Embracing Failures: Fail Fast and Often
If we watch the seven letter word "Failure" closely you will find the word "Lure" hidden into it, which symbolize failure has the ability to lure you to give up easily. It happens when you are dominated by FEAR of FAILURE – the ugly truth of entrepreneurship that sometimes become so powerful that in each choice we make and each endeavor we undertake, it prevents us from pursuing our goals. It is at those times when we are faced with the greatest opportunities that this fear is strongest, intimidating us with thoughts that we will fail.
Fail Fast and Fail Often
Failing fast means finding the nippiest path to failure by tackling the trickiest, hardest or the most difficult work first.
And failing often gets you closer to a better solution. It’s important to know that ‘getting it right the last time is more important than getting it right the first time’.
Cultivate the practice of building through ‘trial-and-error’. Get feedback and work on it.
Do not hesitate to ‘Walk-the-talk’ as Failure teaches you things that nothing else can teach you.
One needs to have ‘GRIP’ to take those first steps:
Failures will happen; there is no denying the fact. Each of us will fail at something, and many of us will fail again and again and again. If you haven't failed at something till date, probably you haven't tried to become the best you can truly be, or you haven't even come close to realizing your full potential.
The fact is ‘The only person you can control is yourself and the only person who can help you is yourself because you are your biggest advantage".
Have a great week ahead