Embrace the rabbit hole...
It’s a stretch to call this “wisdom” as I’m not sure I qualify to dispense such…yet. That said, in this time of resolutions for a new year, here’s something to think about that struck me the other day as I was researching a few topics loosely aligned to a couple of separate personal and business projects I was working on…looking, meandering perhaps, for inspiration, but not expressly planning to do so at the time I started.
Don’t be afraid of the rabbit holes. Embrace them.
I found some insights and intriguing perspectives during my journeys through a few old memories, concert videos, songs, lyrics, photos, biographies and stories. In fact, though some were old and some were new, all ended up being quite relevant to my present mission – amazingly, after experiencing them. But it did take a little time to do so. Took me a bit off 'schedule'. But so glad I did.
Sharing this in a post for the New Year and aiming it beyond the personal to the business side as well: Yes, we've all (or many) read the books, taken the courses. We’ve heard about the importance of staying on task, never ‘wasting’ a moment, focusing on the objective at hand, keeping our goals top of mind, always having strategy and tactics firmly up-front in everything we do, every interaction we have, every sales call we make. That’s all fine and probably good for one’s organization, performance, career and resume. For awhile.
But occasionally delving into subjects, topics, interests that take our minds off, shift our focus from our present tasks – no matter how critical they might be defined and prioritized in our work/personal lives – might be instructive, even therapeutic, and sometimes lead us just where we were meant to go. A little message in our minds beckoning to us, as if saying “maybe there are some important things to think about right now that you didn’t know…were." Revelatory, maybe?
Don’t be afraid of the rabbit holes that draw you away, towards, down them from time to time. Consider - and embrace - the possibility that they are opening up to you for a reason.?
Happy New Year!