Embracing & adapting to a WFH model
Naseem Mohajer
Forward Thinking Event Specialist | Expert in Strategic Event Execution & Stakeholder Engagement | AI Whisperer | LGBC, CSM
A few key elements to consider and take time to reflect on, gain new insight that may support you in embracing and adapting to a WFH model.
First and foremost, mental health. A crucial element for us all right now. Find your way to balance your busy brain, and take the time to slow down and touch base with your emotions and feelings. Check the post https://bit.ly/3cdYGms by Reenu Sahore, Executive Life Coach from May 27 by to get tips on how to find your balance between mental health and business progress.
Here, I aim to shed light on new ways to think about your business strategy so that you can focus on the optimism of the WFH model as you start to embrace and adapt. Let’s be honest, this is the new normal and many companies are setting the trend by adapting their businesses to full-time WFH. It is time to think out of the box and focus on the positive effects this new normal will have on your business and its future.
1. Talent, speed or both! consider using the work from home model to your advantage, seek to re-strategize by finding the best talent despite the location of the candidate. Is getting things done twice as fast important? Then hire teams in different Hemispheres, this gives the flexibility to ensure you have around the clock support and services to your target audience.
2. Encourage personal and professional development: connect with your team to better understand their individual needs and where they see themselves developing within your business and beyond. Take this time to be the backbone your team needs to push through this difficult period with you! Your team is the assets of your business, so work on improving morale and empowering them to excel and support you through your journey. Find free or paid opportunities that you can extend to your team. Getting them engaged and involved to develop their skills will help your business grow.
3. Humane interactions: be real, be raw and be you! Develop social media posts and content for your clients and target audience. Create content that helps them connect with you and your brand! Sharing free information and support, genuinely interested to check in with your clients, surprise gifts with orders, etc. These are a few things that will really establish an authentic and consistent identity setting you apart in the saturated business market!
4. Communication tools: work hours are irrelevant now, the WFH flexibility will increase moral and create loyal employees who will help drive your business forward. It is crucial to find the best solutions for you and your team to be able to connect and communicate efficiently. Find what works for you and make this a priority to roll out among your team!
5. Creatures of habit: we fall into the trap of doing the same thing the same way and most times, without realizing it. Take this time to shift your habits, who knows you may come up with a brilliant new idea to drive your business forward! Try different things like getting a white board to create a weekly calendar on where you schedule blocks of time for various tasks, waking up an extra 2 hours earlier, taking a break for a walk or meditation to re-align your focus, integrating a 20 min morning review of world business/entrepreneurship/marketing news etc. Find what works for you!
This list can go on, looking forward to hearing your insight and what you may add to this!
#bereal #beyou #stayfocused #thinkoutofthebox #innovateforchange