Embrace The Shake
Rebecca Lowrie
Helping spiritual explorers awaken to their full, true selves and most embodied presence.
One of my favourite TED talks is called Embrace The Shake.
It is an artist talking about how after years of doing pointillism, he developed RSI (repetitive strain injury) in his wrist and could no longer make dots.
He was devastated and gave up art for a long while.
Eventually, someone asked him why he'd given it up and he explained that he was a pointillist and the shake in his wrist meant that he could no longer make dots.
The very wise person said to him, 'Why don't you embrace the shake?'
Embrace the shake?
You can't make dots, but what CAN you make?
Intrigued, the artist set out to discover that.
At first, he made squiggle art because he could make squiggles.
Then he decided to actually create limits and make art with those limits.
So for example, he made a portrait of Bruce Lee using only the sides of his hands, like karate chops.
He made art by spitting out food onto a canvas.
My favourite was a piece he made by lighting tealights, one at a time, and filming it. When you watch the film, you see a portrait, but it never existed all at once because only one tealight was actually lit at a time.
I say all of this now for a reason...
I'm speaking to lots of men at the moment who are feeling all kinds of things about not being able to date, to find love and affection and hugs, etc due to Covid.
I know it's tough, heartbreaking sometimes.
However, what if you were to embrace the limitations that currently exist and do something with that?
Get curious about what IS possible.
This is the perfect opportunity to learn more about yourself as a sensual/sexual being.
It's the perfect opportunity to become aware that you don't know what you don't know and seek to find out new ways to experience pleasure, intimacy, connection and so on.
When we come back round to being able to embrace each other, to hug and kiss and make love, etc you will have grown and learned so much.
The journey to being an awesome, masterful lover starts with you.
There is no time like the present to get started.
Wanna find out what you don't know that you don't know about sexuality, sensuality, pleasure, intimacy and connection?
I'm ready when you are...?
Email me and tell me when you're ready at [email protected]