Embracing Changes : 5 Ways of Adaptibility through Bangkit Academy 2024

Embracing Changes : 5 Ways of Adaptibility through Bangkit Academy 2024

Hi ??! It's my 2nd month at Bangkit led by Google, Goto, and Traveloka 2024. A lot of my habits and mindsets have changed ever since I joined this program, showing that I'm actually learning a lot and adapting rapidly to follow through this program. On this occasion, I will share my personal adaptability experiences that I underwent during this program, which are divided into the following 5 ways of adaptability,

1) Ways of Interacting ??

Bangkit participants came from different areas of Indonesia with very diverse backgrounds and personalities. That caused me problems in interacting, especially since the activities is mostly done online. I tried to adapt and overcome this problem by socializing through the platforms that the Bangkit Team have accommodated such as Discord, where we shared our LinkedIn and GitHub accounts and followed each other. I also tried to socialize through activities such as Weekly Consultations where I got to know my mentor and group-mates through games.

2) Ways of Achieving ??

Before Bangkit, life for me just flows through without a specific goal to achieve in my mind. Here, I learned to be more ambitious by setting big goals and give it my all to achieve them. Bangkit also provided us with a study group and directed us to create teams for our Capstone Project which I utilized to share common goals and motivate each other to achieve greater lengths.

3) Ways of Learning ??

Bangkit provided a lot of materials for us to learn from and they are distributed through online and self-learning sessions. As someone who wasn't fond of online learning since COVID-19 period, I have to once again face the challenge of online learning. But, I successfully adapted with the help of insights from my ILT sessions speakers and the well-prepared learning materials.

4) Ways of Working ???

More tasks in my campus are team-based tasks. However, in Bangkit, we are encouraged to finish lots of tasks and projects individually inside a tight schedule to make sure we get the best learning experience. Therefore, I must adapt myself to work well in pressuring and fast-paced situations, which I achieved by managing my time effectively and setting priorities for my tasks based on urgency.

5) Ways of Thinking ??

Before joining Bangkit, I find myself stuck with many fixed mindsets, such as believing that my skills don't compare to those of my friends or that my weaknesses can't be overcame by any means. But here, I learned to focus on growth mindsets by accepting myself and always striving for improvement.

#lifeAtBangkit #Bangkit2024

