Embracing Fatherhood- First 10-Month Journey of Love, Learning, and Evolution
I just celebrated my 1st month of Fatherhood....let me rephrase "I just celebrated the 10th month of my Fatherhood". Women have the biological advantage of being able to claim that they experience parenthood before fathers do. Consequently, nurturing may not come as naturally to fathers. It requires the investment of time and effort to up-skill oneself.
Before I became a dad, the thought of supporting my partner who had gone through 9 months of physical and emotional journey along with struggling to soothe my crying baby terrified me.
"I pictured myself pleading with my baby saying, 'What do you want?' so that I help and support my partner immediately.
Companies generally focus on the Maternity programs that are aimed at the mom — discussing what to do during pregnancy and post-delivery, shifting roles, and how to cope with the bundle of emotions motherhood brings. In such scenarios, Paternity programs just become a leave policy for a new father to deal with mounting responsibilities without any guidance.
Anxieties are common to both mothers and fathers during this period. Men also often worry about the hands-on tasks of supporting their partner & and child.
1) How to support the mother during pregnancy and post-delivery
2) How to manage mood swings, emotional turmoil, Physical pain
3) How to hold a tiny baby
4) How to change diapers
5 ) How to bond with the baby
6) How to cope with sleep deprivation, especially after returning to work-Paternity leaves are much lesser as compared to Maternity.
7) Most importantly how to self-care
Men, in today's generation, are also trying to become nurturers in an attempt to reinvent themselves and become relevant hence the call of inclusive policy and support is required.
Many companies have already considered taking the idea of gender out of parenting policies and offering non-gender specific terms, equal benefits, and policies and calling them parental leave policies. Below are a few inclusions to support the new Father