Embrace your Hero.
If you could be anyone other than yourself, currently living, who would you be? Choose your top three people. What is it that attracts you to each of these people? What is it about their life that makes them enviable? Is it their character/personality, accomplishments, lifestyle? Look at your answers to these questions and see if there are common denominators.
What is it, if anything, that separates you from these people and the lives that you have selected? If you truly wished to assimilate a similar life, what would you need to do to make it happen? What in your own life is already similar to those that you selected?
Success or sabotage? Success is only achieved when you have reached clarity around its definition. What is demonstrative of success for you? How is it evaluated?
Is this going to be an incredible day? Emulate the day that you imagine for those you most admire; how would they spend their day?