Just do it! Embracing change
“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” — Henry Ford
There are several moments of change in your professional life; not necessarily because you are changing your job.
Even if you remain in the same company or role, your responsibilities might develop, your boss might change, your company might be acquired or acquiring, internal and external conditions might evolve.
Whatever the reasons, changes allow us to grow and develop.
Embracing changes in your career, such as taking a new role, a new responsibility, a new project, can contribute towards positive personal development.
Having advised and followed the career of many clients and candidates, we believe there are crucial elements enabling to embrace the change confidently and successfully.
· Recognise the need for change
You may be unfulfilled in your role, or you have been promoted, or you have a new team or a new boss. It is important to keep up with the game, move ahead and adjust your skills and attitude. Being comfortable can make you stagnant and put you in a vulnerable spot.
· Assess your own skills
Ensure you are aware of your own skills, and of the ones you need to develop further or you need to acquire to successfully adapt to the new situation.
· Ask experts for help
Some changes will require small adjustments, others might require new knowledge or a steep learning curve. You do not have to do it alone. When you step outside your comfort zone, it is natural to lack confidence and fear the unknown. Consider a coach, or a mentor, someone you trust, who will be able to provide you with an independent perspective and tools and guidance for your new journey.
· Consider the risks and be bold
If you reject changes for fear, opportunities and new experiences in your career can pass you by. Albert Einstein wisely said: “A person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new.”
· Look behind and acknowledge yourself
If you hit a wall during a changing situation and you feel you are moving slowly, look back and appreciate how far you have come and how many times you have already changed successfully in your career.
· Respect your timing
Confucius said: “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” Changes are not happening overnight. It is important to focus on the progress you are making at every stage of the path.
· Change will happen anyway – be in the driving seat!
You may be driving the change, or the change may be forced on you. Even when important career changes happen without your willingness, it is your own decision how to react and adapt. As much as you can, be proactive and not reactive.
If you want to share any comments or if we can help you, please feel free to reach out at vici Doctors on [email protected]
Thanks Swantje