Embracing Growth Outside Your Comfort Zone

We all have default settings - those familiar zones where our minds feel at ease because they've spent so much time there. For me, my default setting is 'BUSY.' I've always been a busy bee, successfully juggling numerous responsibilities and tasks. However, I've come to realise that this default setting might not always serve me well.

Being busy works wonderfully when I need to be productive and accomplish things. I revel in the satisfaction of staying on top of my game. But there are times when I resort to busyness to avoid facing life head-on. Let me explain.

Currently, I'm pushing myself beyond my comfort zone, engaging in endeavours that require me to put myself out there, opening myself up to potential judgement, ridicule, or even wild success. In my discomfort, I find solace in busyness.

My schedule becomes packed with various commitments as I say 'yes' to more and more. I seek out additional tasks to keep myself even busier. I join exercise classes, plan social outings, and invent new projects around the house. The busyness begins to accumulate until I feel the stress and anxiety intensifying.

In the past, I would have continued on this path until the crash inevitably arrived, causing everything I was juggling to come crashing down. I used busyness as a shield, avoiding the things that would facilitate personal growth, the challenges that felt uncomfortable yet propelled me towards my desired direction.

Now, I've become acutely aware of this default setting. Sometimes, it feels as if I've flipped a switch, and suddenly I'm consumed by busyness. Other times, it sneaks up on me, and I realise it's late at night, and I'm engrossed in topics that don't truly interest me.

Over time, I've come to understand that although busyness can provide a sense of comfort and fulfilment, pushing yourself to the point of breaking isn't truly awesome. In my ideal life, I thrive at a slower pace, relishing in what I do and embracing the joy and fulfilment it brings.

So, I invite you to reflect on your own default setting. Is it BUSY like mine, or perhaps LAZY??


Take a moment to notice your default setting. Does it help or hinder you? Are there specific triggers that send you into default mode? Does your default hold you back from living your most awesome life?

Remember, awareness is the first step towards change. Embrace the discomfort, step out of your default zone, and create a life that aligns with your true desires and aspirations. You have the power to redefine your default setting and unlock a world of growth and fulfilment ??

?? Ready to break free from unproductive patterns? I can help. In my free workbook, we’ll work together to discover how to align your beliefs with your aspirations and values, giving you a life with more joy and awesomeness. Download the free workbook now and start creating a life filled with joy and fulfilment: https://projectawesomelife.hubspotpagebuilder.com/overcomelimitingbeliefs ?


