Embracing Authentic Leadership: A Pathway to Empowerment in Education
copyright 2024

Embracing Authentic Leadership: A Pathway to Empowerment in Education

Throughout my career as an educator, I grappled with how to express my culture and identity in an environment that seemed always at odds with my reality as a Black American/ African Caribbean man, who happens to teach English Language and Literature in Britain. In a white monoculture, monolingual setting, being yourself can be particularly challenging in many respects, due to a variety of factors such as unconscious biases, stereotypes, clannishness or clique-like behaviour from white colleagues, as well as a lack of effort from the majority to adapt to diversity and differences. As one who is often depicted as other by the mainstream society I live in, authentic leadership was what I always sought in any organisation where I have worked.

Sadly, authentic leadership is rear, like gold dust or fine wine. For someone from a minority ethnic background in the UK, it is what you instinctively crave from the school leadership team, but what you almost never fine. With the ever increasing rise in immigration in the UK and the US, the need for authentic leadership is more important than ever, especially for Black teachers striving to make a significant impact. As a lead teacher, I’ve experienced firsthand the power of leading with integrity, transparency, and a genuine sense of purpose. Authentic leadership goes beyond the classroom; it involves addressing inequality, building bridges between the community and the school, and creating grassroots programs that uplift poor and disadvantaged young people in particular. An authentic leader will create an ethos in the work place that will allow all groups and cultures to flourish regardless of differences.

Based on thirty years of experience teaching and leading in various roles, I believe that an authentic leader is a leader that leads from the heart. An authentic leader builds genuine relationships, foster trust and openness with their colleagues; the authentic leader is transparent. They guide with a sense of strong moral principles govern by a deep spiritual calling to the project they undertake in order to make meaningful impact within the community. A critical strength of an authentic leader is self-awareness. Therefore, an authentic leader must have a deep understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, values and emotions; the authentic leader is driven by failure, setbacks and challenges. They are the same today as yesterday; they are genuine in how they approach colleagues and the community. They celebrate difference and encourage risk-taking; they support innovation and creativity; they are the bearers of truth and project idealism towards the future.

One of the fundamental aspects of authentic leadership is the courage to promote and include? cultural relevance as part of the curriculum. By incorporating the histories, experiences, and contributions of diverse populations, especially those colonised and enslaved by Empire, we help students see themselves in their studies, fostering a sense of pride and identity. Most importantly, students must have the opportunity to learn authentic history, instead of the highly misrepresented view of world history currently being peddled in the national curriculum. This approach not only enhances academic engagement but also empowers students to embrace their heritage.

Being an authentic leader, is about being yourself and allowing others to be themselves. The authentic leader is a role model for those who aspire to lead or simply have a will to cultivate themselves to becoming a better human being. Serving as a mentor and role model is a critical component of my role as an authentic teacher. Authentic teachers provide students with visible examples of success and resilience, showing them that they can overcome obstacles and achieve greatness. The authentic leader understands the intersectionality of life and how these intersectional influences impacts on a colleague or student’s personality and beliefs. The classroom becomes a roadmap and a guide to navigate the world, instead of a static experience. By advocating for more representation of Black leaders in schools, we create a more dynamic, inclusive and supportive environment that benefits all students.

As an authentic leader I advocated for equitable policies and practices that ensure all students, particularly those from marginalised communities, have access to quality education and opportunities. This advocacy is not just about policy changes but also about creating a culture of equity and inclusion within my school. As an authentic leader it comes natural to you to think outside of the box in order to introduce innovative practices into the curriculum in order to support a diverse student body. This includes building strong connections with the communities that we serve. Authentic leaders understand the importance of community support in student success. By engaging with parents, local organisations, and community leaders, we create a network of support that extends beyond the classroom. This collaborative approach helps address the specific needs and challenges faced by our students.

Continuous personal and professional growth is at the heart of authentic leadership. Reflecting on your experiences and biases, striving to improve your teaching practices, and remaining open to feedback and new ideas are crucial for effective leadership. This commitment to growth ensures that you can better serve your students and communities. Leading with honesty and integrity builds trust and respect among students, colleagues, and the community. Being transparent about your values, beliefs, and decision-making processes fosters an environment of mutual respect and understanding, which is vital for creating a positive school culture. Collaboration with other educators, administrators, and stakeholders is essential for fostering a positive and inclusive school culture. Recognising the value of diverse perspectives and working together to achieve common goals enhances the overall educational experience for students.

In my role as a lead teacher, I’ve been committed to creating grassroots programs that address the plight of young Black boys. These programs focus on mentorship, academic support, and personal development, helping to bridge the gap between the community and the school. By engaging with students, parents, and community leaders, I have developed initiatives that provide young Black boys with the tools and support they need to thrive academically and personally.

Finally, authentic leadership in education is about more than just teaching; it’s about making a lasting impact on students’ lives and the community, supporting colleagues with clear understanding to the intersectional aspects and forces that shaped their identities. By embracing cultural relevance, mentorship, equity, community engagement, personal growth, transparency, and collaboration, we can create a more just and equitable educational system lead by authentic leaders. As a lead teacher, I am proud to be part of this journey, working to uplift and empower the next generation through authentic leadership. By embodying these principles, we can inspire and empower our students while contributing to the broader goal of creating a more just and equitable educational system. Let’s continue to lead with authenticity and make a difference in the lives of our students and communities.


Dwight Maxwell fCMgr BA Hon MFA的更多文章

