe have common, common answers but I have to recognize that I prefer to use something that is closer to my background.??


So I will stay to my industry corner. And I talked immediately to one message that was shared few, let’s say weeks back from a senior fellow at Manatan Institute for Prager University. And he was saying more or less that today the reality is that oil plus natural gas plus coal provide 84% of old world’s energy.??


And the other thing that maybe data it’s always complicated to say this is perfect, this is not perfect. Anyway, that’s down also just 2% points from 20 years ago. And oil still powers nearly 97% of all global transportation.??


So having said that why I’m thinking to that because one of the main threats of sustainability today is climate change. Climate change is widely seen as maybe the biggest challenge of our age because you, um, climate change, it’s making every one of us a bit awake, I would say no.??


And greenhouse gas emissions contribute to climate change. So by reducing the greenhouse gas emission we can help limit the increase of global temperature and help protect people from this potential catastrophic impact.??


And one of the largest sources of greenhouse gas emission from human activities at least is from burning fossil fuel that then are used to produce electricity, heat, transportation and so on. So it’s clear that oil and gas has a strong role to play so we have a strong role to play in the energy market and in terms of sustainability.??


But the question is why an oil and gas company might be interested in improving the sustainability? I believe that there are multiple answer but I would like to select two main reasons. So both are related to the main objective of an energy company that is to increase value.??


And let’s say both reason that are also opportunity ah, are the financial performance and ESG performance that are an opportunity, as, as I said, to contribute to the environment, social and governance.??


And performance and contribution. Performance and contribution, in my opinion, draw the loop of continuous improvement for the industry and in particular for the oil and gas. And in conclusion, I believe that oil and gas company are interested to improve their sustainability, to continuously improve performance.??


What do you think???


Wes Edmiston:?

No, I think you’re absolutely right. And that’s a lens that I don’t think a lot of people look through oftentimes enough, which is whenever we limit our emissions, whenever we improve our current performance, we aren’t just reducing our emissions, we are also increasing performance.??


We’re increasing efficiency, which, if we look at all the areas of opportunity for that, we would be able to largely reduce the amount of emissions that we’re creating just from that. Right. While also basically increasing our bottom line.??


Which I think is I don’t think people think like closing that loop like you’re saying, thinking about this really holistically in the same manner, especially considering, like you’re saying still a significant portion of the world is dependent on fossil fuels and traditional forms of energy.??


So while we are spreading out, improving or we’ll say expanding out into some of these renewable markets and battery powered vehicles, et cetera, that is somewhat of a long journey. So let’s do what we can to improve what we are already doing as well make that as efficient as possible, we’ll say in some ways, I guess, slow the bleed, right???


But yeah, it’s definitely, again, thinking I represented a Shell for a significant amount of time as well in my career and they’re definitely a company that. Heavily focused on really the environment and sustainability as a whole.??


So I’ve been seeing this coming for quite a while. It’s great to see pardon me, I’m curious what sort of areas that you’re frequently looking at whenever you are going into these facilities. Where are those kind of frequent offenders that you see whenever you go into one of these facilities, one of these operating facilities???


Are there any frequent high risk areas and how does that translate into a company reducing their carbon footprint? But also how is it helping them to improve this operational productivity? What sort of return are they seeing off of reducing those inefficiencies and those emissions???


Andrea Di Lillo:?

The first thing is that there are definitely high risk areas emission. And I have to say that it’s always challenging to enter into this space. But we know that every and any operator is able to answer quickly to this question based on their experience.??


But we know that sustainability is a collaborative, let’s say, opportunity to commit and let’s say, take action and to make sure that we progress into the right direction. We have to ensure that we have reliable data, properly structured and organized data in order to take data driven decision.??


In my opinion, the real focus stays here. Yesterday I was in Berlin and I participated to a PTC conference that maybe all people that are at least in the midstream sector are familiar with. It is the Pipeline Technology Conference and it’s an international meeting of oil and gas players that wants to continue improving performance and let’s say sharing solutions and best practices.??


And it is always the sword. It is not so big at the end. So you have the opportunity to meet again with people that you know, people that you came to know. And one of the takeaway when you are part of this community is that sharing and again, collaboration and sharing, it’s recurrent topic in our discussion.??


But sharing it is really a motor way to learn twice because you give and you take, you give and you take. And I had the opportunity from my side to listen to many brilliant paper and we presented also from our side a paper on digital quality assurance of emission data in order to assist client progress in two or 90.??


So I think I’m going to use this example also to review part of your question and maybe to expand a bit. So similarly, what we we do when we deliver Asset Integrity Management services, we have executed a project with one of our customer to answer to two main questions.??


Now, those are the first time that those two questions came to me. I said, well. Okay, so simple question but as usual everything starts from something that seems to be simple and then we have to be elaborating a bit more so am I and my team considering all the sources of emission into our inventory simple question second how reliable is today our emission quantification???


So it is fair? No, I think that’s a good question. So into the discussed to the paper that I present and then the business case that we discussed we have leveraged the implementation of a solution that we call Achieving Net zero that it is a group of different program.??


One of them is called Holistic Digital program that has been designed and carried out by our expert in order to deliver to our customer an evaluation that is independent on the current emission quantification and it is interesting, I will use a number in order to tell you what was the answer to the second question.??


How reliable are those emissions that today we are looking and we are considering? 37%. It was in a range between zero to 100. So how we did it? This we extracted from data that are available and we assess that is very traditional approach, process and system but not from an eye level granular level going deep okay, so this means that someone can ask is it possible to quantify the value of quality in this case???


It is possible to quantify the value of quality yeah, especially whenever you’re looking at. If you’re able to truly quantify what your losses are you are there and able to quantify what your gains would be there and if you had, we’ll say, perfect quality, right???


So, yeah, that’s a good way of looking at it. So this business case made clear that available emission data does not mean necessary that the emission data are reliable. So the fact that we have data, it’s not obvious that those data are reliable.??


And the second outcome of our assessment that we delivered to the client was a list of improvement areas in order to comply with what policy, regulation and going beyond the compliance, you remember, regulated service and voluntary.??


So we have to go also beyond in order to implement the international best practice. And what we made clear is that the emission inventory was not really including all the potential sources and consequently our customer was underestimating the quantification of emission.??


So this was answering also to the first question it is in terms of completeness meeting the expectation of our inventory? No. Now, the combination of these two result were a strong contribution to the project manager that were responsible for the mitigation plan because at the end of the day what it is relevant for our client we said increase financial performance and increase ESG performance and how to do that it is due putting in place a mitigation plan.??


But the combination of these two information made. Let’s say in front of the project manager responsible for the mediation plan, clear that the baseline was not yet ready and hot spot. Identification was to be identification was to be reconsidered after the improvement plant implementation in order to have proper alignment between what investment and strategy.??


Because at the end of the day, there is also budget in between and there is a communication of the strategy. We have to align that and then measure the progress versus a reliable baseline. The last outcome that was interesting to discuss with the client and present also during the conference was that we know that the customer objectives are value increase in terms of two main direction transparency and performance and with this let’s say business case customer got verified reliable independent data in order to report and communicate transparently progress.??


But there is also the operational benefit where operational team got an interesting split. This is very innovative the split of emission accountability that was organized by business unit ownership in order to convert a traditional way to express the emission that is a ton of suit equivalent in dollar exposure.??


So every business unit is responsible and accountable in that specific part of the plant for those emissions that are putting the company in this type of potential carbon exposure. If we. Assess what is maybe one of the potential question from the audience could be what is the cost of quality or what is the cost of pure quality???


So in this case also to answer before into your question, there were multiple stream and let’s say in terms of vendor, in terms of high risk part of the facility. But here there are a lot of potential impact for the client and benefit to avoid that and to anticipate because the risk of pure quality here would have impact on the progress evaluation.??


Because there was an incomplete baseline, an inaccurate selection of offspot, what we call bad actors in the asset integrity management, misleading a misleading budget estimation of the Mitigation plan and then finally, an underestimation of carbon exposure.??


Wes Edmiston:?

What comes to my mind is you’re saying that each of these different, we’ll say business lines within the operating unit have their own individual carbon exposure and their impact, we’ll say commercially even based on what their equivalent tons of CO2 emissions are.??


But again, that’s not just their emitting, that so that has a cost that’s doubly compounded by the fact that they are not realizing those performance benefits either. I was wondering, could you provide, we’ll say either an average an example of what sort of return people are getting whenever they are, we’ll say striving toward that perfect quality whenever they’re objectively looking at their emissions and reducing some of these bad actors because one of the things that as you know, we have a service that largely is we’ll say quality driven right???


And I think that this is something you could probably relate to well, especially with your commercial experience in doing business development. We have a product that is quality driven, and it’s very hard to kind of, we’ll say, prove the negative as far as this is what it would have cost you had you not used our system, because we do bolster quality by so much.??


Right. So how is it that could you provide a quantified benefit to the production capacity, to operational integrity and to emissions for when people do reduce their emissions and say eliminate as best they can these bad actors???


Wes Edmiston:??

So it is a brilliant question and again are coming and popping up a lot of things that every one of us that had experience in Plant or daily discussion with the client because our customers knows perfectly how they are operating and how they are performing and let’s say where are element of improvement but we need to give one small not in terms of impact, but it is limited.??


Let me pick up one so natural gas industries are using a variety of control devices to automatically operate valves and also. Control pressure, flow, temperature and liquid levels, for example. No. And we know that those control devices can be powered in a different man, so it could be by electricity or compressed air.??


And this, of course, depends on availability, economic factors and so on. But in many application, however, let’s say in the gas industry are using primatic device that are using, or let’s say employing the energy from pressurized natural gas.??


Let me simplify, because not everyone, maybe that will listen is familiar. So if you consider a transmission sector where there are gas, transportation pipeline, compression station, many small facilities that are spread all over the territory, so you will notice that still some control valves, the one that are closing and opening and let’s say managing the flow, are actionated by the gas itself.??


So in order, let’s say, to open and close, there is an automation loop. And this automation loop, unfortunately, finally bleeds or bends either intermittently or continuously degas that it is circulated in the atmosphere.??


Some years back, the methane emission from the pneumatic devices, for example, in the production sector were estimated. So this venting, small venting, but or intermittent in the range of 50 billion cubic feet per year.??


So it is interesting. Also it’s a good amount if you consider, let’s say, in the transportation sector, it was in the range of. 1015 billions. And even in the processing sector in the range of 1 billion cubic feet.??


A lot of things come to mind with this one. Thinking about just the number of facilities that we have out here that are piloted, that have valves, that are piloted in this fashion, that are continuously venting gas.??


Yet it’s not outside of the realm of possibilities to consider that the amount of emissions that created by this and that’s just gas. It’s not, we’ll say, equivalent tons of CO2. It’s not unbelievable to think about that.??


I mean, a dripping faucet that drips, one drip per second drips something in the ballpark of 2000, 3000 gallons of water per year. The molecule for natural gas is pretty dang small, especially compared to water.??


So just isolating in that one area. Yeah, it’s not unbelievable to consider that 50 billion cubic feet of gas is being released per annum from that. The other thing that comes to mind with that is, one, we have a lot more facilities that are being built still.??


So as we engineer these new facilities, we should look at better ways of potentially better equipment that we could be putting into these locations. Especially for the fact that, again, that’s 50 billion cubic feet per year that’s lost from production capacity.??


Even outside of the aspect of what is the impact for CO2 that’s released and the impact on air quality and everything else that comes with it. How much production capacity is lost off of that? That’s immense.??


Right. So, of course, is an incentive for these these operators, these owner operators, in order to reduce these emissions and target these specific areas. And the fact that that, you know. It it gets back to what you said earlier, you know, this is the way that we’ve always done things.??


I think it was Rear Admiral Grace Hopper said, you know, that, you know, that this is the way we’ve earned what is it we have? What is it? Rear Admiral Grace Hopper once said that I’m butchering this.??


But yeah, it’s it’s effectively that right. It’s, you know, gabulated this out, however. But it’s that because this is the way we’ve always done things, or the worst words in the language or something of that nature.??


It’s exactly that, because we’ve always done it this way or something of that nature. Yeah, anywho but it’s this idea that, well, yeah, of course we’re going to be using this type of equipment or yes, of course we’re going to be making connections between piping systems in this way.??


There’s an understanding that, yeah, they leak, but this is the way we’ve always done it. Why do we continue to do it that way? We can innovate, we can create better ways of doing things that are going to improve the bottom line, that are going to improve the environment and reduce emissions, and it’s going to be really a win win for everybody.??


And again, that’s just in one area. As far as how much emission is being let out, what about every other potential area or location of potential failure? There’s just a huge opportunity out there. Yeah, yeah, that’s exactly it.??


There’s a huge opportunity out there to just make improvements. That, in my mind, I consider there are the people out there that think about they’ll say that think some of this is controversial or not worthwhile doing.??


I just think how can you consider that whenever you think. Again, closing the loop in total. This isn’t just increasing production capacity. This isn’t just improving the environment. It’s both. It’s all of it.??


This is how everybody improves.??


Rapid Fire Questions?


Wes Edmiston:??

Yeah. It’s incredible. Andrea, we’re a little bit over on time, but I still wanted to get an opportunity to ask you a few rapid fire questions, just to get to know Andrea person a little bit more.??


Not just Andrea, the professional. So just to kick this off, Andrea, what motivates you to advance in your career? You’ve held plenty of different types of roles. You said it in the very beginning, changing the angle of your view in your career, even in the same industry.??


So what motivates you to do more???


Andrea Di Lillo:??

Very simple. Contribute more and make an impact, I would say.??


Wes Edmiston:??

What is your ideal vacation???


Andrea Di Lillo:??

My ideal one is in a beach house, swimming, playing tennis and eating healthy food with family and friends.??


Wes Edmiston:??

What is your favorite book??


Andrea Di Lillo:?

It’s called the Inner game of tennis. And it is by Timothy Galloway.??


Wes Edmiston:??

What is your favorite movie???


Andrea Di Lillo:??

I’m not a cinema expert, I have to say. But there is one movie that I have watched multiple times.??


It’s an old movie and it’s The Untouchable. I love it.??


Wes Edmiston:?

That’s good. What is your dream job???


Andrea Di Lillo:??

I would love to be Prime Minister. Do you think it’s possible???


Wes Edmiston:?

Why not? I greatly enjoyed this conversation.??


Thank you for joining me here today. This was an absolute pleasure. We should do this again sometime.?


Andrea Di Lillo:?

?Thank you very much. It was a pleasure for me.??


Sales Associate at American Airlines

1 年

I think this is a great opportunity




