“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” Jimmy Dean.
Life is filled with adversity, potholes, speed humps but it is our attitude that helps us overcome these challenges that make us who we are. Peace, happiness, and success are about the attitude we adopt. Our thoughts are contagious, the same way positive thoughts fill us with hope and optimism by producing mental images of success and happiness, negative thoughts fill us with despair, a feeling of hopelessness and unworthiness. Be positive in your thinking, be confident in your abilities and not even the sky will be your limit. Adopt a ‘yes I can’ attitude and nothing is impossible. Even the word ‘impossible’ says ‘I’m possible’. Confidence and positive thinking leave no room for regret in life. With a confident attitude you walk with a smile on your face and faith in your ability to handle the ‘winds’ that blow against you, it allows you to adjust to the change in tides without blowing you off course in panic. Being positive is a choice, the way you feel about yourself will reflect in the way you act, the way you act will impact the way people perceive you. Live by example and inspire others around you to transmit negative tendencies into positive thoughts. Take lessons from those who inspire you, those who fill their minds with positive upbeat thoughts. Only good things can come from building your blocks in life from positive conducive thoughts.
I am confident, I am assured, the world is my battlefield and I will conquer it armed with the force of my positive thinking.