Embracing the Buzz

Embracing the Buzz

Wasp Encounters, What I Have Learned


The Wasp: svelte, yellow and black armored aviators. Oft maligned creatures that, in their search for food, buzz our gardens and picnics, often evoking fear, and swats. But, what if I told you that my weekly, okay, too frequent rendezvous,with these winged critters has taught me valuable life lessons? Buckle up, because we’re about to explore the sunny side of wasp encounters.

The Wasp Whisperer

Chapter 1: The Unlikely Bond

It all began innocently enough—a casual encounter near the raspberry bushes. A wasp landed on my hand, its delicate wings shimmering in the sunlight. Instead of panic, I felt a strange kinship. Was it the shared love for ripe fruit or the way it delicately sipped nectar from a flower? Whatever it was, I dubbed myself the unofficial “Wasp Whisperer.”

Chapter 2: The Art of Patience

Wasps are persistent. They hover, inspect, and occasionally sting (honestly, it is all too often). But they’ve taught me patience. Life, like a wasp, doesn’t?always follow our script. Sometimes we need to wait, observe, and appreciate the small moments, even if they involve allowing a tiny insect to explore our sandwich.

Chapter 3: The Dance of Adaptation

Wasps adapt. They build nests under eaves, in corners we’d never notice. Similarly, life nudges us to adapt, to unexpected changes, new beginnings, and the occasional wasp encounter at the self-checkout. Flexibility (maybe quick reflexes), my friends, is the key.

The Weekly Ritual

Every spring though fall day, I step out into the world, armed with a newfound appreciation for wasps. Here’s my daily ritual:

  1. Wasp Meditation: I sit quietly, doing mindful breathing exercises that I learned from youtube videos. In my mind I observe the wasp's intricate flight patterns. They’re simply navigating life’s currents, like Crush in finding Nemo.
  2. Wasp Conversations: Yes, I talk to them. “Hello, You are Wasp #27 to land on me this year.” I say. “Are you resting? Is this a warning? Or, do I need to brace myself?” They don’t reply, but I imagine they appreciate the acknowledgment.
  3. Wasp Dance: (This step usually only occurs after a sting and go fly by) It resembles a poor version of the running man dance elbows locked at 90 bends, pumping my arms and running in place while audibly exhale, "oooh! eeeh! oooh! aaah!" Onlookers stare, but I’m in my wasp-inspired trance.

The Positive Spin

1. Pest Control Partners

Wasps are nature’s pest controllers. They feast on caterpillars, flies, and crickets—the garden’s troublemakers. So, when you spot a wasp, think of it as your tiny ally, battling the leaf-chomping villains.

2. Resilience in Flight

Wasps defy gravity, their wings beating against the odds. Life throws curveballs, but we, too, can soar. Embrace life's many challenges, never know how high it will take you.

3. The Art of Detachment

Wasps build nests, then abandon them. They teach us that attachments needn’t be permanent. Let go, move on, and build anew.

4. Unintentional Pollinators

Wasps may not be as efficient as bees at pollination, yet they are specialized and inadvertently spread pollen. We do not need to have an audience to spread positivity and be better people. We just need to be mindful of others.


Next time a wasp buzzes by, smile. It’s not just an insect; it’s a life coach. And who knows? Maybe, just maybe, they’re whispering secrets of resilience and adaptation.

So, dear reader, embrace the buzz. Let wasps remind you that life’s quirks can be its greatest teachers.


