Embrace personal crisis as opportunity in disguise
I provide online business education... helping professional men launch/grow a side hustle business; to cure their financial anxiety, live with more passion/purpose, and create the income, lifestyle & freedom they desire.
Embrace personal crisis as opportunity in disguise and your life will flourish! In the Chinese language, crisis is represented by the symbols of danger and opportunity. For our purposes here, crisis is the sign you are alive and want more for your life. When you can see crisis in that way, you can use it as motivation pulling you toward a more magnificent life experience.
Problems are a sign of life. The only people who don’t have problems are six feet underground! Since you are reading this, it’s safe to assume you’re not in the morgue. And that means you will have a crisis at some point to resolve. The issues that come from crisis – the very things you think are holding you back – are what will catalyze you to go forward and become your most magnificent self.
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There are many middle-aged people all around the world embracing their personal crisis as an opportunity is disguise. They are frustrated employees not satisfied with their career, not living their passion, not living with freedom and flexibility to do what they want. Their life is full of missed opportunity to become the best version of themselves. Motivation to move out of crisis is accelerated when you hit the intersection of pain and urgency – where breaking into your best life is no longer optional… it is a must.
A crisis gets resolved at the intersection of pain and urgency
The pain comes from awakening one morning full of frustration, and realizing there has got to be more to life. In that moment, it hits full-force that you are living with emotional pain from lack – the scarcity of money, the limited free time, lack of quality time with family and not living your true passion. The sense of urgency comes from when you can’t take it anymore – you can’t go through another day feeling hopeless, trapped in an identity, lifestyle or career that is constraining, empty and/or inauthentic. You are charged by the awareness of time passing and the knowledge that you waste days – every day – with inaction. Time is running out.
At this intersection of pain and urgency, you feel the ultimate pressure to break through the B.S. (aka, Bull Shit Belief Systems – the fear and mental limitations) holding you back. You are ready to finally attack your opportunities, ultimately, leading to becoming the best version of yourself. That ‘next-level’ you will live the lifestyle of your dreams with freedom, abundance and happiness.
“Knowledge of the world is only to be acquired in the world, not in the closet.” – Lord Chesterfield, British statesman and diplomat
The happiest people are those who embrace personal crisis as opportunity
Even if you love your career and your life, you are not safe from future personal crisis. In this new economy, even the most talented people are being forced to redesign and re-engineer their futures. Many people have been or will be displaced from their job due to technology and artificial intelligence.
The people who will be happiest and most successful are the ones that realize they need a backup plan – they tap into their inner entrepreneur designing the life and business they love… pursuing the economic certainty and freedom they and their family deserve.
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” – Steve Jobs, Visionary and Co-Founder of Apple
What’s your personal crisis and how do you embrace it as opportunity?
Do you work a full-time job, feeling stressed out, zigging around with busy-ness, spinning your wheels hard and fast but going nowhere?
Do you feel stuck, and unfulfilled in your personal life, workplace, and/or career?
Are you out of work or stuck in part time positions that pays a low wage, or have taken a pay cut and need more income?
Do you have growing expenses, and rising debt that is taking a financial toll on you and your family?
Despite your challenges, are you pushing ahead and wanting to experience more and explore the world of entrepreneurship?
If you answered yes to any one of these questions, you could be in midlife crisis. Worse, you could be stuck in a mental chokehold that is paralyzing you in reaching to achieve more in your life.
You might want many things which causes stress because you are nowhere close to having them. One of those midlife desires may be to become your own boss at last and take a chance on that business dream to live your passion and create the income, lifestyle, and freedom you want on your terms. The number of new entrepreneurs aged 55 to 64 grew from 15% to 26% between 1996 and 2016, according to data from the Kauffman Foundation.
“At any moment, the decision you make can change the course of your life forever.” – Anthony Robbins, Personal Mastery teacher
Your call to action – embrace your crisis as opportunity
If you are an employee yearning to escape, I want to acknowledge the successful entrepreneur that’s inside you now, waiting to get out and thrive. I am committed to helping you harness your creativity and courage, learn new skills, and take the right steps for success. I am committed to sharing the gift of possibility with you as a seeker of life quality and freedom-preneuring.
I wish you success on your journey of embracing your crisis as opportunity in disguise and bust into your best life.
If you would like a free 30 minute coaching call about how to embrace your midlife crisis as an opportunity in disguise, please email me at [email protected] or text at 306-570-7321.
Be Wise . Be Wild .Be Free
Doug Howorko, Founder
ZAGGTIME Lifestyle Design