Embracing Age: Keep Going, Growing & Glowing !
Once a year, I celebrate that I am alive, I am lucky enough to live, I have come as far as today on this beautiful day. And for the next 364 days I live my life and forget my age. Some people are old at 18 and some are young at 90. Time is a concept that humans created. After all, age is just a number, but the way I live that number—that’s my choice.
With such a provoking thought on my recent birthday bash, I realised that, I have grown older to a certain extent.
I wanted to take this opportunity as an introspection, to look back by capturing all the bitter/sweet memories and learnings which would help me to evolve, shape up and get prepared for the uncertain future in a better way. Wanted to share couple of those intrusive thoughts, in a short summary.
You’re only as old, as you feel staying youthful is a choice. One’s age doesn’t affect the ability to accomplish tasks. A person can live life to the fullest, regardless of age. From the moment we are born, we begin to age which is quite inevitable and cannot be changed. However, reaching a certain age, doesn’t mean we become invisible. You're never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream as its never too late to start great. While the aging process cannot be stopped, we can influence how well we age, with a cheerful outlook.
Age is just a number, that’s all. Age is just a mindset & subjective!
A positive attitude and a healthy active lifestyle, can keep you young. Age is an issue of mind over matter, as long as you don't mind it doesn't matter. The chronological series of numbers don’t define who you are, what you have achieved, or what you can still accomplish. Ageing is a mentality enforcing, which requires a significant change of one's mindset. One can achieve anything at any age and there is nothing that can stop you, the only limitations are the ones you set for yourself. Like, Henry Ford rightly said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right". Those who are fearless and dare to become their truest version, will find a deeper purpose in life with no boundaries. As you grow older, if you don't move you won't move.
In today’s world, age card often places unnecessary pressure due to which individuals become too self-aware and conscious by tending to behave in a particular way, which affects their outward approach towards life in a negative way. In Indian society, people have a habit of defining everything using numbers, especially the number of age. Age is so and so, it’s time to get the person married. Divorced at the age of this, what will happen now? Age is such, yet there is no kid. Oh, your age is now this, yet you are not stable. Why so?
Well, my question is, why is it anybody’s concern if someone is not married, has a kid, or is not stable? Because, definitely, it is not any of your concern. More so, rather than the people in the family, it is the outsiders who are oh, so concerned about our well being.
Being in our twenties does not mean that it is time to settle down both in career and family. It does not mean that we cannot change our profession and come out flourishing. It does not mean that we need to copy other people of our age. There is no comparison, because at the end, age is just a number, which does not define the failures or success of our life. Adopting negative notions, could well increase the odds of poor health and depression.
The secret to enjoying and embracing life is by carrying a positive attitude, which helps to boost self-esteem and motivation levels significantly. Positive ageing refers to maintaining a constructive outlook towards life, staying healthy and fit, feeling good about oneself and engaging fully in life by leading a happy, healthy and independent lifestyle, which largely impacts both physical and emotional well-being.
Mantras for Positive mindset
1. Finding your Inner-self: Knowing inner self requires a high level of introspection, self-awareness and meditation. Know your purpose, values, vision, goals, motivations and beliefs; what you have discovered for yourself to create a life that is full of meaning, love and peace. The process of self-discovery never ends — it’s a life-long journey.
2. Maintain a healthy social-life: Spend time with like-minded friends to stay strong and healthy. Volunteering can give a sense of fulfilment, towards service for the community.
3. Do what makes you happy: Keep mind engaged in the pursuit of knowledge by practising hobbies such as yoga, exercise, travelling, photography, writing, painting, music etc. as they yield a sense of purpose, joy and improve cognitive abilities, while reaping all the benefits of lifelong learning— the possibilities are endless!.
4. Engage in physical activities: Studies show an efficacious interrelationship between exercising and mental health. Engaging in physical activities will help to maintain excellent emotional and mental well-being. Exercises are a great way to stay calm, active, reduce stress and to maintain strength and work-life balance.
5. Maintain healthy diet: Embrace by maintaining a healthy-balanced food diet, to improve overall well-being. Avoid any habits which can contribute to lower moods, especially when consumed too often.
6. Stay positive: Learn to think happy thoughts, practice gratitude and only stay around people who will uplift mood. Maintain optimism, keep a sense of humour and avoid negative thoughts.
7. Increased emotional intelligence: Experienced workers through a customer-centricity approach, bring a huge amount of invaluable knowledge and wisdom, which cannot be taught. Experienced workers in a team, increase the overall team productivity with their increased knowledge, expertise and emotional quotient.
Few of the tips mentioned above will help you embrace getting older, by living life to the fullest without feeling limited and to accept the fact that it’s never too late to change your life. You need skills and have to work hard at your dreams to achieve them!
At age 30, Jeff Bezos founded Amazon.
At age 30, Erling Persson founded H&M.
At age 35, William Procter founded Procter & Gamble.
At age 35, William Boeing founded Boeing.
At age 35, Mark Benioff founded Salesforce.
At age 36, J.C. Jacobson founded Carlsberg.
At age 36, Namibei Odaira founded Hitachi.
At age 36, Reid Hoffman founded LinkedIn.
At age 36, Rowland Macy founded Macy’s.
At age 37, Milton Hersey founded Hersey’s.
At age 38, Hugo boss founded Hugo Boss.
At age 38, Musaru Ibuka founded Sony.
At age 39, Cher Wang founded HTC.
At age 39, Amancio Ortega founded Zara.
At age 39, Gordon Moore founded Intel.
At age 39, Liu Chuanzhi founded Lenovo.
At age 40, Henry Ford founded Ford Motors.
At age 40, Gustaf Larson founded Volvo.
At age 42, Sochiro Honda founded Honda.
At age 43, Henry Royce founded Rolls Royce.
At age 44, Sam Walton founded Walmart.
At age 48, Adolf Dassier founded Adidas.
At age 51, Chung JuYung founded Hyundai Motors.
At age 51, Gordon Bowker founded Starbucks.
At age 52, Henry Nestle founded Nestle.
At age 56, Ferdinand Porsche founded Porsche.
At age 59, Kawasaki Shozo founded Kawasaki.
At age 61, Charles Flint founded IBM.
At age 65, Colonel Sanders founded KFC.
To conclude, age is not an indicator of potential, performance, skill, or anything else for that matter. It’s about time, we have all recognised that. We are all getting older, and we are all blessed to have longer lives ahead of us, so let’s try and make a positive change now - so that we can make the world we live and work in a better place to both grow older in and succeed in for future generations.
It’s entirely up to us how we live today and days to come. Either perceive aging as a daunting process or choose to cherish every moment and relish the freedom of choice. Celebrate the journey and the wisdom gained along the way. You're the sole curator of joy, having the power to shape your life and stay true to yourself, regardless of what others think or the doubts that creep into you mind. Don’t let them interfere with the pure, exquisite joy and privilege of being alive right now, in a world bursting with endless possibilities. A world where there is so much you want to achieve, so many things you don’t want to leave undone and so many experiences you want to taste.
In this vast world, there is room for exploration, learning, and growth, regardless and because of, your age. Each day presents an opportunity to pursue dreams and push beyond the limits. Don’t allow fear or self-imposed limitations to hold you back. Instead, revel in the freedom to embrace your true self and wholeheartedly pursue passions.
The fact is, age and its corresponding number, are merely signposts on the map of life—a reminder of the remarkable journey we embarked upon with the moment of our birth. It’s up to each of us to infuse each step with purpose and meaning, celebrating the small victories and embracing the grand adventures. Choose to fully embrace the sheer brilliance of existence and make the most of every single moment.
Count your age by friends, not years and your life by smiles, not tears. It's not how long you live, but how well. In every single moment, do what you like, live with your passion by being yourself.
Day by day you're not getting old, you're getting better. Each day as you grow, try to make a better version of yourself by hoping for the best and preparing for the worst.
Mashaqqat karo itni, Ke kabhi dua ka iraada labon par na aaye,
Taqdir bhi khud hi chal ke, Tumhaare samne khadi nazar aaye!
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