Embrace The Unknown
In this crazy world we live in, the one thing we can count on is uncertainty.
That can be scary for many of us. We’re driven and excel at what we do. We are used to making anything and everything happen. We want to know specific outcomes, at work and in our relationships. We want to control our future, have it wrapped up in a beautiful, blue Tiffany box.
So we stay in our comfort zone and don’t take risks. We avoid situations and relationships that make us feel vulnerable. Then one day, we wake up and our life feels beige and boring.
Who wants beige and boring?
The truth is, you don’t have to know the outcome for it to be a good one. Some of the best outcomes are those you don’t see coming! Let your intuition, not fear, be your guide. The unknown is just part of life.
Here are a few ways to strengthen your “living in the unknown” muscle:
Do something you’ve always wanted to do
Do something that scares or excites you
Do something you never thought you would do. I mean ever. Come on, I dare you.
Embrace the unexpected. It’s where infinite possibilities and magic reside.