Embrace the Unique
As we dress ourselves and our children up as something different today, be sure to remember and teach that our differences are what make us unique. They are not something to be feared but embraced. For in each difference is a different strength. Especially teach the kids this as they go forward in life, it's how we change the world.
This week the word is antisemitism, next week who knows. But instead of waiting for tragedy to invoke your inner feelings of oneness with others practice it each day. No matter color, creed, sexual preference or anything else, we all share a bond as human beings. It is up to us to stop these thoughts of different is dangerous or against us. No one chooses to be what God made us but we do have a choice between love and hate. Instead of going with the anti-racism flavor of the week, try love, acceptance, and see what you can learn from someone "different" you might be surprised. We can't control what others say or do but we do have the power of ourselves and this is what brings change to the world.
Happy Halloween everyone, everyone matters.