Embrace the Unknown.

Embrace the Unknown.

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Success requires the risk of uncertainty, possible humiliation, and (dare I say it?) momentary failure. Sometimes, one wishes for predictable, calm waters where everything unfolds according to plan. This would eliminate the possibilities for personal growth and the reward of unexpected opportunities. Adventure, excitement, and vitality result from venturing where one has never traveled, embracing the unknown, and enjoying the "ride."

I invite you to consider living a life less ordinary. Rather than evaluating your success on results alone, what if you were to give yourself bonus points for the courage to risk something new?

Today, break the mold. Step outside your routine and walk a road you have yet to travel. Begin with the simple things that have become a matter of habit. Eat something different for breakfast, take a new route to work, go to a new and unusual restaurant for lunch, speak to a stranger--do the things that you would not ordinarily do. Live boldly, courageously, and without apology!

Success or sabotage? Are you willing to broaden your scope of success by stretching to new comfort levels?

Is this going to be an incredible day? Until you are willing to risk the "ruin" of the entire day, you will have no idea of the true potential and possibility.


