Embrace Your Inner Genius and Get Out of the Way

Embrace Your Inner Genius and Get Out of the Way

Stepping onto the business battlefield is like becoming a contestant in a nerve-wracking, high-stakes game show. One of the key trials you'll face is finding that shiny, golden buzzer of self-realisation - deciphering your Genius.

So you’ve finally started your business empire, and bam! Suddenly, you’re surrounded by an avalanche of advice, directions, and opinions, hurling towards you from every side. Some will be as helpful as a chocolate teapot, others will be golden nuggets. Either way, finding your genius and pinpointing where your skills fit like a jigsaw piece is your secret key to business stardom.

As the new star of your team, you might find yourself tapping into old moves from your previous corporate world. You've always been the best player, but now the ballgame has changed. Instead of scoring wins yourself, you're now coaching others to do it. Shifting from being a star player to a strategic coach can be as challenging as finding socks that match - but it's absolutely critical.

So, how can you morph from a 'doer' into a 'leader'?

  • Recognise that getting things done gives you a buzz - like a sugar hit from a jelly baby. But swap that quick candy fix for the wholesome satisfaction of seeing others succeed under your guidance.
  • Pin your leadership identity to your values. Pop quiz: what three words do you want people to say about your leadership style? Are you a micromanaging, quick-fire, expert kind of leader? Or do you prefer to run the show with patience, curiosity, and empowerment?
  • Practice the art of responding, not just reacting. Before you jump in with your superhero cape, ask yourself: Does my response reflect who I am and the leader I want to be?

It’s vital to remember, as painful as it may seem, that you’ve got to let your team stumble, tumble, and then learn to juggle. Yes, it can be as uncomfortable as sitting on a whoopee cushion in a silent room, but it's super important.

So, how can you turn discomfort into a tool for growth?

  • Label your emotions. It's a bit like going on a feelings safari. Spotting and naming your emotions can give you a clearer roadmap to deal with the wild beasts of the business jungle.
  • Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Think of it as a necessary part of the business workout. No pain, no gain, right?
  • See things differently. Try this mental swap: "I had to learn the hard way, and that's how I earned my stripes. I'm going to give my team the same chance to learn and grow."

Remember, if you want to go fast go alone, but if you want to go far go together. Don’t be a jack-of-all-trades and master of none. Building a solid empire requires a team, not just a solitary super hero. Rally your team and then step back - give them the space to strut their stuff.

When it comes to your external team, recognise they are there for a reason. Let your advisors take the wheel. Keep your eyes on the prize and be outcome-focused. Sure, you might be tempted to count the minutes and dollars, but remember, you hired these advisors for a result, not a timesheet.

By establishing clear roles, setting boundaries, and putting in place regular catch-ups, you're setting up a recipe for a scalable, profitable pie.

As the ringmaster of your business circus, your job is to ensure all acts perform flawlessly. Are your future plans crystal clear? Is there a budget target that everyone's aiming for? Is your brand's voice consistent and compelling? Are you holding your team accountable? Is your company's culture thriving? No matter if you're running a 2 person or 2,000 person team, being a ringmaster is much more than just cracking a whip.

Now go forth, embrace your genius, and let the music play. Your empire awaits!


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