Embracing the Flow of Life: Regeneration in the Wilderness
Last week, with a team of ten colleagues, I spent a day and a half immersed in the magical Springwood Forest in England, under the guidance of Giles Hutchins . This forest felt like something straight out of childhood fairy tales; its twisting, knotted trees and dense ferns creating an enchanting, otherworldly atmosphere. The experience was one of profound connection, reflection, and insight. I’d like to share some of the key reflections that surfaced during our time there.
Letting go and embracing stillness
From the moment we entered the forest, we let go of our phones, detaching ourselves from the digital world for the next day and a half. The lack of constant connectivity felt unsettling at first. As a light rain began to fall, we stepped deeper into the forest, with its intertwining branches and dense green vegetation, we began to ground ourselves. Through Tai Chi and Chi Gong, we became mindful of each step on the soft, earthy ground, and with that, the layers we wear in our daily lives began to dissolve.
Without the masks we wear in our everyday roles, something powerful emerged: our shared humanity. We weren’t just individuals anymore; we were part of the same energy that flows through the trees, plants, insects, through all living systems. It was a beautiful reminder that life pulses through all of us, human and non-human alike, and that connection is always there if we make space for it.
The power of breath and life's cycles
As we moved deeper into this connection, the breath became a focal point. Breathing in, breathing out, this simple act helped silence the inner voice that often judges, criticizes, and stirs up fears. In that silence, space opened up within us for something more profound to take root. Regenerative living is about recognizing the flow of life through us and making room for it to expand and thrive. It’s about being fully present in the moment, allowing life to move through us unencumbered.
One of the most powerful reflections was on nature’s cycles: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Just as nature has its seasons of growth, decay, and rebirth, so do we. Professionally, I’ve felt as if I’ve been coming out of a long winter, and for the first time in months, I’m beginning to sense the first signs of an uplifting spring. The forest reminded me that it’s essential to acknowledge where we are in our own cycles, to embrace the challenges as necessary phases of growth, and to trust that renewal is always on the horizon.
A fire of renewal
At various points throughout the seminar, we gathered around three fires scattered across the forest, their warm orange and yellow flames flickering in the evening light. Fire has a way of captivating the mind, and I found myself staring into it, emptying my thoughts. It became a symbolic act for me, to mentally cast into the flames all the things I wished to let go of, the fears and doubts that no longer served me. It wasn’t just a fire for warmth, it became a fire of joy, of release, and of renewal.
A night of reflection and fear
Later that night, we had the choice to either sleep in a cabin or experience the forest directly, under the stars. I chose the latter, armed with only a sleeping bag and a ground mat. As my two companions and I wandered into the forest, we got slightly lost and had to rely on a small lantern to guide us through the deepening night. When I switched it off, I was engulfed in total darkness, and a sense of fear started to settle in.
My instinct was to move closer to the group, so I positioned my sleeping bag beside a colleague who slept soundly, like a mummy wrapped in her cocoon. My night, however, was more turbulent. The shadows cast by the branches overhead reminded me of stories from childhood about sinister forests and wicked witches, and I had to battle my mind’s irrational fear of hidden threats. Why, I wondered, do I associate the forest with something hostile? Is it not a reflection of preconceived notions I need to overcome?
As I calmed my thoughts, I shifted my focus to the wind rustling through the trees, telling myself that the forest wasn’t my enemy but my mother, cradling me gently with its whispers. This thought soothed me, and I finally fell into a peaceful sleep. When I awoke, I found 17 slugs scattered around me, as if nature had left these small, quiet visitors to watch over me through the night. That moment felt like an epiphany, a reminder that the forest is not something to fear, but something to embrace.
Regeneration through Living Systems
The regenerative process is intricately tied to living systems, and this simple, embodied reconnection with nature felt like a deep breath of life itself. In Springwood Forest, surrounded by the pulse of nature, the warmth of fire and Giles’ guidance, I was reminded of something essential: that our lives are a constant dance of letting go and welcoming in, of acknowledging our fears and then watching them dissolve in the presence of something greater.
Ultimately, the forest helped me remember that we are all channels for the flow of life, and our primary mission is to honor that life, within ourselves and within every living system, human or otherwise.
Learning Designer; Researcher; Facilitator of Adult Learning; Partnering; Regenerative Change; Ecological Paradigm
1 个月Thank you for sharing this beautiful reflection Veronique Letellier. I have also recently experienced a forest immersion with Giles Hutchins. The forest welcomes and wraps around you - 'I have been waiting'
Kaleidoscope Development - guiding the regenerative transformation of wise, compassionate, purposeful and systemic leaders and organisations
1 个月a beautiful peace of writing about a rich experience opening into fears and dropping through them to realise the oneness of it our world.... sounds very powerful
Coach & Author of Leading by Nature, Nature Works, Regenerative Leadership, Future-Fit and other books
1 个月For those interested in visiting Springwood Farm for their own immersive experience, the next immersion is scheduled for 13th February, places already filling up fast - see here for more details https://thenatureofbusiness.org/2024/09/18/future-fitness-amid-rising-complexity/
Regenerative Leadership // Personal Leadership Development @ 5th e_Col. //TEDX Speaker// Author//Lecturer for M.D. s// Country Chair for Club G100 Corporate Culture & Governance
1 个月Wauw sounds - and feels! - deeply transformational ????
Coach & Author of Leading by Nature, Nature Works, Regenerative Leadership, Future-Fit and other books
1 个月Truly amazing to be with you all at Springwood - this is the reason I do the work I do... great being with you all...and truly great journeying with you Veronique Letellier