Embracing Healing Around Daddy Issues
Embracing Healing Around Daddy Issues - Hey there, lovely souls!?Today, let's dive into a topic that might stir some emotions but It’s a topic that keeps coming up time and time again for my clients over the last year. Yes, we're talking about "daddy issues."
First things first, what exactly are daddy issues? Well, they're like those unpleasant, negative triggers from our past that sneak into our present relationships, leaving us feeling a bit perplexed and maybe even a tad under appreciated.
For us women, these issues can stem from various experiences with our fathers or father figures. Whether it's an absent dad, an emotionally distant one, or even an overbearing presence, these dynamics can have a lasting impact on our lives in many different ways.
So, how do we spot these daddy issues? Sometimes, it's like looking for hidden treasure—we don't realize they're there until we stumble upon them. Do you find yourself seeking validation from men or getting easily hurt by their actions? Perhaps you keep attracting partners who mirror the traits of your dad, or maybe you struggle with trusting others. Bingo! These could be signs that daddy issues might be hanging around. But fear not, recognizing these patterns is the first step to breaking free from them. Awareness is your superpower, my friend!
Now, onto the magical world of hypnotherapy. Yes, you heard me right—hypnotherapy! It's not all swinging pocket watches and "you're getting sleepy" chants. It's a powerful tool that can gently guide you into your subconscious mind, where those daddy issue gremlins often lurk.
Through hypnotherapy, you can unearth the roots of these issues. Picture it like exploring a hidden garden within yourself, discovering the weeds and gently pulling them out by the roots. It's about rewiring those old beliefs and replacing them with nurturing, empowering thoughts.
And guess what? You're not alone in this journey. Due to our growing awareness of mental health and emotional wellness we are seeking out ways to truly leave our past behind and capitalize on our inner power.
A skilled hypnotherapist is like a guide, holding your hand (figuratively, of course) as you navigate through these uncharted territories of your mind. They help you reframe those beliefs and foster healing in a safe, supportive environment. This isn’t always easy as many females have a fear of ‘not being in control’ so going to a hypnotherapist is not always the first choice as they are scared of letting someone in.?
Luckily over the twenty five years I’ve been doing this work, I am one of those people that everyone confides in, so it doesn’t take me long to put new clients at ease. I’ve seen and heard just about everything and as an empath I hate to see people suffer so I do everything in my power to stop the suffering, and there is a lot of that out there right now.
Many women don’t want to ask for help, we want to be independent and to be seen to be ‘handling it all’. We think that getting help may make us look helpless. My view is different. I am so proud of all those clients that have the courage to face their past and let go.
So I explain to them that hypnotherapy is not something to be scared about because your subconscious only will allow what it thinks is best for you. My job is to persuade it to do it in a way that’s totally healthy and positive for you, and that includes releasing the attachment to the past.?
All change is possible if you talk to your subconscious affirmatively and with the highest positive intention.
You will know your ‘family triggers’ as they will fire off in certain situations, especially relationships and it can lead to a downward spiral.
So from now on, start to pay attention to what is triggering you and how you are in certain situations and relationships. Who is in control of those emotions and are they sometimes completely out of context or exaggerated? Awareness leads to the power to change. The more you notice it the less powerful they become. However the best way to move forward is to eliminate or reduce the root cause of those emotions and hypnotherapy is great for that.?
So, my beautiful warriors, if you suspect those daddy issues might be playing a cameo in your life story, take heart. You've got the power within you to rewrite that script. Embrace the journey of self-discovery, arm yourself with awareness, and consider the wonders of hypnotherapy as your trusty go-to.
It’s all about nurturing yourself, understanding that healing takes time, and being kind to the person in the mirror. You're not defined by your past, but you can certainly learn and grow from it.
There is no time like the present so here's to breaking free from those old patterns and embracing a life filled with self-love, healthy relationships, and a newfound sense of empowerment! You've got this, and you're worth every bit of the effort and if you need a dedicated, experienced, caring hypnotherapist, I may be able to recommend one :-)
Amanda, Holistic Hypnotherapist?
Mom, Lifestyle Entrepreneur,
Amazon #1 Bestselling Author ?
Mind & Energy Detox Specialist
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