Embracing Heritage
Pronounce your name with confidence. Tell them where you come from with pride. Be proud of your roots. Don’t you dare make excuses for who you are.
I stand tall, my heart swelling with pride as I pronounce my name with unwavering confidence. “Beatriz,” I say, letting each syllable resonate with the strength of my heritage. I come from Brazil, a land of breathtaking beauty and vibrant culture, though still affected by the scars of colonization and enslavement, I stand tall, for my roots are deep and strong.
I am a proud descendant of the Zulu people, warriors and visionaries whose blood courses through my veins. My African ancestors, with their resilience and wisdom, have gifted me a legacy that I cherish and honor. I refuse to make excuses for who I am, for my identity is a tapestry woven with the threads of history and the colors of my heritage.
Saravá, oyê! I celebrate my lineage, embracing the spirit of my forebears with every step I take. My name, my origins, my ancestors – they are the essence of who I am, and I carry them with pride, always.
? Beatriz Esmer