Embracing failure
Samuel Beckett (1906-1989)

Embracing failure

“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”

Samuel Beckett wrote this, and he was right.

Let’s face it, dealing with failure and mistakes is not always easy. In fact, literature, sports, movies, experiences teach us how to embrace failure and learn from it.

During life, we will all fail. Most of us have been in a situation where we set a goal, work hard towards achieving it and then we fail, we don’t get the result we had worked and wished for. There are lessons that need to be learned from it.

You must take the positive aspects from failures and get back to work with a new mindset, stronger and prepared to face difficulties. Failure boosts and improve creativity, motivation and tenacity. The more often you navigate failure successfully, the stronger and more resilient you become. All these lessons eventually build also your level of confidence and self-esteem. It’s rare that a successful people have a smooth path. Actually, we can argue that one of the prerequisites for success is some “fall” or “stops” along the way that help you build strength and patience.

Don’t be afraid to fail. When you embrace failure, you are on the path to success.

And at last when you do achieve the success, that goal, it will be even more enjoyable!

Un Sorriso e Andiamo a Vincere, 12.04.2021



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