Embracing a Geneva Style, Gardens for Life Mindset
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As part of any smart growth strategy, city planners are mindful of the need to offset urban intensification with adequate lands dedicated to parks and public spaces. And while we instinctively ‘get’ the need for places where you can go to relax, where the kids can play or where you can have a picnic, what’s often overlooked is the need for more botanical gardens where people can truly connect with nature without having to leave the city.
Many of us have a passion for gardens, but most of the time we cultivate that enthusiam on the home front instead of channeling a love of plants in a setting we can all enjoy. I’ve long been an advocate of the importance of allocating more public land for parks, but it wasn’t until a recent visit to the Geneva Botanical Gardens, that it hit home why every community should view public gardens as not just a luxury, but an essential public amenity with endless benefits.
Not unlike any other public park, the Geneva Botanical Gardens is a magnet for people looking for a place to relax. And for many of its 650,000 annual visitors, that’s as far as it goes. However thanks to a considerable amount of planning and creativity, a growing percentage of visitors are rediscovering and reconnecting with nature there as well.
Beyond your typical signage naming the different plant species, Geneva’s Botanical Gardens has special exhibitions such as “200 Years of Passion”, which celebrates last year’s 200th anniversary of the gardens and includes a chronological stroll, fruit garden collections, rock gardens and the conservatory. Another exhibition entitled “Passion for Knowledge” celebrates the garden’s founders and their passion for learning about and curating different plant species. Both exhibitions feature enhanced signage with details that are geared more for the general public, walking that fine line between enlightenment and entertainment.
“A lot of people are coming because the gardens look pretty. So what we want to do is put information out so they can learn, but that’s not too complicated,” observes spokesperson Michelle Price, a transplanted Brit who is head of science at the gardens. She describes the exhibits as something visitors can “auto-visit”, making the gardens less weather or time dependent.
In addition to the signage, selected exhibitions include downloadable audio tours, not unlike what art galleries and museums offer, where you can key in a number in order to get more details about a specific garden or plant.
What’s particularly exciting about what the people behind Geneva’s Botanical Gardens are trying to accomplish… which communities everywhere can learn from, is the overarching goal of getting people to reconnect with nature to better appreciate not only the beauty of plants, but also the critical role they play when it comes to our livelihood now and in the future.
For instance, the recently updated ethnobotanical gardens are broken down into: the garden food area that showcases plants used for everything from condiments to wild pickings to hops; the garden of medicinal plants; the economic garden of plants used for such things as perfumes, dyes, sugars and oils; and the garden of botanical utilities that includes plants used for wheats, fermented drinks, braiding and various household uses.
As conveyed on the Geneva Botanical Gardens website “man tends to protect only what he knows and uses”, so by showcasing different plant species tied to their use in the real world, exhibitions such as the ones in Geneva are another way of furthering our appreciation of plants and the need to protect and conserve them. We tend to forgot that plants are as much at risk as animals due to factors ranging from global warming to the decimation of forests in many countries. At the current rate of decline, scientists estimate 40 percent of biodiversity in the Americas alone will be lost by 2050.
In light of this reality and for the sake of future generations, the Geneva Botanical Gardens have an active learning program for school kids, with one track geared for six to nine year-olds and a second track for 10-13 year-olds designed to create a passion for plants at an early age. “Kids are like sponges and they don’t have a preconception of what’s interesting at that age. So it’s really about reaching them when they are young to experience and learn about the plants,” says Price.
Considering the far-reaching benefits of botanical gardens, from cultivating an appreciation for nature, to getting people behind conservation efforts, it’s a wonder why more communities don’t follow Geneva’s lead, and build not just parks, but gardens for life.
This article was originally written for Postmedia. For more articles and ideas about creating more sustainable communities, visit Mark's blog - Sustainable Community Builder