Embrace Your Season
Pastor Fekadu
Hello LinkedIn Community! ?? I believe, "Every believer is a missionary and the work we do is a mission work. Join me to make a difference in your community!"
Are you frustrated about your current circumstance? Be Encouraged, Your season is coming.
The creator of all universe, designed seasons, not just for the nature to operate, but also for your life. Here is what the word of God says “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.” Genesis 8:22
You might be asking, praying, waiting “Why, God?” But He’s saying, “Be Encouraged!, “I’m still in control.”
Everything in life, it’s just about the season
You might be dealing with one thing or the other, be encouraged. Bright day is coming, your seasons is shifting. Not just the natural, but also the Spiritual. When summer is giving the place to fall (Autumn), just know your seasons is shifting too.
The question is are you willing to hear him? he is speaking to you, right now when you are reading this. He’s saying “Do you really, love me more than what I gave you?” “Are you willing to worship me, in low places? “Do you still serve me, if I don’t answer your questions?”
Tell Him, who HE is to you, while Embracing your seasons